Uses of Class
Packages that use ModuleRegistry
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring,
with minimum typographic noise.
Evaluation, statistics and renderings of bandm lab log format.
Uses of ModuleRegistry in
Fields in declared as ModuleRegistryModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final ModuleRegistry
Used for loading all modules.protected final ModuleRegistry
protected final ModuleRegistry
Methods in that return ModuleRegistryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionModuleRegistry.appendToSourceList
(String s) Appends a string which is the representation of a possible location of module sources to the end of the list of searched locations, as maintained bysourceHabitats
Called when reusing this instance for several d2d text source files, each of which may be opened by a different "local module" definition.protected static ModuleRegistry
(BatchOptions options, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Construct a module registry according to the command line options.protected ModuleRegistry
(Options options) Construct a module registry according to the command line options.static ModuleRegistry
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, Stream<String> libpath) Construct a module registry according to the command line options.static ModuleRegistry
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msgr, int debug, String... searchpath) Factory method which constructs and initializes.ModuleRegistry.setMsgReceiver
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) EvidentModuleRegistry.setTracelevel
(int tracelevel) Sets the trace level and the amount of generated messages (error and failure messages are always generated):
.Methods in with parameters of type ModuleRegistryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, ModuleRegistry moduleReg, String modulename, String language, boolean isStatic, String outputname, String gencomment, String dateAndTime, @Opt NamespaceName2String ext_stylesheetParams, @Opt Iterable<String> additionalSources, int lineWidth) Service point: Generate the HTML documentation for a given module, ie.static void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, ModuleRegistry moduleReg, String modulename, String docuLanguage, String fileOutputName, int lineWidth) Service point: Convert a d2d module definition to a dtd file.static void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int verbosity, ModuleRegistry moduleReg, @Opt Iterable<String> additionalSources, String modulename, String targetModule, @Opt String targetTopTag, String outputname, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, String genString, int lineWidth) Service point: Extracts all xslt rules for the given module and target into a d2d definition and exports this to two xslt source files, in d2d and in xml encoding.static void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int verbosity, ModuleRegistry moduleReg, @Opt Iterable<String> additionalSources, String modulename, String targetModule, @Opt String targetTopTag, String outputname, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, String genString, int lineWidth, boolean writeAdditionallyToXmlFile) Service point: Extracts all xslt rules for the given module and target into a d2d definition and exports this to a d2d source file.void
(ModuleRegistry moduleReg, String key, boolean replace) Text2Udom.fromFile
(File f, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry) Parse the contents of the given file.Text2Udom.fromFile
(String s, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry) Parse the contents of the file found at the given location.Text2Udom.fromFile
(String locationText, File f, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry) Parse the contents of the given file, using the given location text for all error messages.Text2Udom.fromMemString
(String locationText, MemString<String> text, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry) Parse the contents of the given MemString object, which includes a text type declaration header.Text2Udom.fromMemString
(String locationText, MemString<String> text, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, @Opt XRegExp toplevelXRegExp, Text2Udom.modes mode) Parse the contents of the given MemString object, containing just the text body.Text2Udom.fromReader
(String locationText, Reader r, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry) Parse the contents of the given file, using the given location text for all error messages.static @Opt Tasks.XsltExtractionResult
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, Trace xsltTrace, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, ResolvedModule mod, String key, ResultContext resultContext, String topElementName, LocationMap<XMLDocumentIdentifier, XMLDocumentIdentifier> stringpos2filepos, boolean writeIntermediateXsltCodeToFile, @Opt String dateNow, @Opt String fileBasis, int lineWidth) Because it is very unlikely that the same xslt source text must be processed by both Txsl and Jre-xslt, no cache is maintained for the intermediate Udom result, which in that rare case must be calculated twice.static Transformation
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, Trace xsltTrace, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, ResolvedModule mod, String key, ResultContext resultContext, String topElementName, TransformationCache transformationsCache, Transformation.Modifiers txsl_modifiers, FunctionLibrary<?> functionLibrary, LocationMap<XMLDocumentIdentifier, XMLDocumentIdentifier> stringpos2filepos, boolean writeIntermediateXsltCodeToFile, @Opt String dateNow, @Opt String fileBasis, int lineWidth) Service point: Deliver the xslt Transformation object for given source and target formats.static Templates
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, Trace xsltTrace, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, ResolvedModule mod, String key, ResultContext resultContext, String topElementName, TransformationCache transformationsCache, Transformation.Modifiers txsl_modifiers, FunctionLibrary<?> functionLibrary, LocationMap<XMLDocumentIdentifier, XMLDocumentIdentifier> stringpos2filepos, boolean writeIntermediateXsltCodeToFile, @Opt String dateNow, @Opt String fileBasis, int lineWidth) protected void
(ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry) Load the general d2d meta module und find the required definitions.protected boolean
(MemScanner<String> scanner, String toplevel_fileLocation, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry) Parse the head of an input file.static <T extends TypedDocument,
D extends TypedDTD>
(String sourcetext, ModuleRegistry modreg, Class<T> documentClass, D dtdInstance, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msgr, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, int debug) Convert a d2d source text into a tdom model.static <T extends TypedDocument,
D extends TypedDTD>
(@Opt File infile, ModuleRegistry modreg, Class<T> documentClass, D dtdInstance, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msgr, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, int debug) Service point: Convert a d2d input file into a tdom model.static void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> e_msg, int debuglevel, ModuleRegistry e_moduleReg, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, File e_sourcefile, Charset encoding, @Opt String generationComment, @Opt ContentHandler contentHandler, @Opt File xmlfile) Service point: Convert directly a d2d encoded input text file into xml, either to a file or to a programmed consumer or to both.static void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> e_msg, int debuglevel, ModuleRegistry e_moduleReg, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, Reader e_source, @Opt String sourceIndication, @Opt String generationComment, @Opt ContentHandler contentHandler, @Opt File xmlfile) Service point: Convert directly a d2d encoded text from a Reader into xml, either to a file or to a programmed consumer or to both.Constructors in with parameters of type ModuleRegistryModifierConstructorDescriptionBatchProcessor
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, ModuleRegistry modulereg, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, Transformation.Modifiers txsl_modifiers, Trace xsltTrace, int debuglevel, boolean writeIntermediateXsltCodeToFile, boolean partialDocs, @Opt SimpleFilePattern xmlOutputFilePattern, int lineWidth, BatchProcessor.Job... jobs) Only Constructor.FirstCalculator
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, @Opt ModuleRegistry modreg) EvidentResolver4
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msgoutput, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, Module rootModule, int verbosity) Central service providing method.protected
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int debuglevel, File generatedDir, int lineWidth, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, String languagecode, String generationString, String dateAndTime, NamespaceName2String stylesheetParams) Only constructorUserdocInstantiated
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int debuglevel, File generatedDir, int lineWidth, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, ResolvedModule mod, String targetcode, String generationString, String dateAndTime, NamespaceName2String stylesheetParams) Only constructorUserdocUninstantiated
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int debuglevel, File generatedDir, int lineWidth, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, Module mod, String targetcode, String generationString, String dateAndTime, NamespaceName2String stylesheetParams) Only constructor(package private)
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, @Opt XRegExp toplevelXRegExp) -
Uses of ModuleRegistry in
Fields in declared as ModuleRegistry -
Uses of ModuleRegistry in
Fields in declared as ModuleRegistryModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected ModuleRegistry
Parametrization for the d2d parsing process: act robust, signal as many errors as possible, no console output, produce also incomplete output.