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All pages: introduction message/location/muli format dtd xantlr tdom ops paisley metajava umod option auxiliaries d2d downloads & licenses people bibliography APPENDICES:: white papers white papers 2 white papers 3 project struct proposal SOURCE:option.dtd SOURCE:dtd.umod DOC:deliverables.ddf DOC-DE:deliverables.ddf DOC:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-DE:mtdocpage.ddf [site map]

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downloads & licenses bandm meta_tools bibliography

People behind meta_tools

1          Authors
2          Acknowledgements

^ToC 1 Authors

meta_tools are developed and maintained by BandM, who are ...

  1. Baltasar Trancón y Widemann Baltasar
    baltasarDELETE THIS @ AND THIS trancon.de
  2. Markus Lepper Markus
    post DELETE THIS @ AND THISmarkuslepper.eu

^ToC 2 Acknowledgements

The authors want to thank Wolfgang Grieskamp, Peter Pepper and Jacob Wieland. During their common time at the Technische Universität Berlin, these friends contributed substantially by discussing, critizising and supporting. Without their help, and that of many others, meta_tools would not exist.

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downloads & licenses bandm meta_tools bibliography

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