Uses of Class
Prototypical realization of the "TabStaff+" design for
notating Tactie User Interfaces (TUIs) like the "Ableton Push",
as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.
All fundamental entities for modeling music.
Composition project which translates polyphonic sequences of abstract
"hook signs" (="Haken" = "hkn") into scores for different instruments, like
Viola, Voice, electronic sound synthesis or abstract graphical movies; see
the project documentation (in German).
Top-level data structures, modelling different score formats, combining the
entities defined in lower level packages.
Generic and low level data types and transformation algorithms,
to be used by very different applications of the
framework.Umod main model class: Generic score model for
denotating time-based sequences of arbitrary events.
Uses of TpTop in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionDlaute.tp2duration
Maps top time points to their (nominal) duration.Dlaute.tp2position
Maps top time points to their (nominal) position = sum of all preceding durations.Dlaute.tpTops
Top time points in score order. -
Uses of TpTop in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected TpTop
The very first time point object of the score.protected TpTop
The very first time point of the score.protected TpTop
The very last time point object of the score.protected TpTop
The very last time point of the input score.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionFeldmanVisual.leftStart
The measure start just below or equal to the start of the event
Maps bar numbers / measure numbers to tscore top-level time points.Generate_1.numericName2tpTop
Maps bar numbers / measure numbers to tscore top-level time points, as parsed by the input.FeldmanVisual.rightEnd
The measure start just above or equal to the end of the event
Inverse ofFeldmanProjection_n.numericName2tpTop
Inverse ofGenerate_1.numericName2tpTop
Central translation from measure numbers (1-based) to rational time stamps (0-based) -
Uses of TpTop in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final SortedMap
<BigDecimal, TpTop> Tabstaff.decimal2tpTop
Parser for the measure SortedMap
<BigDecimal, TpTop> TabstaffAccordic.decimal2tpTop
(package private) final Map
<TpTop, BigDecimal> Tabstaff.tpTop2decimal
Inverse ofTabstaff.decimal2tpTop
.(package private) final Map
<TpTop, BigDecimal> TabstaffAccordic.tpTop2decimal
Inverse ofTabstaffAccordic.decimal2tpTop
. -
Uses of TpTop in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionMTreeCollector.topTps
List of all time points to parse.protected final Map
<TpTop, BigDecimal> MTreeCollector.tp2barnum
Input data, linking the top time points to bar numbers / measure numbers.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionATTENTION, only toTops are allowed in which an EVENT is defined! All other measures are NOT expanded above!Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox vox) Is called after parsing, when all primary information is parsed and stored to internal maps, for distributing information, consistency checks and preparing the result collections.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox vox) Is called after parsing, when all primary information is parsed and stored to internal maps, for distributing information, consistency checks and preparing the result collections.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox mainVox) first step: every metrum name must have a preceding definition: check and expand.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox mainVox) first step: every metrum name must have a preceding definition: check and expand.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox globalVoice, Vox vox) Distribute a local metric definition in "mtrees" to any subsequent measure (only those which have a TpTop-Event!), as long as it is "running".void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox globalVoice, Vox vox) Distribute a local metric definition in "mtrees" to any subsequent measure (only those which have a TpTop-Event!), as long as it is "running".ModifierConstructorDescriptionMTreeCollector
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, String paramNameMTree, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum) Constructor for the user.MTreeCollector
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, String paramNameMTree, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum) Constructor for the user. -
Uses of TpTop in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionScore_hkn.barnum2tp
Inverse ofScore_hkn.tp2barnum
, as usual in tscore raw parsing.Score_hkn.tp2barnum
Map of numeric entries in tne tsore "T" line to their text, as usual in tscore raw parsing. -
Uses of TpTop in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionScore_cwn.firstTp
The very first time point of the score.Score_cwn.lastTp
The very last time point of the score.Modifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final SortedMap
<BigInteger, TpTop> Formplan_fuge.barnum2tp
Evident(package private) final SortedMap
<Duration_calendaric, TpTop> SvgSource.caldur2tp
Inverse of the MapSvgSource.tp2caldur
.final SortedMap
<BigDecimal, TpTop> Score_cwn.decimal2tpTop
Maps bar numbers / measure numbers to tscore top-leve time points.(package private) final SortedMap
<Tuple2<Integer, BigDecimal>, TpTop> MlWorat.satzTakt2tp
Inverse ofMlWorat.tp2satzTakt
.(package private) final Map
<TpTop, BigInteger> Formplan_fuge.tp2barnum
Evident(package private) final Map
<TpTop, Duration_calendaric> SvgSource.tp2caldur
Maps the score top-level time points to calendaric ("physical") duration values.(package private) final Map
<TpTop, Tuple2<Integer, BigDecimal>> MlWorat.tp2satzTakt
Maps tscore Tp objects to pairs of movement number and measure number.(package private) final Map
<TpTop, BigDecimal> Score_cwn.tpTop2decimal
Inverse ofScore_cwn.decimal2tpTop
. -
Uses of TpTop in eu.bandm.tscore.base
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic TpTop
(Tp tp) Returns the highest TpTop lower or equal to the given Tp.static TpTop
(Tp tp) Returns the lowest TpTop higher or equal to the given Tp.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V> void
(Part p, Map<TpTop, V> values) DOCMEstatic Rational
Central function for translating abstract tp values into numeric values by calculating an equi-distant sub-division recursively.static Rational
(Function<TpTop, Rational> tptop2rat, Map<Tp, Rational> cache, Tp tp, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Map<Rational, Tp> rat2tp) Translates abstract tp values into numeric values and maintains a second, backward cache.static Rational
(Function<TpTop, Rational> tptop2rat, Map<Tp, Rational> cache, Tp tp, Multimap<Rational, Tp> rat2tp) Translates abstract tp values into numeric values and maintains a second, backward cache.static Rational
(Function<TpTop, Rational> tptop2rat, Map<Tp, Rational> cache, Tp tp, Map<Rational, Tp> rat2tp) Translates abstract tp values into numeric values and maintains a second, backward cache.static Rational
(Function<TpTop, Rational> tptop2rat, Map<Tp, Rational> cache, Tp tp, Map<Rational, Tp> rat2tp) Translates abstract tp values into numeric values and maintains a second, backward cache.static Rational
Returns the distance of the given Tp to the next left TpTop, which is in many cases its relative position in a measure, or sim.static <T> void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Modifiers modifiers, Part part, Map<TpTop, T> values, SortedMap<T, TpTop> representatives, Translet.Parser<T> parser, @Opt Function3<Comparator<? super T>, T, T, @Opt String> check_oneLine, @Opt Function3<Comparator<? super T>, T, T, @Opt String> check_twoLines) Parse all TpTops into some internal numeric format "T" and store them.static <T> void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Modifiers modifiers, Part part, Map<TpTop, T> values, SortedMap<T, TpTop> representatives, Translet.Parser<T> parser, @Opt Function3<Comparator<? super T>, T, T, @Opt String> check_oneLine, @Opt Function3<Comparator<? super T>, T, T, @Opt String> check_twoLines) Parse all TpTops into some internal numeric format "T" and store them. -
Uses of TpTop in eu.bandm.tscore.model
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CheckedList
<CheckedList<TpTop>> Part.tlines
The input lines starting with "T" and giving the top time points.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":62.7-63.7, see this pretty print.)
The type of this field isCheckedList
Its value defaults to an empty collection.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTpTop.doclone()
Clones this object.__SAX_Parser.fill_TpTop
(Object res) Copies values of all common fields from the argument.__SAX_Parser.matchSAX_TpTop()
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPart.get_tlines()
The input lines starting with "T" and giving the top time points.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":62.7-63.7, see this pretty print.)
Generated getter method.protected CheckedList
<TpTop> __SAX_Parser.parse_5()
protected CheckedList
<CheckedList<TpTop>> __SAX_Parser.parse_6()
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
(TpTop e0) void
(TpTop newobj) void
(TpTop newobj) protected void
protected void
protected void
(TpTop e0) protected Format
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CheckedList<CheckedList<TpTop>> val) The input lines starting with "T" and giving the top time points.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":62.7-63.7, see this pretty print.)
Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.