Uses of Interface

Packages that use SAXEventStream
Umod main model class: This is the internal model for the d2d text type definitions.
Meaning: Data model for documents conforming to xhtml 1.0 strict.
Model for w3c XML DTDs, with preserved syntax.
Meaning: Created from d2d definition module lablog$expanded at 2025-03-02_12h00m51.
Meaning: Source format for multi lingual support.
Meaning: Source format for the Option compiler, for command line parsing, GUI input, generation of documentation, etc.
Contains base and auxiliary classes for code generated by tdom.
Abstract syntax of the tpath language, realized as a umod model.
Type checking for tpath expressions.
Runtime classes for the model code generated by the umod compiler, for data integrity, de/serialization, visualization, visitors and rewriters.
Utility classes for XML.
txsl = typed xslt 1.0 interpreter with "fragmented validation".