Uses of Class
Prototypical realization of the "TabStaff+" design for
notating Tactie User Interfaces (TUIs) like the "Ableton Push",
as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.
Code and additional resources for the jnlp/java-web-start demonstration of the
MetricSplit algorithm.
All fundamental entities for modeling music.
Uses of MSplitter.Result in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) MSplitter.Result
Created when initializing the graphic conversion.(package private) MSplitter.Result
Created when initializing the graphic conversion.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected MSplitter.Result
(Map<Tp, Set<Event>> map) Calculate the metric split result for one set of events, which contains all events in one hand in the first measure.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Graphics2D gr, int width, MSplitter.Result splitResultRight, Map<Tp, Set<Event>> eventsRight, MSplitter.Result splitResultLeft, Map<Tp, Set<Event>> eventsLeft) Print both hand rhythms and (numeric) note heads, with collision avoidance. -
Uses of MSplitter.Result in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) MSplitter.Result
Global for the repaint-callback of DisplayRhythm.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(MSplitter.Result rhythm, Graphics gr, int width, @Opt List<Tuple3<Rational, Integer, Double>> tempoCurve) Paint the result of a MSplitter call to the given graphics output context. -
Uses of MSplitter.Result in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected MSplitter.Result
The currently drawn metric split result for the upward stems.protected MSplitter.Result
The currently drawn metric split result for the downard stems.protected MSplitter.Result
The result of the last call to metric split, reflects the analysis of the accepted prefix of the input data.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Trie
<QualifiedRational, MSplitter.Result> MSplitter.cache
Cache which holds the split result for each particualr sequence of qualified Rationals.protected final Trie.Evaluator
<QualifiedRational, MSplitter.Result> MSplitter.cacheEvaluator
Operator onMSplitter.cache
, needed for entering and retrieving cached keys and values.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMetricConsumer.getResult()
Returns the result of the lastMetricConsumer.getNext()
call to the metric splitter; for details seeMSplitter.Result
(List<QualifiedRational> eventStarts) Main entry method: process the (ascending) list of start time points and deliver a semantically sensible rendering plan.Main entry method: process the (ascending) list of start time points and deliver a semantically sensible rendering plan.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Graphics gr, int width, MSplitter.Result co_rhythm, @Opt List<Tuple3<Rational, Integer, Double>> co_tempoCurve, MSplitter.Result contra_rhythm, @Opt List<Tuple3<Rational, Integer, Double>> contra_tempoCurve) Central Service Point: Paint the result of a MSplitter call to the given graphics output context.protected void
(Graphics2D g, int width, boolean is_co, MSplitter.Result rhythm, @Opt List<Tuple3<Rational, Integer, Double>> tempoCurve) Paints one of the two voices possible in one measure.