Utility functions for Swing GUI interaction and for graphics: drawing and coordinate calculation.
ClassDescriptionDescends awt structures, i.e.Utility class for low-level inquiries on AWT windows etc.Auxiliary class to open a particular URI in a window of the user's standard browser.Utility class of static methods.Provides static methods for more complex drawings.Provides static methods for geometrical calculationsCreates a two-diemnsional clickable visualisation of a rooted directed graph.LayoutGrid<D>Base class for layout algorithms which try to place visual representations of graph nodes automatically into a grid of rows and columns.A grid layouter which tries a most compact arrangements of nodes, ruled by generations.Needed for the contents of the option arguments JPanel.Worker for transparently executing code which accesses swing resources.Makes a swing "tree" gui representation for a graph of Java objects.Collection of small static utility functions.SwingTools.EnumComboBox<E extends Enum<E>>Distributes tool tip text to all sub-components.Execute background process in a Swing context on a dedicated thread.SyntaxGraph<T>Deprecated.Central class for incremental dialog with the user, with protocolling.Listener/auxiliary class which opens a file chooser whenever a text input field is focused which needs a file path / uri, etc.Supplies escape codes for modifying the appearance of subsequent text on a "VT-100" terminal, which is a widely used standard.FlowLayout subclass that fully supports wrapping of components.