Uses of Class

Packages that use NamespaceName
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring, with minimum typographic noise.
Umod main model class: This is the internal model for the d2d text type definitions.
Meaning: Data model for documents conforming to xhtml 1.0 strict.
Canonical model of a W3C DTD with evaluated semantics; plus utility applications.
Meaning: Created from d2d definition module lablog$expanded at 2025-03-02_12h00m51.
Meaning: Source format for multi lingual support.
Meaning: Source format for the Option compiler, for command line parsing, GUI input, generation of documentation, etc.
Generates typed models of XML documents, see meta-tools TDOM user documentation.
Contains base and auxiliary classes for code generated by tdom.
A DocumentClient implementation for W3C Dom.
Infrastructure for evaluating tpath expressions.
Type checking for tpath expressions.
Utility classes for XML.
Runtime classes for the xantlr parser.
txsl = typed xslt 1.0 interpreter with "fragmented validation".