
Text layout and pretty printing, see the user documentation.
  • Class
    Re-ification of the combination strategy applied by the different subclasses of Format.Compound for combining their sub-formats.
    (1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
    Foreseen for data annotations.
    Prints contained sub-formats always horizontally adjacent.
    Prints its sub-formats vertically aligned one beneath the other.
    Prints all sub-formats directly adjacent, even if they are multi-line.
    Prints all sub-formats in the same line as long as possible, and starts a new line for every sub-format which would (probably) exceeded the page width.
    Variable identified by an index number, resolved by un-named arguments by counting their positions.
    Arranges all sub-formats with leading asterisks, like a javadoc comment.
    The base class for all formats which combine (= "contain") sub-formats.
    Realizes a map of bindings for a collection of Format.BoundVariables and Format.FreeVariables.
    Needed eg for case distinctions, when one alternative shall produce nothing.
    Central Visitor for formatted printing.
    Variable identified by a alphanumeric name which can be bound explicitly.
    Prints all sub-formats in the same horizional line if this is possible within the page width, otherwise it prints all sub-formats in one vertical line.
    Printed literally to the output.
    Printed literally to the output, but not included in width calculation.
    Base class for Visitor and Rewriter.
    Prints a format discarding all formatting.
    This format prints the "parens" format, if it is (directly or indirectly) contained in a Prior Format with a higher priority 'level" (numerically larger priority code).
    General purpose Rewriter
    Causes horizontal space (of variable width) when in the middle of a line, or one single blank line (independent of its width) when in vertical stack.
    Realizes one(1) line of a table, and prints sub-formats starting in the column indicated by the value of their Format.Compound.indent(int).
    Common base class for Format.FreeVariable and Format.BoundVariable
    General purpose Visitor
    A map-like store for formats with serialized resource backing store and on-demand computation.
    Collection of static factory and transformation methods for Formats.
    Implementor offers to be converted to a Format.