Utility classes for file handling and IO.
ClassDescriptionIntput Stream which allows to read single bits sequentially.Output Stream which allows to write single bits sequentially.Gets file names from command line or a very primitive interactive GUI inputSubclass which uses a File for input.Static methods for file name analysis and manipulation.Creates a javax swing JTree object which represents the structure of a given sub-tree in a file system.Applies visitor style pattern to file system trees.Installable<T>Store a reference to an object that may be created at runtime or serialized as a resource.Print writer which flushes the unerlying output stream after each print.Prints only the n first characters and igores the rest.Subclass which uses a Reader for input.Maps an input file name to an output file name according to a very simple pattern rule inspired by "patsubst" from "make".Organizes a collection of places where to look for resources (=input files).Utility class of static methods for frequently needed operations on stream/reades/writers etc.Converts all characters read to lower or to upper.