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All pages: introduction message/location/muli format dtd xantlr tdom ops paisley metajava umod option auxiliaries d2d downloads & licenses people bibliography APPENDICES:: white papers white papers 2 white papers 3 project struct proposal SOURCE:option.dtd SOURCE:dtd.umod DOC:deliverables.ddf DOC-DE:deliverables.ddf DOC:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-DE:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-EN:lablog.ddf SOURCE:basic.dd2 DOC:xslt.ddf SOURCE:xslt.dd2 DOC:meta.ddf [site map]

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paisley, a Light-Weight Pattern Matching Library

(related API documentation: package paisley   )

1          Purposes and Principles

^ToC 1 Purposes and Principles

The Paisley package is a library for light-weight pattern matching in Java. It is named after the famous British/colonial flower pattern.

We do not yet have a comprehensive chapter here in this user doc, but there are the (nearly complete) API docs, there is the conceptual article [paisleyAtps], which can be downloaded here, and the slides of our talk on the ICMT 2012 conference.

Additionally, there is a zip file with two(2) instructive examples and the binary of the Paisley library which you can download from the download and demo page.

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