<!-- file description --><!-- This is an html rendering of the DTD file
This Xhtml file is DYNAMIC, using Java-script.
The semantically relevant contents of the initial state
of this file DOES DIFFER from the input.
(pis omitted)
This file has been created by the command line
<JAVA> eu.bandm.tools.dtm.Tool --PIs offOn --source \
../absy/option.dtd --result \
This file has been created at 2025-03-02_11h56m21 for public use.
For info about this program see http://bandm.eu/metatools .
<!-- collapse/expand --><!-- Click the opening symbols (angle brackets etc.) for collapsing/expanding.
Click references for the definitions.
Click element/attlist name position for the counterpart/next attlist.
Wait on a reference or on such a name for a tooltip.
To control ALL declarations of one kind use these links:
expand all PIscommentselementsattlistsPEs collaps all PIscommentselementsattlistsPEs
<!-- alphabetic indexes --><!-- =========================================================
Element declarations (FIXME undef references)
Parameter entity declarations (FIXME undef references)
General entity declarations (FIXME undef references)
========================================================= --->
<!-- analyses --><!-- =========================================================
Parameter entities appearing DIRECTLY in content models:
Parameter entities appearing INdirectly in content models:
Parameter entities referred to, NOT in a content model, :
Entities defined, but nowhere referred to:
Common attributes, identical name and type (ignoring value)
in increasing frequency (minimally 1) :
one appearance of value :: NMTOKEN:enumSetContainsone appearance of required :: (yes | no):optionone appearance of compilable :: NMTOKEN:enumitemone appearance of format :: (dez | hexI | hexIO):intone appearance of abbrev :: NMTOKEN:optionone appearance of kind :: (plus | star):repone appearance of fragmentedLists :: (yes | no):optionlistone appearance of defaultSorting :: (source | 0AaB | 0ABa | AaB0 | ABa0 | AaB | ABa):optionlistone appearance of default :: NMTOKENS:enumsetone appearance of lang :: NMTOKEN:textone appearance of setterFunctions :: (yes | no):optionlist2 appearances of value :: CDATA:constantenumitem2 appearances of option :: NMTOKEN:optargenumSetContains2 appearances of number :: NMTOKEN:optargenumSetContains3 appearances of default :: CDATA:stringraturi4 appearances of default :: NMTOKEN:boolfloatintenum5 appearances of name :: NMTOKEN:commentenumerationenumenumsetoption
Possible candidate elements for being declared abstract:
Content model entity candidates for abstract declaration:
========================================================= --->
<!-- entity usage graph --><!-- =========================================================
========================================================= --->
<!-- element containment graph --><!-- =========================================================
========================================================= --->
<!-- --><!-- XML 1.1 DTD SYSTEM = "../option/absy/option.dtd" --><!-- --><!-- HAND-written dtd, due to bootstrapping. --><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc - Source format for the Option compiler, for command line parsing, GUI input,
generation of documentation, etc.
<br/> See also the
<a href="http://bandm.eu/metatools/docs/usage/option.html">option compiler user documentation</a>.
?><!-- --><!--
This relative link could be used, if we were sure, that the generated documentation
(Java API Doc and dtd rendering) will only be viewed in the context of the meta-tools
user documentation file trees:
<a href="{@docRoot}/../usage/option.html">mt option compiler user documentation</a>.
--><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom default private?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom xmlns="http://bandm.eu/doctypes/option" ?><!-- %int --><!ENTITY % int 'NMTOKEN'><!-- %sorting --><!ENTITY % sorting '( source | 0AaB | 0ABa | AaB0 | ABa0 | AaB | ABa )'><!-- --><!--
sort styles containing "0" = sort by short names,
followed by those without short names
position of "0"-character indicates position of numeric keys.
sort styles not containing "0" = sort by long keys,
followed by those without long names, finally numbers-only
AaB means not respecting case
ABa means respecting case
--><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom public optionlist?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc optionlist Sequence of a collection of command line options, to
be compiled into GUI mask, online help method, parsing method, etc.
(In several contexts, the sequential order is significant.) ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc optionlist@fragmentedLists Whether reperated option arguments may be continued
following some other option(s). ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc optionlist@setterFunctions Whether setter methods will be synthesized
for editing the value of an option instance ?><!-- EL optionlist --><!ELEMENToptionlist(printout_title?, (enumeration | option | comment)*) ><!-- @optionlist --><!ATTLIST optionlist defaultSorting %sorting; "source"
fragmentedLists (yes|no) 'no'
setterFunctions (yes|no) 'no'
><!-- EL printout_title --><!ELEMENTprintout_title(text)+><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc printout_title The text to be printed as a header line in the "usage()" function.
Can be specified for several languages. ?><!-- EL text --><!ELEMENTtext(#PCDATA)><!-- @text --><!ATTLIST text lang NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc text One translation into one particular language.
(Its role and meaning depend on the enclosing context element.) ?><!-- EL desc --><!ELEMENTdesc(text)+><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc desc One description, in several languages.
(Its role and meaning depend on the enclosing context element.) ?><!-- --><!-- =========================================================================== --><!-- EL enumeration --><!ELEMENTenumeration(desc?, (enumitem)+) ><!-- @enumeration --><!ATTLIST enumeration name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumeration An enumeration type which can be used for several parameters of
several options ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumeration@name Used to refer to this enumeration when defining the type
of option parameters ?><!-- EL enumitem --><!ELEMENTenumitem(desc)? ><!-- @enumitem --><!ATTLIST enumitem value CDATA #REQUIRED
><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumitem One position in an enumeration type (represented by the enclosing
context element). ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumitem@value Text as which this item appears to the user, on the command line, in
a GUI, etc.
It maybe not a valid Java identifier. In this case {@code @compilable} must be given. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumitem@compilable Text as which this item is realized in the generated code.
It must be a valid Java identifier, and must be present if {@code @value} is not. ?><!-- --><!-- =========================================================================== --><!-- EL comment --><!ELEMENTcomment(text)+><!-- @comment --><!ATTLIST comment name NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc comment Multi-Lingual text which separates groups of options and appears in
a GUI screen mask, etc. Mostly used for further explanations and directives to the user. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc comment@name mangled into a variable name which gives access to the
corresponding graphic sub-object in the generated GUI class. ?><!-- --><!-- =========================================================================== --><!-- EL option --><!ELEMENToption(noGui?, isMeta?, desc, type, condition?) ><!-- EL noGui --><!ELEMENTnoGuiEMPTY><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc isMeta marks options which are not represented in a generated GUI mask,
like "suppress splash window" ?><!-- EL isMeta --><!ELEMENTisMetaEMPTY><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc isMeta marks options which only affect the way of presentation, but not
the payload execution, like "suppress splash window" ?><!-- @option --><!ATTLIST option name NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
required (yes|no) "no" ><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc option Definition of one particular option as it appears on a command line,
in the GUI, etc. At least one of {@code @name} or {@code @abbrev} must be given! ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc option@name the long name, entered in the commandline with two minus signs,
like "{@code --help}". Must have more than one character. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc option@abbrev the short name, entered in the commandline with one minus sign,
like "{@code -h}". Must have exactly one character. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc option@required Says whether this option must be present on the command line.
Is used to synthesize checking code. ?><!-- %simpletypes --><!ENTITY % simpletypes '(int | float | rat | bool | string | uri | enum | enumset)'><!-- EL simpletypes --><!ELEMENTsimpletypes(%simpletypes;)><!-- EL type --><!ELEMENTtype( (%simpletypes;)*, rep? )><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc type Sequence of the types of all arguments of a particular option . ?><!-- EL int --><!ELEMENTintEMPTY><!-- @int --><!ATTLIST int default NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
format (dez | hexI | hexIO) "dez"
><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc int Describes one integer argument in an option's list of argument types.
Please note that negative ints cannot be entered at the beginnig of a repetition group
due to parsing ambiguity. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc int@default Default value in case the option is missing completely.
Must be verbatim valid Java source text. ?><!-- EL float --><!ELEMENTfloatEMPTY><!-- @float --><!ATTLIST float default NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc float Describes one floating point argument in an option's list of argument types.
(Floats can be translated to Java "float" or "double", controlled by an operation parameter. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc float@default Default value in case the option is missing completely.
Must be verbatim valid Java source text. ?><!-- EL rat --><!ELEMENTratEMPTY><!-- @rat --><!ATTLIST rat default CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc rat Describes one rational number argument in an option's list of argument types. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc float@default Default value in case the option is missing completely.
Must be verbatim valid Java source text, eg. a call to "rat.valueOf(..)" . ?><!-- EL bool --><!ELEMENTboolEMPTY><!-- @bool --><!ATTLIST bool default NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc bool Describes one boolean argument in an option's list of argument types. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc bool@default Default value in case the option is missing completely.
Must be verbatim valid Java source text. ?><!-- EL string --><!ELEMENTstringEMPTY><!-- @string --><!ATTLIST string default CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc string Describes one string value argument in an option's list of argument types. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc string@default Default value in case the option is missing completely.
Can be any string (without framing double quotes) which will be processed into a
valid String constant. ?><!-- EL uri --><!ELEMENTuri((dirOnly | notDir)?, writable?) ><!-- @uri --><!ATTLIST uri default CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc uri Describes one uri value argument in an option's list of argument types.
Is mostly used for file system positions / files.?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc uri@default Default value in case the option is missing completely.
Must be verbatim valid Java source text. ?><!-- EL dirOnly --><!ELEMENTdirOnlyEMPTY><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc dirOnly Only directories are valid values. ?><!-- EL notDir --><!ELEMENTnotDirEMPTY><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc dirOnly Only normal files = not directories are valid values. ?><!-- EL writable --><!ELEMENTwritableEMPTY><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc writable The file or directory must be writable. ?><!-- EL rep --><!ELEMENTrep( (%simpletypes;)+, defaults?) ><!-- @rep --><!ATTLIST rep kind (plus|star) #REQUIRED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc rep Describes a sequence of value types in an option's list of argument types which
can appear more than once. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc rep@kind Whether the empty sequence is a valid input ("star", not "plus") ?><!-- EL defaults --><!ELEMENTdefaults(v)+><!-- EL v --><!ELEMENTv(#PCDATA)><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc defaults gives the sequence of default values for a repetition group, is the
option is completely omitted. The number of contained elements must be an integral
multiple of the length of the containing repetion group. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc v One single default value. Must be verbatim valid Java source text,
except for Strings, where it must be the unquoted String contents.
This includes wrapping a String constant in double quotes, but allows expressions. ?><!-- EL enum --><!ELEMENTenumEMPTY><!-- @enum --><!ATTLIST enum name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
default NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enum Refers to an Enumeration as the type of the value of an option's argument. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enum@name The name of the enum, for referring. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enum@default The enumeration item which shall be used as
default value, if the option is missing completely. The text must be the Java identifier,
i.e. the compilable version, not the command line version. ?><!-- EL enumset --><!ELEMENTenumsetEMPTY><!-- @enumset --><!ATTLIST enumset name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
default NMTOKENS #IMPLIED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumset Refers to an Enumeration as the base type for a set type for
the value of an option's argument. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumset@name The name of the enum, for referring. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumset@default The enumeration items which make the set value be used as
default value, if the option is missing completely. The text must be a sequence of
Java identifiers, i.e. the compilable versions, not the command line versions. ?><!-- --><!-- =========================================================================== --><!-- %primecondition --><!ENTITY % primecondition '(testequal| testgreater|optarg|enumSetContains)'><!-- %conditions --><!ENTITY % conditions '((%primecondition;) | and | or | not)'><!-- EL condition --><!ELEMENTcondition(%conditions;) ><!-- EL and --><!ELEMENTand(%conditions;)+ ><!-- EL or --><!ELEMENTor(%conditions;)+ ><!-- EL not --><!ELEMENTnot(%conditions;) ><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc condition Enabling condition which "un-greys" the input fields of an option,
if fulfilled. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc and Conjuntive combination of two conditions for enabling an option. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc or Disjuntive combination of two conditions for enabling an option. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc not Negation of a condition for enabling an option. ?><!-- %testvalues --><!ENTITY % testvalues '(constant | optarg)'><!-- EL testequal --><!ELEMENTtestequal(%testvalues;,%testvalues;)><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc testequal Enabling condition whether both arguments have the same numric value. ?><!-- EL testgreater --><!ELEMENTtestgreater(%testvalues;,%testvalues;)><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc testequal Enabling condition whether first argument is strictly larger
than the second. ?><!-- EL constant --><!ELEMENTconstantEMPTY><!-- @constant --><!ATTLIST constant value CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc constant Constant to test against some current option argument value,
for forming an enabling condition. Must be verbatim compilable Java source text.
Must be subject to Java's "==" comparison.
?><!-- EL optarg --><!ELEMENToptargEMPTY><!-- @optarg --><!ATTLIST optarg option NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
number NMTOKEN "0"
><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc optarg Reference to some option's current argument value, to test it in an
enabling condition. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc optarg@option The option from which the current argument value is taken.
It is identified either by its long name or its short abbrev value. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc optarg@number The argument of the option by its (zero-based) position index.
The value of this argument is taken either directly as boolean condition, or as subject of a comparison.
(The argument values of a repetition group are currently not adressable; neither is its length.) ?><!-- EL enumSetContains --><!ELEMENTenumSetContainsEMPTY><!-- @enumSetContains --><!ATTLIST enumSetContains option NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
number NMTOKEN "0"
><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumSetContains Boolean value whether an enumeration set contains a particular value ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumSetContains@option The option from which the current argument value is taken.
It is identified either by its long name or its short abbrev value. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumSetContains@number The argument of the option by its (zero-based) position index.
The value of this argument is taken for comparison. ?><!-- ?tdom --><?tdom doc enumSetContains@value The enumeration item the set is tested for.
Must be given by compilable Java source, i.e. by "[Type].[item]"
?><!-- --><!-- eof -->
<!-- created from file option.dtd by the program bandmDtdTool from BandM. -->