Uses of Package
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring,
with minimum typographic noise.
Meaning: Data model for documents conforming
to xhtml 1.0 strict.
Meaning: Created from d2d definition module
lablog$expanded at
Meaning: Source format for multi lingual
Meaning: Source format for the Option
compiler, for command line parsing, GUI input,
generation of documentation, etc.
Utility classes for types defined in the java runtime library
ClassDescriptionAn iterator which allows arbitrary deep look-ahead for an underlying iterator.
ClassDescriptionAn iterator which allows arbitrary deep look-ahead for an underlying iterator.
ClassDescriptionAn iterator which allows arbitrary deep look-ahead for an underlying iterator.
ClassDescriptionAn iterator which allows arbitrary deep look-ahead for an underlying iterator.
ClassDescriptionTracks the progress of a hierarchical task.