Uses of Class
Packages that use Expression
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring,
with minimum typographic noise.
Umod main model class: This is the internal
model for the d2d text type definitions.
Umod main model class: This is a model for the
results of d2d text parsing.
Uses of Expression in
Fields in declared as ExpressionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Expression
Visitor result register of the last generated expression.(package private) Expression
(package private) final Expression
(package private) final Expression
(package private) Expression
(package private) final Expression
(package private) final Expression
protected @Opt Expression
Contains all xslt tags which can appear anywhere in the target elements.protected Expression
Contains all xslt tags which can appear anywhere in the target elements.Fields in with type parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) Set
<Expression> TypeCheck.AttributeCollector.attrefs
protected Map
<Expression, CharSet> Navigate.CharSetCalc.charsets
Cache for all results calculated so far.(package private) CheckedList
<Expression> CharParserPrepare.ReduceToCardinalities.components
static final Set
<Expression> StackPrinter.FollowSet.empty
Empty result setprotected CheckedList
<Expression> UMod2Def.fieldRefs
(package private) Set
<Expression> StackPrinter.followset
Holds all references the tags of which could be entered in the current parsing state.protected Map
<Expression, Integer> SyntaxGraph.inX
All positions (inX, outX, y, and more) of each expression are RELATIVE to the enclosing construct.protected Map
<Expression, Integer> SyntaxGraph.outX
protected Set
<Expression> StackPrinter.FollowSet.result
The result to return.protected Map
<Expression, TypeCheck.Type> TypeCheck.types
protected Map
<Expression, Integer> SyntaxGraph.y
protected Map
<Expression, Integer> SyntaxGraph.y2
Auxiliary ypos which cannot be easily calculated from contents, e.g.protected Map
<Expression, Integer> SyntaxGraph.y3
Auxiliary ypos which cannot be easily calculated from contents, e.g.Methods in that return ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) Expression
Combine the four components into on regexp:(package private) Expression
The alternative of all xslt expressions which can appear anyhere in a target format element.(package private) Expression
A "star" repetition wrapped aroundXsltInstance.xslt_alt_ubiquituous
.static Expression
(Insertion ins) Delivers the expression which is meant to be inserted by an insertion expression which contains only one single (resolved) reference expression.protected Expression
(DTM.ElementRef eref) Make a d2d reference for a dtm reference.(package private) static Expression
(Expression exp) static Expression
(Expression exp) Returns the argument if it is not an insertion, otherwise the XRegExp referred to by its only content, a resolved reference.(package private) static Expression
(Expression... exp) static Expression
static Expression
(String s, Expression exp) CharParserPrepare.EliminateRecursion.translate
(CharsRegExp currentDef) Descends given char parser expression and collects a single RegExp which represents the "bucket hull".CharParserPrepare.ReduceToCardinalities.translate
(Expression in) Returns a top-level permutation expression which contains all found sub-elements in their possible cardinalities.CharParserPrepare.ReduceToCardinalities.translate
(CheckedList<Expression> ins) (package private) @Opt Expression
(DTM.Attribute att) Central service point: Convert one attribute, generate the necessary d2d definition, add it to an element def in the generated module, and return the appropriate reference expression.Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCentral service method: calculate the result.static Set
<Expression> TypeCheck.collectAttributesOpt
(XRegExp host) Delivers an Expression ONLY for indicating whether the attribute is optional.TypeCheck.get_types()
Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Expression x) All other expressions are not character expressions.protected void
(Expression from, Expression to, boolean isalt) "From" is the component expression FROM which the director map is copied inTO the map ruling the compond expression called "to".d(package private) static Alt
(Expression... exp) (package private) void
(Expression sub) Make room for a dashed box around an expression.(package private) void
(Expression exp) /protected boolean
(Expression exp1, Expression exp2) protected void
(Expression exp, String text) Navigate.CharSetCalc.find
(Expression exp) Evaluate the expression: Either return the cache or invoke visiting.(package private) boolean
(Expression exp) If not yet visited, create the director map objects.(package private) static boolean
(Expression exp) protected boolean
(Expression expr) protected boolean
(Expression expr) static void
(Expression exp, Seq ns) All directors from "exp" are lifted into the directory maps of "ns", to point to the "exp"-expression.protected void
(String s, Expression from, Expression to) Signal the fact that a tag is already contained in the domain of the (non-weak) director map.protected boolean
(Expression exp) Copy the cached value to theNavigate.CharSetCalc.result
register.protected void
(Expression exp) Put to cache.SyntaxGraph.Painter.paintIt
(Expression expr, @Opt SyntaxGraph.RefPainter refPainter, Color backgroundColor) Central Service Access: Paint the complete expression tree.(package private) void
(Expression exp, Expression sub, String text) Paint a dashed box for insertion/substitution/greediness.void
(Graphics2D gr, SyntaxGraph.LayoutParameters lp, Expression exp, String tag, boolean isInsertion, int x0, int y0, int w, int h) void
(Graphics2D gr, SyntaxGraph.LayoutParameters lp, Expression exp, String tag, boolean isInsertion, int x0, int y0, int w, int h) void
(Graphics2D gr, SyntaxGraph.LayoutParameters layoutParameters, Expression exp, String tag, boolean isInsertion, int x0, int y0, int w, int h) (package private) static Expression
(Expression exp) void
(Expression exp) protected void
(Expression x) Prints the contents of a modifier Opt/Star/Plus.protected void
(Expression exp, String pos) Range operator between non-singleton sets.static Expression
(Expression exp) Returns the argument if it is not an insertion, otherwise the XRegExp referred to by its only content, a resolved reference.(package private) static Expression
(Expression... exp) protected void
(Definition def, Expression rule) Called when reaching a ParseParticle, a CharsRegExp or an Enumeration, which all lead to wrapping the parsing result into a Result object with this definition as its tag.boolean
(Expression exp1, Expression exp2) protected TypeCheck.Type
(Expression caller, XRegExp x) static Expression
(String s, Expression exp) CharParserPrepare.ReduceToCardinalities.translate
(Expression in) Returns a top-level permutation expression which contains all found sub-elements in their possible cardinalities.void
(Expression in) protected TypeCheck.Type
(Expression x) Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
(List<Expression> exps) protected void
(State_perm permstate, CheckedList<Expression> misslist) Add obligate members of a "perm" expression to the term which describes the missing input.protected void
(CheckedList<Expression> on) protected void
(Collection<Expression> subs, String sep, int prec) Prints the argument sequence of Seq/Alt/Perm and puts parentheses iff the precedence decreases.protected void
(Iterator<Expression> subs, int outerW) Caculates the size of the sub-expression, shifts the sub-expression to some co-ordinates relative to the Alt- or Perm-expression, and calculates the resultingSyntaxGraph.Layouter.sizeInfo
.protected void
(CheckedList<Expression> misslist) Is called when an target-language open/close tag has been found after an xslt template call, to report the necessary expansion.protected void
(boolean isOpen, String tag, boolean frameFound, CheckedList<Expression> misslist, List<SimpleMessage<String>> messlist, Location<String> closeTagDefLoc) this proc can be called fromText2Udom.process_open_tag(String, boolean)
orText2Udom.process_close_tag(String, boolean)
Basically, there are two classes of error recovery:
framefound = true ==> the tag is KNOWN, but tags before are missing, --- then continue with a shrunk stack state.
framefound = false ==> the tag is NOT KNOWN, then discard all input up to the next tag and try again.CharParserPrepare.ReduceToCardinalities.translate
(CheckedList<Expression> ins) protected CheckedList
<DTD.CP> Def2Dtd.translatesubs
(Collection<Expression> subs) Constructors in with parameters of type ExpressionModifierConstructorDescription(package private)
(Expression g, Expression p, Expression s, Expression i) -
Uses of Expression in
Subclasses of Expression in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Fields in declared as ExpressionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Fields in with type parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CheckedMap_RD
<String, Expression> Expression.firsts
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static final Function
<Expression, Boolean> Expression.get_canProduceEpsilon
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<CharsRegExp, Expression> CharsRegExp.get_dataContentModel
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Expression, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> Expression.get_firsts
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Expression, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> Expression.get_firsts
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<ImportItem, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> ImportItem.get_globalSubsts
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<CharBinary, Expression> CharBinary.get_left
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<CharsRegExp, Expression> CharsRegExp.get_linearContentModel
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<ImportItem, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>>> ImportItem.get_localSubsts
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Subst, Expression> Subst.get_mul
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Perm, CheckedSet<Expression>> Perm.get_obligates
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<GrMult, CheckedList<Expression>> GrMult.get_on
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<GrUnary, Expression> GrUnary.get_on
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Insertion, Expression> Insertion.get_on
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<ParseParticle, Expression> ParseParticle.get_on
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Subst, Expression> Subst.get_on
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<CharBinary, Expression> CharBinary.get_right
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<XRegExp, Expression> XRegExp.get_value
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Expression, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> Expression.get_weakfirsts
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Expression, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> Expression.get_weakfirsts
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, Expression> ImportItem.globalSubsts
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> ImportItem.localSubsts
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected CheckedSet
<Expression> Perm.obligates
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected CheckedList
<Expression> GrMult.on
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, Expression> Expression.weakfirsts
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Methods in that return ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionExpression.doclone()
Clones this object.__SAX_Parser.fill_Expression
(Object res) CharsRegExp.get_dataContentModel()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.CharBinary.get_left()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.CharsRegExp.get_linearContentModel()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Subst.get_mul()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.GrUnary.get_on()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Insertion.get_on()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.ParseParticle.get_on()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Subst.get_on()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.CharBinary.get_right()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.XRegExp.get_value()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Copies values of all common fields from the argument.__SAX_Parser.matchSAX_Expression()
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_canProduceEpsilon
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Expression.get_firsts()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_firsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.ImportItem.get_globalSubsts()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.ImportItem.get_localSubsts()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Perm.get_obligates()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.GrMult.get_on()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Expression.get_weakfirsts()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_weakfirsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, Expression> __SAX_Parser.parse_10()
protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, Expression> __SAX_Parser.parse_26()
protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, Expression> __SAX_Parser.parse_27()
protected CheckedList
<Expression> __SAX_Parser.parse_28()
protected CheckedSet
<Expression> __SAX_Parser.parse_29()
protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, Expression> __SAX_Parser.parse_8()
protected CheckedMap_RD
<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> __SAX_Parser.parse_9()
static Pattern
<Expression> __Patterns.term_Expression
(Pattern<? super Expr0> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_canProduceEpsilon, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_firsts, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_weakfirsts) Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(Expression el) void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) void
(Expression e0) void
(Expression newobj) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression element) void
(Expression e0) void
(Expression newobj) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) protected void
(Expression e0) void
(String key0, Expression value) Convenience un-Currying method.void
(String key0, String key1, Expression value) Convenience un-Currying method.protected void
(Expression clone) protected void
(Expression clone) boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Format
(Expression el) CharBinary.with_left
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.GrUnary.with_on
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Insertion.with_on
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.CharBinary.with_right
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescription__Patterns.cast_Expression
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_dataContentModel
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_firsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_globalSubsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharBinary> CharBinary.get_left
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_linearContentModel
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_localSubsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Subst.get_mul
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Perm.get_obligates
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrMult.get_on
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrUnary.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Insertion.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ParseParticle> ParseParticle.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Subst.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharBinary> CharBinary.get_right
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.XRegExp.get_value
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_weakfirsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.void
(String key0, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression> value) Convenience un-Currying method.boolean
(CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.__Patterns.term_CharExpr
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) __Patterns.term_Empty
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) __Patterns.term_GrMult
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<Expression>> p_on) __Patterns.term_GrUnary
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_istight) __Patterns.term_Insertion
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_synthetic) __Patterns.term_None
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) static Pattern
<ParseParticle> __Patterns.term_ParseParticle
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_ident, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super CharsRegExp> p_collector) __Patterns.term_Pcdata
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) __Patterns.term_Reference
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_sourceText, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isImplicit, Pattern<? super Definition> p_resolved) static Pattern
<StringConst> __Patterns.term_StringConst
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_value) __Patterns.term_Subst
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Reference> p_div, Pattern<? super Expression> p_mul) Perm.with_obligates
(CheckedSet<Expression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.GrMult.with_on
(CheckedList<Expression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Constructors in with parameters of type ExpressionModifierConstructorDescriptionCharBinary
(Expression left, Expression right) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.CharBinary
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression left, Expression right) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression left, Expression right) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.CharCut
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression left, Expression right) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression left, Expression right) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.CharJoin
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression left, Expression right) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression left, Expression right) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.CharMinus
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression left, Expression right) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression left, Expression right) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.CharRange
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression left, Expression right) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(SourceItem context, String name, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression value) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(String name, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression value) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Greedy
(Expression on) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Greedy
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on, boolean istight) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression on) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.GrUnary
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on, boolean istight) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression on) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Insertion
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on, boolean synthetic) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Expression on) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Opt
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on, boolean istight) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, String ident, Expression on) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(String ident, Expression on) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Plus
(Expression on) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Plus
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on, boolean istight) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression on) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Star
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on, boolean istight) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(Expression on, Reference div, Expression mul) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Subst
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression on, Reference div, Expression mul) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(SourceItem context, String name, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression value) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(String name, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression value) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.XRegExp
(SourceItem context, String name, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression value) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(String name, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, Expression value) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ExpressionModifierConstructorDescriptionAlt
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, CheckedList<Expression> on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, CheckedList<Expression> on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, CheckedList<Expression> on) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, CheckedList<Expression> on, boolean istight) Constructor generated according to specification #1
Constructor defined according to directive "C 1/.."
. -
Uses of Expression in
Fields in with type parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.grammarExpr
Accepts and decodes top level grammar expressions.static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.x_reference
Accepts and constructs model element for identifier plus an "implicit
" prefix.Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_000
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes lowest level grammar expressions.static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_002
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Parse greedy and insert prefix sequence as in "@ @ > > (a, b)".static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_004
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes char set cut expression "e1 A e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_006
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes char set join expression "e1 U e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_008
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes char set minus expression "e1 - e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.charParserWrapper
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_002
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes tight sequence "e1 ~ e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_004
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes permutation "e1 & e2
"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_006
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes non-tight sequence "e1 , e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_008
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes alternative "e1 | e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decorated
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes decorated expression "e1? / + / * / +~ / *~"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.grammarExpr
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> p_grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes top level grammar expressions.static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.postGreedy
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes decorated expression "e1? / + / * / +~ / *~"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.range
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes next-to-lowest level grammar expressions.static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.substituted
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes substituted expression "e1 ^(e2/i2) ^(e3/i3).."Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) static Location
<XMLDocumentIdentifier> Parser2.region
(Expression from, Expression to) (package private) static Location
<XMLDocumentIdentifier> Parser2.region
(Content<XMLDocumentIdentifier, ?> from, Expression to) Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_000
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes lowest level grammar expressions.static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_002
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Parse greedy and insert prefix sequence as in "@ @ > > (a, b)".static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_004
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes char set cut expression "e1 A e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_006
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes char set join expression "e1 U e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.atom_008
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes char set minus expression "e1 - e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.charParserWrapper
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_002
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes tight sequence "e1 ~ e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_004
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes permutation "e1 & e2
"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_006
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes non-tight sequence "e1 , e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decor_008
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes alternative "e1 | e2"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.decorated
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes decorated expression "e1? / + / * / +~ / *~"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.grammarExpr
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> p_grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes top level grammar expressions.static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.postGreedy
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes decorated expression "e1? / + / * / +~ / *~"static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.range
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes next-to-lowest level grammar expressions.static final Reading
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> Parser2.substituted
(Reading<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType, Expression> grammarExpr) Accepts and decodes substituted expression "e1 ^(e2/i2) ^(e3/i3).." -
Uses of Expression in
Fields in declared as ExpressionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected Expression
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Fields in with type parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CheckedSet
<Expression> State_perm.consumed
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static final Function
<State_perm, CheckedSet<Expression>> State_perm.get_consumed
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<Binding, Expression> Binding.get_exp
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<State_perm, CheckedSet<Expression>> State_perm.get_obligates
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<State_singleton, Expression> State_singleton.get_rule
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<State, Expression> State.get_rule
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.static final Function
<PermutationGroup, CheckedMap_RD<Expression, PermutationSubexpression>> PermutationGroup.get_subs
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.protected CheckedSet
<Expression> State_perm.obligates
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected CheckedMap_RD
<Expression, PermutationSubexpression> PermutationGroup.subs
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Methods in that return ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBinding.get_exp()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.State_singleton.get_rule()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.State.get_rule()
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionState_perm.get_consumed()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.State_perm.get_obligates()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.PermutationGroup.get_subs()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(Expression e0) boolean
(Expression key0) Convenience un-Currying method.void
(Expression key0, PermutationSubexpression value) Convenience un-Currying method.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(Expression val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExpressionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_consumed
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_exp
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_obligates
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_rule
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<PermutationGroup> PermutationGroup.get_subs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Expression, PermutationSubexpression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.boolean
(CheckedSet<Expression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(CheckedSet<Expression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.boolean
(CheckedMap_RD<Expression, PermutationSubexpression> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Constructors in with parameters of type ExpressionModifierConstructorDescriptionBinding
(Binding predec, String id, Expression exp, ImportContext context, String definitionName) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."
(String id, Expression exp, ImportContext context) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.State_singleton
(ResultContainer result, Reference ref, Definition def, Expression rule) Synthetic minimal constructor provided by the umod compiler.State_singleton
(State predec, ResultContainer result, boolean inxslt, Reference ref, Definition def, Expression rule) Constructor generated according to specification #0
Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/.."