Definitions, sorted by source modules :
This is an automatically generated documentation page. It is part of the d2d user documentation of the BandM metatools meta programming and compiler construction toolkit.
This file documents the instantiated version of the module, where all rewritings and insertions are expanded. This shows how parsing really works. When many files are involved, their uninstantiated documentation may be more helpful for a survey.
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : note
Source is at SYSTEM "":42.3-65
Xml tagging is {}ACCEPTED
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : note
Source is at SYSTEM "":42.3-65
Xml tagging is {}CLOSED
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : note
Source is at SYSTEM "":42.3-65
Xml tagging is {}FIXED
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : note
Source is at SYSTEM "":42.3-65
Xml tagging is {}REOPENED
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : note
Source is at SYSTEM "":42.3-65
Xml tagging is {}WONTFIX
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : note
Source is at SYSTEM "":42.3-65
Xml tagging is {}WORKSFORME
[ author @ident], ('+', [ author @ident])*
Used in : docmat -- issue -- note
Source is at SYSTEM "":22.3-59
Xml tagging is {}authors
Source is at SYSTEM "":32.3-21
Xml tagging is {}costs
@dez, @dez, @dez, @dez, @dez, @dez, @dez, @dez
Used in : docmat -- issue -- note
Source is at SYSTEM "":29.3-53
Xml tagging is {}date
STR.kind?, STR.E.X.lang?, (#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image | STR.LI.list | STR.TA.table | STR.footnote | STR.footnotemark | STR.footnotetext)* | (STR.p | STR.source)+
Used in : issue
Source is at SYSTEM "":34.3-44
Xml tagging is {}desc
'0' .. '9'
Used in : costs -- date -- prior
Source is at SYSTEM "":28.3-20
Xml tagging is {}dez
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit name, authors, date, reference* , (STR.p | STR.source)*
Source is at SYSTEM "":36.3-82
Xml tagging is {}docmat
(issue | docmat | package)*
Source is at SYSTEM "":7.3-50
Xml tagging is {}entries
('a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' | '.')+
Source is at SYSTEM "":21.3-62
Xml tagging is {}ident
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit name, authors, date, prior, costs, desc, note*
Source is at SYSTEM "":14.3-71
Xml tagging is {}issue
Used in : docmat -- issue -- package
Source is at SYSTEM "":24.3-17
Xml tagging is {}name
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit authors, date, (ACCEPTED | FIXED | CLOSED | WONTFIX | WORKSFORME | REOPENED)?, prior?, costs?, (STR.p | STR.source)*
Used in : issue
Source is at SYSTEM "":39.3-41.45
Xml tagging is {}note
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit name, (issue | docmat)*
Used in : entries
Source is at SYSTEM "":9.3-58
Xml tagging is {}package
Source is at SYSTEM "":31.3-18
Xml tagging is {}prior
('a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' | '.' | '/' | ':')+
Used in : docmat
Source is at SYSTEM "":26.3-78
Xml tagging is {}reference
This module is the central starting point for all our current applications of d2d, and a convenient starting point for any user. It contains (a) sub-modules and (b) functional libraries.
The sub-modules are listed the beginning of this file. Their sequential order in the source file is bottom-up in complexity: the very first sub-modules define infra-structure (like set); the middle ones model different organizations of text (starting with inlineElements); at the end these are combined to a complete text corpus architecture (starting with structure).
The modules are in very different state of development: Some of them are fully operative (like citation); others are operative, but utmost simple (like simpleLists); few are currently not employed at all, but only for demonstrative purpose (like personal_names_de);
Xslt code is currently (20150423) only given into xhtml_1_0, and into source files for different processors, allowing to embed the graphical output of lilypond, musixtex and LaTeX source directly. This is supported by the module interDocuments together with a dedicated Makefile system.
The xslt code in the following modules assumes some procedures (for string
and file name manipulation, etc.) to be provided by the basic library
On the other side of the scale it assumes that the top-level module,
which finally plugs all the sub-modules together, provides also some global
services like a template with name "muliDefault", to find the translation into
the selected language, and some parameter definitions, which have default values
depending on the top-level intentions ($user.p_kind_filter, GEHT ABER DOCHNICHT ZURZEITetc.)
((FIXME The basic lib could be moved HERE, as an inline code.))
((FIXME The muliDefault could be moved from top-level to lowest level (REALLY?) ))
A citation is a reference to a bibliographic entry,
plus possibly a location indication ("pg 12 to 13").
CURRENTLY both is free text, only excluding the delimiter "!".
Every cite is rendered as a xhtml link to the bibliographic entry.
This is assumed to be in the same file, OR in the file given by
the stylesheet parameter "$user.bibLocation".
STR.BIB.key ~ ('!' ~ [ locus (@STR.BIB.S.all - '!')~+ ] ~ '!')?
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":1098.5-58
Xml tagging is {}a:cite
The identifier for a bibliographic entry.
This could be replaced by something more restricted, like
"alpha~+ ~ digit~*". The key must appear in the bib entry and
in all cite-elements. When using this standard rendering script
it is also immediately the visible representation of the citation/link.
This is a signficant difference to BibTex, and could of course be
done differently by some more elaborated rendering script.
(STR.E.S.ascii_alpha U '-'U'_' U STR.E.S.decimalDigit)~+
Used in : cite
Source is at SYSTEM "":1086.5-56
Xml tagging is {}a:key
This module contains semantic (and a few physical) elements/text particles. Most of them can appear in every context. This module must be instantiated with the contents for emphasizing.
Something emphasized.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image)*
Used in : desc -- ITSELF recursively! -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":344.5-32
Xml tagging is {}a:emph
Such a label binds an identifier to that certain location of the text body
where itself happens to appear.
By setting the swich $user.showlabels="yes", these labels and others
will be printed in the output, for proof reading.
Putting a label is possible nearly anywhere. If it is in the middle of
some text flow, it just marks this special text position.
But if it is in a structured object, e.g. the caption of a diagram,
its meaning is possibly referring to this diagram.
This interpretation and the way a reference is generated may depend on
the "ref" elements.
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- list -- p -- source -- table -- td -- link.text -- th -- tr -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":366.5-22
Xml tagging is {}a:label
Draws three low dots surrounded by spaces.
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":362.5-18
Xml tagging is {}a:ldots
Forces a line break, but not a new paragraph.
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":358.5-15
Xml tagging is {}a:nl
Title of an opus, a work of art, or any product, (This is a candidate for replacement with some more sophisticated, parser based definition.) Our standard to_xhtml_1_0 script renders it to a span/class=opus, which normally results in slanted small caps.
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":632.5-17
Xml tagging is {}a:opus
Personal name. (This is a candidate for replacement with some more sophisticated, parser based, but locale specific definition.) Our standard to_xhtml_1_0 script renders it to a span/class=pers, which normally results in small caps.
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":622.5-17
Xml tagging is {}a:pers
Name of its author and name of an opus. Behaves like the sequence of #pers and #opus. Any separation char must be appended to the former.
[ ppers (STR.BIB.S.all - '!')* ] ~ "!" ~ [ popus (STR.BIB.S.all - '!')* ] ~ "!"
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":641.5-76
Xml tagging is {}a:persop
Refering is possible nearly anywhere. Mostly it is to a label.
A hyper-ref link will be generated and its textual appearance will be constructed
automatically. There are many different strategies, eg. generating
text like "in this list" or "in section 2.1.2 (TITLE OF THE SECTION)".
These strategies are selectable and respect the current base language
of the text.
(This is achieved by calling the named template "muliDefault", which
makes translations into the "default" language.)
The implementation of each rendering strategy starts always
with the Xslt template matching "a:ref" and works as follows:
The text for sections, chapters, parts etc. is constructed to
Abschnitt 17.3.1 ("<title-of-the section>") ^ ^ iff user.refTitle=='inline' ^ (otherwise it may be rendered as toolTip) ^ translated to doc's default language |
"floatings" are identified by their genuine reference mechanism.
"lists", "list points", "tables" and "table rows" by counting relative to the
nearest "container", which is a list, a table, a floating, a section, etc.
Iff reference and label are in a common container (list, table, or
lowest level section), this part of the reference text
is abbreviated to "this list"/"this table"/"this section", etc.
There is currently NO further abbreviation implemented, like
"next section" or "preceding chapter".
If you want to determine the refering text appearance
freely by yourself, using all mark-up currently available,
you can always use
an explicit "#link" construct, using only the local part of the
link target ("fragment identifier", in w3c speak)
So you can link to "mylabel" directly by
"... and #link#loc mylabel#text here is the #emph!real! text#/link ..."
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":397.5-20
Xml tagging is {}a:ref
Something strongly emphasized.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image)*
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- ITSELF recursively! -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":345.5-33
Xml tagging is {}a:xemph
A short sentence/sequence of words in some foreign lanugage, -- less than a whole paragraph. Our standard to_xhtml_1_0 rendering creates a span element with an xml:lang attribute, which you may render by css as you like.
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit STR.E.X.lang, (#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image)*
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- ITSELF recursively!
Source is at SYSTEM "":649.5-52
Xml tagging is {}a:xlang
Primitive elements for embedding of and linking to other documents.
Inter document link, very similar to classical html <a> element. But it is a little bit higher level!
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit STR.LINK.url, ( & STR.LINK.loc? &
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":726.5-734.11
Xml tagging is {}a:link
The location/fragment in the document (what normally appears behind a hashmark!-) A link must contain either an url or a loc entry, or both.
Used in : link
Source is at SYSTEM "":742.5-36
Xml tagging is {}a:loc
Used in : treeInclude
Source is at SYSTEM "":883.5-42
Xml tagging is {}a:mode
Used in : treeInclude
Source is at SYSTEM "":883.5-42
Xml tagging is {}a:path
The calendaric date when the meant contents of the link had been retrieved.
Used in : link
Source is at SYSTEM "":733.9-24
Xml tagging is {}a:refdate
The text to print when the link is rendered. It is defined
by a generic parameter, so anything may appear there, depending on
the instantiation of this module.
If this field is left out, then the url will be taken as text.
In this case, if the url starts with a digit, then the prefix replacing
this digit is taken from the stylesheet parameter $user.linktextprefices.
This allows more readable, more symbolic references to frequently used
mount points.
If the text is present and starts with an exclamation mark "!",
then this is also replaced by this prefix.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image)*
Used in : link
Source is at SYSTEM "":730.9-29
Xml tagging is {}a:text
Includes an xml text corpus into the rendering process.
"url" gives the file position, and "mode" gives the mode parameter
to the "apply-templates" call.
CURRENTLY PATH is not yet operative, because there
are problems serializing the dynamic xpath extension required for its
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit STR.LINK.url, STR.LINK.path, STR.LINK.mode?
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- source -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":866.5-868.24
Xml tagging is {}a:treeInclude
The url of a link or a resource.
(This is currently NOT YET parsed, but can be any sequence of characters.
Errors will occur later, when the link is used !-)
Iff the url starts with a digit=n, then there must be
an n-th entry in the self-structured list in the stylesheet parameter
and the digit is replaced by this.
Used in : link -- treeInclude
Source is at SYSTEM "":741.5-36
Xml tagging is {}a:url
Physical mark-up is mostly deprecated. It follows the (old!) html way of physical mark-up. In this basic model this can only be applied to physical mark-up itself/recursively. The declaration is naive, allowing multiple (nested) application of the same modifier. It can NOT be applied to semantic mark-up. Additionally this module defines some html/xml specific elements.
Explicitly select blinking text. Not only deprecated,
but also bad manners.
The xslt rule generates a <span style="text-decoration:blink;">,
because the old <blink> tag has not been taken over to xhtml 1.0 strict.
Explicitly select stroke-out text. Deprecated.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : ITSELF recursively! -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:blink
Explicitly select bold text. Deprecated. Consider to use basic.inlineElements:xemph instead.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- ITSELF recursively! -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:bold
Draws a hashmark sign. Is currently the only element which can be included in src.
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- src -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":246.5-15
Xml tagging is {}a:hh
Explicitly select superscript. Deprecated.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- ITSELF recursively! -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:indexhi
Explicitly select subscript. Deprecated.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- ITSELF recursively! -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:indexlo
Explicitly select italic text. Deprecated.
Consider to use basic.inlineElements:emph instead.
Explicitly select underlined text. Deprecated.
The xslt rule generates a <span style="text-decoration:underline;">,
because the old <u> tag has not been taken over to xhtml 1.0 strict.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ITSELF recursively! -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:ital
Explicitly select larger font. Deprecated.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- ITSELF recursively! -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:larger
Explicitly select small caps. Deprecated. Consider to use basic.inlineElements:opus or basic.inlineElements:pers instead.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- ITSELF recursively! -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:scaps
Explicitly select smaller font. Deprecated.
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- ITSELF recursively! -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:smaller
Inserts an html-<span style='xxx'>
Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. it may not appear in a document source.
#implicit, (#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- ITSELF recursively! -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":243.5-59
Xml tagging is {}a:spanstyle
Small piece of program source text, character data only! Is rendered inline and in tele-type fonts. Can include only character data, or #hh/ to include a hashmark sign "#".
(#chars | STR.PHY.hh)*
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":313.5-29
Xml tagging is {}a:src
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- ITSELF recursively! -- td -- link.text -- th -- ulin -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:strikeout
Used in : spanstyle
Source is at SYSTEM "":244.5-37
Xml tagging is ATT {}a:style
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle)*
Used in : blink -- bold -- desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- indexhi -- indexlo -- ital -- larger -- p -- scaps -- smaller -- spanstyle -- strikeout -- td -- link.text -- th -- ITSELF recursively! -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":240.5-241.68
Xml tagging is {}a:ulin
A by-pass when generating html/xhtml documents. This element is intended to contain special html fragments which shall be included verbatim in the output. This is achieved simply by an xslt rule which disables output escaping.
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":253.5-49
Xml tagging is {}a:verbatimXml
Currently only four hex digits are decoded for character values, so that the higher unicode planes (beyond 0x0_FFFF) can currently (201200208) not be described on the d2d input side. (They can be output by xslt).
0x0001 .. 0xfffe
Used in : cite -- persop -- STR.symbol
Source is at SYSTEM "":90.5-27
Xml tagging is {}a:all
Used in : identFirstChar -- identInnerChar
Source is at SYSTEM "":107.5-20
Xml tagging is {}a:alpha
STR.E.S.ascii_lower U STR.E.S.ascii_upper
Source is at SYSTEM "":105.5-39
Xml tagging is {}a:ascii_alpha
'a' .. 'z'
Used in : ascii_alpha -- lang
Source is at SYSTEM "":103.5-30
Xml tagging is {}a:ascii_lower
'A' .. 'Z'
Used in : ascii_alpha -- lang
Source is at SYSTEM "":104.5-30
Xml tagging is {}a:ascii_upper
'0' .. '9'
Used in : decimalPositive -- identInnerChar -- key
Source is at SYSTEM "":96.5-34
Xml tagging is {}a:decimalDigit
Used in : list.startnum
Source is at SYSTEM "":101.5-43
Xml tagging is {}a:decimalPositive
@STR.E.S.identFirstChar ~ @STR.E.S.identInnerChar~*
Used in : list.continues -- kind -- label -- ref
Source is at SYSTEM "":114.5-53
Xml tagging is {}a:ident
Used in : STR.E.S.ident
Source is at SYSTEM "":111.5-29
Xml tagging is {}a:identFirstChar
STR.E.S.alpha U '_' U '-' U STR.E.S.decimalDigit
Used in : c -- STR.E.S.ident
Source is at SYSTEM "":112.5-49
Xml tagging is {}a:identInnerChar
' ' U \t U \n U \r
Used in : STR.symbol
Source is at SYSTEM "":116.5-48
Xml tagging is {}a:whitespace
Used in : image
Source is at SYSTEM "":1853.7-39
Xml tagging is {}a:image_align
If you leave it out, some alternative text from the enclosing elements must be found for rendering. This searched for by the named template 'copyAltFromContext', which otherwise will fail with an error.
Used in : image
Source is at SYSTEM "":1854.7-18
Xml tagging is {}a:image_alt
Used in : image
Source is at SYSTEM "":1851.7-42
Xml tagging is {}a:image_file
Used in : image
Source is at SYSTEM "":1852.7-47
Xml tagging is {}a:image_height
STR.IM.image.file & STR.IM.image.alt? & STR.IM.image.width? & STR.IM.image.height? & STR.IM.image.align? & STR.IM.image.showLabel?
Used in : desc -- emph -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- link.text -- th -- xemph -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":1849.5-1856.9
Xml tagging is {}a:image
Contents are defined as empty.
Used in : image
Source is at SYSTEM "":1855.7-24
Xml tagging is {}a:image_showLabel
Used in : image
Source is at SYSTEM "":1852.7-47
Xml tagging is {}a:image_width
A very simple list module.
Used in : list
Source is at SYSTEM "":1576.7-28
Xml tagging is {}a:listContinues
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image | STR.LI.list | STR.TA.table | STR.footnote | STR.footnotemark | STR.footnotetext | STR.p)*
Used in : list
Source is at SYSTEM "":1577.7-1578.25
Xml tagging is {}a:listitem
(STR.LI.list.symbol? & (STR.LI.list.startnum | STR.LI.list.continues)? & STR.E.label?), STR.LI.list.i+
Used in : desc -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- th
Source is at SYSTEM "":1572.5-1579.9
Xml tagging is {}a:list
longminus, openSquare, diamond, openDiamond are not yet supported.
In the generated XML, a value of this enum is stored by verbatim the input. This list is in source order; aliases in parenthesis:
0 | i | |
1 | I | |
2 | a | |
3 | A | |
4 | alpha | |
5 | arab | |
6 | plus | |
7 | minus | |
8 | longminus |
not yet supported FIXME |
9 | bullet | |
10 | openBullet | |
11 | square | |
12 | openSquare |
not yet supported FIXME |
13 | diamond |
not yet supported FIXME |
14 | openDiamond |
not yet supported FIXME |
Used in : STR.LI.list.symbol
Source is at SYSTEM "":1592.5-1596.32
Xml tagging is {}a:listSymbol
CURRENTLY the starting number of a numbered list
CANNOT be set anymore! Once, in former html versions,
this was possible. NOW it is advised to use CSS-three
for this purpose, but this is not yet on the market.
THEREFORE we ignore the value of "startnum" and of "continues".
IT COULD be built by rendering the list-items explicitly, not using
the <ol> construct, but <xsl:number> and <html:dd> instead.
But we are not sure whether this is sensible.
Used in : list
Source is at SYSTEM "":1574.7-27
Xml tagging is {}a:listStartnum
Used in : list
Source is at SYSTEM "":1575.7-23
Xml tagging is {}a:listSymbol
Values for kind, style, width of cell borders, following CSS2.0 syntax. Valid for the whole table.
Used in : table
Source is at SYSTEM "":1729.5-19
Xml tagging is {}a:border
Used in : td
Source is at SYSTEM "":1713.5-54
Xml tagging is {}a:tdCls
Most simple table model; sufficient for many use cases, but can
of course be replaced by something more elaborate, when necessary.
The nomenclature follows html.
Labels at the explicit positions refer to the table or the table row; references to labels appearing anywhere in the text will contain the full address path "table <T>, row <R>, column <C>". Numbering starts with one(1).
(STR.TA.border? & STR.E.label?),*
Used in : desc -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- th
Source is at SYSTEM "":1707.5-44
Xml tagging is {}a:table
STR.TA.c?, (#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image | STR.LI.list | STR.TA.table | STR.footnote | STR.footnotemark | STR.footnotetext | STR.p)*
Used in : tr
Source is at SYSTEM "":1712.5-32
Xml tagging is {}a:td
(#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image | STR.LI.list | STR.TA.table | STR.footnote | STR.footnotemark | STR.footnotetext | STR.p)*
Used in : tr
Source is at SYSTEM "":1715.5-28
Xml tagging is {}a:th
STR.E.label?, (* |* )
Used in : table
Source is at SYSTEM "":1708.5-39
Xml tagging is {}a:tr
This module defines the structural elements like paragraphs, chapters, etc. It starts plugging the sub-modules together, and distributing parametrization, without yet defining the very top of the corpus structure.
STR.symbol?, (STR.kind?, STR.E.X.lang?, (#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image | STR.LI.list | STR.TA.table | STR.footnote | STR.footnotemark | STR.footnotetext)* | STR.p+ )
Used in : desc -- ITSELF recursively! -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- th
Source is at SYSTEM "":2364.5-54
Xml tagging is {}a:footnote
Used in : desc -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- p -- td -- th
Source is at SYSTEM "":2366.5-31
Xml tagging is {}a:footnotemark
STR.symbol?, (STR.kind?, STR.E.X.lang?, (#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image | STR.LI.list | STR.TA.table | STR.footnote | STR.footnotemark | STR.footnotetext)* | STR.p+ )
Used in : desc -- footnote -- ITSELF recursively! -- list.i -- p -- td -- th
Source is at SYSTEM "":2364.5-54
Xml tagging is {}a:footnotetext
[ pkind @STR.E.S.ident] ~ ("+" ~ [ pkind @STR.E.S.ident])~*
Used in : desc -- footnote -- footnotetext -- p
Source is at SYSTEM "":2284.5-61
Xml tagging is {}a:kind
The paragraph is the central means for organizing text, eg. wrt. language and kind.
When rendering to xhtml, the items contained in "kind" are prepended
with "paragraphkind_" and then stored as "css class names", so that
visual appearance can be controlled via css.
Furthermore, setting the variable user.p_kind_filter lets only
pass those paragraphs with a non-empty intersection with this value.
ATTENTION: the values of "kind" are currently not restricted by an
enumeration type (since enumeration are not yet rewritable!),
but are free identifiers. So typos are not recognized
and can cause missing or ill-rendered text.
Due to its central role in organization, the contents of p also includes tables and lists, which cannot be rendered in xhtml:p. The difference is bridged by the rotation algorithm. The transition between the possible contents is like this:
d2d:h2 xhtml: | p p list p table / / | \ \ / \ | chars link list chars table chars link chars |
In the other direction, a d2d:p can be contained also in containers like list item or table cell. Luckily, this is identical to xhtml:
table/tr/td | p list/i = ul(ol)/li | | p p |
STR.kind?, STR.E.X.lang?, (#chars | STR.PHY.bold | STR.PHY.ital | STR.PHY.ulin | STR.PHY.blink | STR.PHY.strikeout | STR.PHY.scaps | STR.PHY.hh | STR.PHY.larger | STR.PHY.smaller | STR.PHY.indexlo | STR.PHY.indexhi | STR.PHY.spanstyle | STR.PHY.src | STR.PHY.verbatimXml | | STR.E.ldots | STR.E.label | STR.E.ref | STR.E.pers | STR.E.opus | STR.E.persop | STR.E.emph | STR.E.xemph | STR.E.xlang | STR.LINK.treeInclude | | STR.BIB.cite | STR.IM.image | STR.LI.list | STR.TA.table | STR.footnote | STR.footnotemark | STR.footnotetext)*
Used in : desc -- docmat -- footnote -- footnotetext -- list.i -- note -- td -- th
Source is at SYSTEM "":2242.5-45
Xml tagging is {}a:p
Larger unit of program source text, rendered as a text block on its own. Its input mode is "verbatim". This means (1) respecting whitespace and line breaks, (2) must be ended by an explicit end token, (3) all command characters will be ignored, except of those DIRECTLY followed by a tag of an explicitly mentioned direct sub-element (here: "label").
(#chars | STR.E.label | STR.LINK.treeInclude)*
Used in : desc -- docmat -- note
Source is at SYSTEM "":2454.5-2456.35
Xml tagging is {}a:SRC
(STR.BIB.S.all - STR.SET.whitespace)~+
Used in : footnote -- footnotemark -- footnotetext
Source is at SYSTEM "":2368.5-62
Xml tagging is ATT {}a:symbol
Xml infrastructure, definition of ubiquituous attributes and their data type. Corresponds mostly to the xml namespace and the definitions in, namely w.r.t. "xml:lang", "xml:space", "xml:base" and "xml:id"
The xml namespace description in refers to for the
xml:lang attribute, which in turn refers to [IETF BCP 47],
which shall consist of "RFC 4646: Tags for Identifying Languages",
and "RFC 4647: Matching of Language Tags",
This is currently (20150423) already obsoleted by
The second does define the processing of LISTS of language selectors,
but not their syntax. Anyhow, xml:lang seems to be forseen only for one(1)
such language code. Our handling deliberately violates the specification and
allows more than one language, cf. parser "langs".
The precedessor is [IETF RFC 3066]
The character parser implemented here is a very primitive variant of the
older "two-(plus-two)" format of
the ISO language code, and stores it as the xml standard attribute "xml:lang".
@STR.E.S.ascii_lower ~ @STR.E.S.ascii_lower ~ ("-" ~ @STR.E.S.ascii_upper ~ @STR.E.S.ascii_upper)?
Used in : desc -- footnote -- footnotetext -- p -- xlang
Source is at SYSTEM "":167.5-168.25
Xml tagging is ATT {}xml:lang
lablog | |
STR | basic.structure |
STR.BIB | basic.citation |
STR.BIB.S | basic.sets |
STR.E | basic.inlineElements |
STR.E.S | basic.sets |
STR.E.X | basic.xmlInfra |
STR.E.X.S | basic.sets |
STR.IM | basic.simpleImage |
STR.LI | basic.simpleLists |
STR.LI.IN | basic.inlineElements |
STR.LI.IN.S | basic.sets |
STR.LI.S | basic.sets |
STR.LINK | basic.interDocuments |
STR.PHY | basic.physical |
STR.SET | basic.sets |
STR.TA | basic.simpleTables |
STR.TA.IN | basic.inlineElements |
STR.TA.IN.S | basic.sets |
STR.TA.SETS | basic.sets |
STR.X | basic.xmlInfra |
STR.X.S | basic.sets |
tdom | to_css | to_embedScript | to_latex | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | |
Module basic : | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
Module basic.citation : | ||||||
ABSTRACT_CONTENTS | user_en | |||||
TITLE_CONTENTS | user_en | |||||
abstract | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
abstractHiding | user_en | |||||
abstractLangs | user_en | |||||
author | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
authors | ||||||
available | user_en | |||||
bibentry | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
biblist | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
booktitle | ||||||
cite | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
crossref | ||||||
date | ||||||
doi | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
editor | ||||||
editors | ||||||
isbn | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
issn | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
journal | ||||||
key | user_en | |||||
kind | user_en | |||||
latextitle | user_en | |||||
month | ||||||
note | user_en | |||||
number | ||||||
pages | ||||||
place | ||||||
publisher | ||||||
series | ||||||
sortMethod | user_en | |||||
subtitle | ||||||
title | ||||||
url | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
volume | ||||||
year | ||||||
Module basic.inlineElements : | user_en | |||||
EMPH_CONTENTS | user_en | |||||
MIXTURE | user_en | |||||
emph | to_latex | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | |||
label | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
ldots | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
nl | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
opus | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
pers | to_css | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | |||
persop | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
ref | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
xemph | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
xlang | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
Module basic.interDocuments : | user_en | |||||
EMBED_ALT | ||||||
LINKTEXT | user_en | |||||
embed.alt | ||||||
embed.body | ||||||
embed.type | user_en | |||||
embed | to_embedScript | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | |||
embed.alt | ||||||
embed.body | ||||||
embed.type | user_en | |||||
link.refdate | user_en | |||||
link.text | user_en | |||||
link | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
link.refdate | user_en | |||||
link.text | user_en | |||||
loc | user_en | |||||
mode | ||||||
path | ||||||
treeInclude | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
treeInclude_PROVIS | user_en | |||||
url | user_en | |||||
Module lablog : | ||||||
ACCEPTED | ||||||
CLOSED | ||||||
FIXED | ||||||
REOPENED | ||||||
WONTFIX | ||||||
authors | ||||||
costs | ||||||
date | ||||||
desc | ||||||
dez | ||||||
docmat | ||||||
entries | ||||||
ident | ||||||
issue | tdom | |||||
name | ||||||
note | ||||||
package | ||||||
prior | ||||||
reference | ||||||
Module basic.physical : | user_en | |||||
EXPORTMIXTURE | user_en | |||||
MIXTURE | user_en | |||||
blink | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
bold | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
hh | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
hr | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
indexhi | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
indexlo | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
ital | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
larger | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
scaps | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
smaller | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
spanstyle | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
src | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
strikeout | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
style | ||||||
ulin | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
verbatimXml | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
Module basic.sets : | ||||||
all | user_en | |||||
alpha | ||||||
alpha_lower | ||||||
alpha_upper | ||||||
ascii_alpha | ||||||
ascii_lower | ||||||
ascii_upper | ||||||
decimalDigit | ||||||
decimalPositive | ||||||
ident | ||||||
identFirstChar | ||||||
identInnerChar | ||||||
non_whitespace | ||||||
upto1 | ||||||
upto2 | ||||||
upto3 | ||||||
whitespace | ||||||
Module basic.simpleImage : | ||||||
ALT | ||||||
image.align | ||||||
image.alt | user_en | |||||
image.file | ||||||
image.height | ||||||
image.showLabel | ||||||
image.width | ||||||
image | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
image.align | ||||||
image.alt | user_en | |||||
image.file | ||||||
image.height | ||||||
image.showLabel | ||||||
image.width | ||||||
Module basic.simpleLists : | user_en | |||||
CONTENTS | user_en | |||||
list.continues | ||||||
list.i | ||||||
list.startnum | user_en | |||||
list.symbol | ||||||
list | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
list.continues | ||||||
list.i | ||||||
list.startnum | user_en | |||||
list.symbol | ||||||
listSymbol | user_en | |||||
Module basic.simpleTables : | ||||||
CONTENTS | ||||||
border | user_en | |||||
c | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
table | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
td | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
th | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
tr | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
Module basic.structure : | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
abstract | ||||||
appendices | user_en | |||||
footnote | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
footnotemark | ||||||
footnotetext | ||||||
h1 | ||||||
h2 | ||||||
h3 | ||||||
h4 | ||||||
h5 | ||||||
h6 | ||||||
hierarchie.SUBH | ||||||
hierarchie | ||||||
hierarchie.SUBH | ||||||
horizontalText | user_en | |||||
htmlTitle | user_en | |||||
kind | ||||||
metaContentsTag.content | |||||| | ||||||
metaContentsTag | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
metaContentsTag.content | |||||| | ||||||
p | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
part | user_en | |||||
postappendices | user_en | |||||
reftitle | user_en | |||||
source | to_xhtml_1_0 | user_en | ||||
symbol | ||||||
title | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
toctitle | user_en | |||||
verticalObjects | ||||||
verticalText | user_en | |||||
xvolute | to_xhtml_1_0 | |||||
Module basic.xmlInfra : | user_en | |||||
base | ||||||
id | ||||||
lang | user_en | |||||
langs | user_en | |||||
name | user_en | |||||
nameChar | ||||||
nameStartChar | ||||||
nmtoken | ||||||
space |
Generated on 2025-01-16_09h56m52
by program BandM d2d, version 2.0.1
command line =
java BandM d2d --path LIB_GP --mode ddf2doc --key en --static 0 --debug 0 --module lablog --additionalSources --outputfile . --lineWidth 50 --stylesheetParams user.iconUrl ../logo_d2d_16x16.png {}user.preambleFile ./doc_preamble_inst_en.html-text