Uses of Package
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring,
with minimum typographic noise.
Umod main model class: This is the internal
model for the d2d text type definitions.
Umod main model class: This is a model for the
results of d2d text parsing.
Model for w3c XML DTDs, with preserved syntax.
Canonical model of a W3C DTD with evaluated semantics;
plus utility applications.
Text layout and pretty printing,
see the user documentation.
Tools to debug
expressionsGenerate format generating code (or formats dynamically) controlled by the
format description language.
Contains a few auxiliary methods which allow the compiler to
generate a strictly functional code.
Distribute applications made with metatools.
Abstract Syntax of LLJava, representing the byte code instructions, the
objects which contain byte code, and the attributes specific to byte code
Mirror of Java reflection: Build java sources as object models.
Support *MU*lti *LI*ngual user interfaces by advanced translation look-up,
incremental deserialization, etc.
Command line parser and graphical user input generated from
one abstract description of programming options, incl data types
and multi-lingual descriptions.
Generates typed models of XML documents,
meta-tools TDOM user documentation.
Abstract syntax of the tpath language, realized as a umod model.
Type checking for tpath expressions.
Compiler for data models, from a concise mathematical oriented language into
Utility classes for XML.
txsl = typed xslt 1.0 interpreter with "fragmented validation".
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescriptionRe-ification of the combination strategy applied by the different subclasses of
for combining their sub-formats.(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Placeholder for data annotations.Prints contained sub-formats always horizontally adjacent.Prints its sub-formats vertically aligned one beneath the other.Prints all sub-formats directly adjacent, even if they are multi-line.Prints all sub-formats in the same line as long as possible, and starts a new line for every sub-format which would (probably) exceeded the page width.Variable identified by an index number, resolved by un-named arguments by counting their positions.Arranges all sub-formats with leading asterisks, like a javadoc comment.The base class for all formats which combine (= "contain") sub-formats.Realizes a map of bindings for a collection ofFormat.BoundVariable
s andFormat.FreeVariable
s.Needed eg for case distinctions, when one alternative shall produce nothing.Central Visitor for formatted printing.Variable identified by a alphanumeric name which can be bound explicitly.Prints all sub-formats in the same horizional line if this is possible within the page width, otherwise it prints all sub-formats in one vertical line.Printed literally to the output.Printed literally to the output, but not included in width calculation.Base class for Visitor and Rewriter.This format prints the "parens" format, if it is (directly or indirectly) contained in a Prior Format with a higher priority 'level" (numerically larger priority code).Causes horizontal space (of variable width) when in the middle of a line, or one single blank line (independent of its width) when in vertical [__] FIXME DOK FEHLT, NEVER TESTED !?!? NEVER USED !?!?Realizes one(1) line of a table, and prints sub-formats starting in the column indicated by the value of theirFormat.Compound.indent(int)
.Common base class forFormat.FreeVariable
General purpose VisitorImplementor offers to be converted to aFormat
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Placeholder for data annotations.Variable identified by an index number, resolved by un-named arguments by counting their positions.The base class for all formats which combine (= "contain") sub-formats.Needed eg for case distinctions, when one alternative shall produce nothing.Variable identified by a alphanumeric name which can be bound explicitly.Printed literally to the output.Printed literally to the output, but not included in width calculation.Base class for Visitor and Rewriter.This format prints the "parens" format, if it is (directly or indirectly) contained in a Prior Format with a higher priority 'level" (numerically larger priority code).Causes horizontal space (of variable width) when in the middle of a line, or one single blank line (independent of its width) when in vertical [__] FIXME DOK FEHLT, NEVER TESTED !?!? NEVER USED !?!?General purpose Visitor
ClassDescriptionRe-ification of the combination strategy applied by the different subclasses of
for combining their sub-formats.(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class. -
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Placeholder for data annotations.Base class for Visitor and Rewriter.General purpose RewriterImplementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a
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ClassDescription(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.Implementor offers to be converted to a