[all pages:] introduction message/location/muli format dtd xantlr tdom ops paisley metajava umod option auxiliaries d2d downloads & licenses people bibliography APPENDICES:: white papers white papers 2 white papers 3 project struct proposal SOURCE:option.dtd SOURCE:dtd.umod DOC:deliverables.ddf DOC-DE:deliverables.ddf DOC:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-DE:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-EN:lablog.ddf SOURCE:basic.dd2 DOC:xslt.ddf SOURCE:xslt.dd2 DOC:meta.ddf [site map]
All pages: introduction message/location/muli format dtd xantlr tdom ops paisley metajava umod option auxiliaries d2d downloads & licenses people bibliography APPENDICES:: white papers white papers 2 white papers 3 project struct proposal SOURCE:option.dtd SOURCE:dtd.umod DOC:deliverables.ddf DOC-DE:deliverables.ddf DOC:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-DE:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-EN:lablog.ddf SOURCE:basic.dd2 DOC:xslt.ddf SOURCE:xslt.dd2 DOC:meta.ddf [site map]
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DOC:xslt.ddf | bandm meta_tools | DOC:meta.ddf |
APPENDIX: The ddf Document Type Definition File for the Structure of Our XSLT (Document Type Definition) Model
The following text shows the d2d text type definition following the d2d ddf text type defintion mechanism to support xslt 1.0 input ([xslt1_0]) using the special xslt mode of d2d.
Please refer also to the automatically generated html documentation.
module xslt xmlns xsl = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" is element default // FIXME NO EFFECT xmlns dyn = "http://exslt.org/dynamic" plain text is trimmed local node xmlrep naming = no mangling import S from basic.sets docu user_en S = "for decimal digits and identifiers" import X from basic.xmlInfra docu user_en X = "for identifer syntax and ubiquituous attributes" docu user_en = #d2d XSLT, read as "Extensible Style Sheet Lanugage - Transformation", is the central means for defining transformations on xml documents. In co-operation with a special input mode of the d2d compiler, this module allows a less verbose denotation of xslt programs for a certain back-end. #nl #nl This ddf-version is based on #nl XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 #nl W3C Consortium, 1999 #nl #commentchar\ http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116 #nl #nl That html file includes a partial DTD, which is declared as NON-normative:#nl #link http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116 #loc dtd #/link #commentchar/ #nl This dtd has been extracted by us and checked into the metatools source directory for information purpose only, with the filename #src!xslt_1_0_nonNorm.dtd!. #/d2d // --------------------------------------------------------- module concrete xmlns xsl = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" is element default import OUTER from xslt ^ (result_elements / RESULT_ELEMENTS) ^ (#none / toplevel) public tags stylesheet = @OUTER.stylesheet /* === tags result_element = (ns? & localname), (#chars | result_element | @OUTER.PRODUCING)* == */ tags result_elements = result_node_sequence tags result_node_sequence = #implicit number tags number = #chars with xmlrep att end module // --------------------------------------------------------- enum yesno = yes 1, no 0 with xmlrep att // as is chars name = @X.name with xmlrep att chars qname = (@name~":")?~@name with xmlrep att docu user_en qname = "Read as \"Qualified Name\". A name containing at most one colon character \":\"" chars qnames = @qname* with xmlrep att public tags stylesheet = ( version & extension-element-prefixes? & exclude-result-prefixes? & X.id? & X.space? // NO EFFECT & DYN? ), import*, @TOPLEVEL* with local chars version = @S.decimalDigit ~ "." ~ @S.decimalDigit with xmlrep att tags extension-element-prefixes, exclude-result-prefixes = #chars with xmlrep att end local public tags transform = @stylesheet // FIXME erscheint NICHT in xslt.dtd !?!?!? //DUMMY to make namespace loaded! // NO EFFECT tags DYN = #empty with xmlrep element = "dyn.DYN" docu user_en stylesheet = "The top-level grammar of each xslt file." chars covers = [tag @S.ident|"#chars"], (",", [tag @S.ident|"#chars"])* // with xmlrep none // FIXME docu user_en covers = "meta element to declare explicitly the minimal output of an xslt instruction." tags TOPLEVEL = include | strip-space | preserve-space | output | key | decimal-format | attribute-set | var | param | template | namespace-alias | toplevel // NO | tpathNamespace // ????? SCOPING !?!?!? docu user_en TOPLEVEL = "Collection of everything which can appear, arbitrarily often and mixed, on the top-level of a stylesheet, after the prelude stuff." tags toplevel = #empty with xmlrep element = "output" docu user_en toplevel = "artificial element, not known in the xslt standard. It is used to force the d2d parser back to toplevel (= content model of xslt:stylsheet). For this purpose preprocessing programs can insert it when extracting and concatentaing fragments of xslt source." /* === NO, current solution 20120113: define only GLOBALLY in header! chars tpathNamespace [prefix @S:ident], "=", [uri @S:non-whitespace~*] with postproc eu.bandm.tools.d2d2.postproc.Forget docu user_en tpathNamespace = "artificial element, not known in the xslt standard. Defines a namespace mapping used in tpath expressions in the xslt code (normally for matching and deconstructing the input document). When writing out xslt and target elements, their namespace mappings are automatically generated iff required. This is not possible with an xpath expression, because it is not (yet) decoded here, and no NamespaceName-object (with all requried mapping information) exists." ================================ */ tags import, include = #implicit href tags href = #chars with xmlrep att tags strip-space // , preserve-space = #implicit elements with local tags elements = #chars with xmlrep att end local tags preserve-space = @strip-space docu user_en strip-space = "Lists all tags the corresponding back-end elements shall have trimmed character contents" docu user_en preserve-space = "Lists all tags the corresponding back-end elements shall have untrimmed character contents, ie. shall preserve leading and trailin whitespace." tags output = method? & version? & encoding? & omit-xml-declaration? & standalone? & doctype-public? & doctype-system? & cdata-section-elements? & indent? & media-type? with local tags method, version, encoding, doctype-public, doctype-system, media-type = #chars with xmlrep att chars cdata-section-elements = @qnames with xmlrep att chars omit-xml-declaration, standalone, indent = ("yes"|"no") // chars omit-xml-declaration, standalone, indent = yesno // FIXME TYPECHECK NO STRUCTURE MISSING : // chars omit-xml-declaration, standalone, indent = @yesno // tags omit-xml-declaration, standalone, indent = #implicit @yesno FALSCH // tags omit-xml-declaration, standalone, indent = #implicit yesno with xmlrep att end local tags key = name, match, use with local tags match, use = #chars with xmlrep att end local tags decimal-format = name? & decimal-separator? & grouping-separator? & infinity? & minus-sign? & NaN? & percent? & per-mille? & zero-digit? & digit? & pattern-separator? with local tags decimal-separator, grouping-separator, infinity, minus-sign, NaN, percent, per-mille, zero-digit, digit, pattern-separator = #chars with xmlrep att end local tags namespace-alias = from, to with local tags from = #chars with xmlrep att = "stylesheet-prefix" tags to = #chars with xmlrep att = "result-prefix" end local public tags template = // GEHT NICHT (match? & name?), NON-LL(1) in verbindung mit // xhtml back-end on "param" !?!?!? // (match?|name?), // (match|name), // (match?,name?), (match, name? | name, match?), (mode? & priority? & X.space? & param*), @TEMPLATE with local tags priority, match = #chars with xmlrep att end local tags mode = #chars with xmlrep att tags valueof = #implicit xp, noescape? with xmlrep el = "value-of" tags copy-of = #implicit xp tags noescape = #empty with xmlrep att = "disable-output-escaping" "yes" tags number = level? & count? & from? & value? & format? & lang? & letter-value? & grouping-separator? & grouping-size? with local enum level = single, multiple, any with xmlrep att tags count, from, value, format, lang, letter-value, grouping-separator, grouping-size = #chars with xmlrep att end local tags apply = (xp? & mode?), (arg|sort)*, covers? with xmlrep el = "apply-templates" tags arg = #implicit name, (xp?|@TEMPLATE) with xmlrep element = "with-param" tags apply-imports = #empty // covers? tags foreach= #implicit xp, sort*, X.space?, @TEMPLATE, covers? with xmlrep untrimmed el = "for-each" tags sort = xp? & lang? & data-type? & order? & case-order? with local tags lang, data-type, order, case-order = #chars with xmlrep att end local tags if = #implicit test, X.space?, @TEMPLATE, covers? tags test = #chars with xmlrep att // ==> XPATH EXPRESSION tags choose = X.space?, when+, other?, covers? tags when = @if tags other = @if ^(#none / test) with xmlrep el = otherwise tags attribute-set = #implicit name, (attribute* & use-attribute-sets?) tags call = #implicit name, arg*, covers? with xmlrep el = "call-template" tags var = #implicit name, (xp? | @TEMPLATE) with xmlrep element = "variable" docu user_en var = #d2d This structure defines a variable in the sense of "functional programming languages", i.e. it is assignable only once, on creation. #nl #emph!Please note! that e.g. for an xhtml back-end a prefixed version of the tag ("x-var") must be used, because of shadowing. #/d2d tags param = @var with xmlrep element = "param" tags xp = #chars with xmlrep att = "select" // ==> XPATH EXPRESSION tags text = noescape?, (#chars)* with xmlrep untrimmed element tags pi = #implicit name, X.space?, @CHAR_TEMPLATE with xmlrep element = "processing-instruction" // <element name="{xpathexpr()[]+-}ABC"/> tags element = #implicit name, (namespace? & X.space? & use-attribute-sets?), @TEMPLATE with local tags name = #chars with xmlrep att end local chars use-attribute-sets = @qnames with xmlrep att tags attribute = #implicit element.name, (namespace? & X.space?), @CHAR_TEMPLATE // , covers? // FIXME why is <attribute><attribute> not prevented !?!? // sollte abgewiesen werden, führt zu asführungsfehlern! /* cf basic.citation: solte so durchlaufen, tuts aber nicht !?!? FIXME #td #class abstractText #if @xml:lang #attribute lang#valueof @xml:lang #attribute xml:lang#valueof @xml:lang #/if */ // check FIXME why "X.space" ?? steht nicht in "B Element Syntax Summary" tags comment = X.space?, @CHAR_TEMPLATE tags copy = (X.space? & use-attribute-sets?), @TEMPLATE, covers? tags message = (X.space? & terminate?), @TEMPLATE with local tags terminate = #empty with xmlrep att = "terminate" "yes" end local tags fallback = X.space? , @TEMPLATE // NOT // chars ns = @S.ident with xmlrep att = "namespace" tags namespace = #chars with xmlrep trimmed att // ------------------------------------------------------------- tags CHAR_PRODUCING = apply | call | apply-imports | foreach | valueof | copy-of | number | choose | if | text | copy tags STRUCTURE_PRODUCING = pi | comment | element | attribute tags INTERSPERED_NOTHING_PRODUCING = var | message | fallback tags PRODUCING = @CHAR_PRODUCING | @STRUCTURE_PRODUCING tags CHAR_INSTRUCTIONS = @CHAR_PRODUCING | @INTERSPERED_NOTHING_PRODUCING // must be public for being considered and copied by the new "Resolver4" etc. public tags INSTRUCTIONS = @PRODUCING | @INTERSPERED_NOTHING_PRODUCING tags CHAR_TEMPLATE = (#chars | @CHAR_INSTRUCTIONS)* tags TEMPLATE = (#chars | @INSTRUCTIONS | @RESULT_ELEMENTS)* // tags EXTENSIBLE = template | param | var | if | when | other public tags RESULT_ELEMENTS = #GENERIC docu user_en CHAR_PRODUCING = "The collection of all those instruction-like xslt elements which yield some output, unknown in advance. It may be either character data or element sequences or a mixture of both, or even an empty string" docu user_en STRUCTURE_PRODUCING = "The collection of all those instruction-like xslt elements which yield exactly one node object of a certain category." docu user_en INTERSPERED_NOTHING_PRODUCING = "The collection of all those instruction-like xslt elements which can appear anywhere in a template's body, but do not contribute to the generated output." docu user_en PRODUCING = "The collection of all those instruction-like xslt elements which possibly contribute to the generated output." docu user_en INSTRUCTIONS = "The collection of all those instruction-like xslt elements which can appear in the body of a template and in equivalent contexts. Equivalent are branches of a \"choose\", contents of a function argument, etc." docu user_en TEMPLATE = "The collection of all those instruction-like xslt elements which can appear in the body of a template, and all elements of the back-end language." docu user_en RESULT_ELEMENTS = "All elements defined in the document type serving as a back-end for a certain xslt program. Their insertion by-passes the explicit (\"normal\") way of instantiating a d2d module, because they are ubiquituous in xslt templates, and xslt instructions are ubiquituous in their content models. To avoid a combinatorical explosion, they back-end elements and the xslt elements are combined on a meta-level. Nevertheless, one can think of inserting HERE ALL element definitions from the data type serving " end module \n |
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