Uses of Interface

Packages that use MessageReceiver
CLI tool to construct the initial skeleton of files and folders required for a user project with metatools and gnu make.
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring, with minimum typographic noise.
Umod main model class: This is the internal model for the d2d text type definitions.
Meaning: Data model for documents conforming to xhtml 1.0 strict.
Model for w3c XML DTDs, with preserved syntax.
Canonical model of a W3C DTD with evaluated semantics; plus utility applications.
Generate format generating code (or formats dynamically) controlled by the format description language.
Utility functions for Swing GUI interaction and for graphics: drawing and coordinate calculation.
Utility functions for GUI user interaction, using MuLi internationalization.
Distribute applications made with metatools.
Evaluation, statistics and renderings of bandm lab log format.
Meaning: Created from d2d definition module lablog$expanded at 2025-03-02_12h00m51.
Abstract Syntax of LLJava, representing the byte code instructions, the objects which contain byte code, and the attributes specific to byte code classes.
Messages and positions in documents, see the user documentation.
Meaning: Source format for multi lingual support.
Command line parser and graphical user input generated from one abstract description of programming options, incl data types and multi-lingual descriptions.
Meaning: Source format for the Option compiler, for command line parsing, GUI input, generation of documentation, etc.
Runtime library for generated option processing code: building blocks for parsing and GUI.
Framework for simple recursive-descend parsers.
Generates typed models of XML documents, see meta-tools TDOM user documentation.
Contains base and auxiliary classes for code generated by tdom.
A DocumentClient implementation for W3C Dom.
Infrastructure for evaluating tpath expressions.
Type checking for tpath expressions.
Compiler for data models, from a concise mathematical oriented language into Java.
Utility classes for file handling and IO.
Utility classes for XML.
Ubiquitously needed auxiliary classes which need the package.
Versatile export of ASTs recognized by antlr as SAX events, cf user documentation.
Runtime classes for the xantlr parser.
Glueing code supporting different standard use cases of tdom, xantlr and both.
txsl = typed xslt 1.0 interpreter with "fragmented validation".