Class MTree.Parameters

Enclosing class:

public static class MTree.Parameters extends Object
Parameters for the automated insertion of essential brackets and for the selection of beams, beamlets and flags.
  • Field Details

    • longestNoteSymbol

      public int longestNoteSymbol
      Valid values are 1=whole note, 2=brevis, 4=longa, 8=maxima. Most contempoaray rendering back-ends support only 1 or 2.
    • max_dots_positive

      public int max_dots_positive
      Maximal allowed prologation dots for positive dottings, Is also used for dot-writings in neutral contexts, when merging siblings / writing Mersenne enumerators etc. Needed already here in install(), for calculating if e-printable.
    • max_dots_for_pauses

      public int max_dots_for_pauses
      Restricts dots with pause symbols (is combined with the other restrictions!) Needed already here in install(), for calculating if e-printable.
    • max_dots_negative

      public int max_dots_negative
      Maximal allowed prologation dots for negative dottings. Needed NOT here in install(), only later in MSplitter, but shall nevertheless stand here together with the othes.
    • max_childs_to_print

      public int max_childs_to_print
      Threshold for printing child nodes, when parent node is not e-writable.
    • not_nearest_but_lower_power_of_2

      public boolean not_nearest_but_lower_power_of_2
      NOT YET USED, to replace EBs of "15:16" by "15:8" and "7:8" by "7:4", etc
    • prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16

      public boolean prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16
      Whether one single bracket "15:16" is preferroed over two nested brackets "4:5" and "2:3", or sim. FIXME VON ANZAHL kidknoten abhängig !?!?! (>n)
    • prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8

      public boolean prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8
      Whether one single bracket "9:8" is preferroed over two nested brackets "2:3", or sim. FIXME VON ANZAHL kidknoten abhängig !?!?! (>n)
    • proportiones_lentiores

      public Set<Integer> proportiones_lentiores
    • beam_over_pause

      public MTree.Parameters.Beam_over_pause beam_over_pause
      "Disrupt" is the conventional way, when a pause ends the beaming, as in
                                      __       __
             |\         |\            |-       -|
             |\\        |\\     or    |         |
             | \        | \           |         |
            x    (ps)  x             x   (ps)  x
      "Span" allows beams over pauses, as in
             |-        -|
             |          |
             |          |
            x   (ps)   x
      "Stemlet" uses short stems also for pauses, which influences the beaming, as in
             |     |----|
             |     |    |
             |          |
             |          |
            x    pause  x
    • beamlets_without_any_beam

      public boolean beamlets_without_any_beam
      If not set, all-alone beamlets are replaced by flags, as it is usual- But a beamlet has *additiona direction information, which can be ergoonomically sensible, e.g. in a 2*5*1/16 meter:
                    ___  ___
             |      --|  |--          |
             |        |  |            |
             |        |  |            |
            x        x  x            x
    • remove_short_against_long

      public boolean remove_short_against_long
      Whether to remove an additional beamlet pointing to a dotted complement, when it is genuine but not necessary, because the shorter note is divided. See e,g, the beamlet "==" in
             ---==      |
             ---        |
             | |        |
            x x        x .
    • short_against_short

      public MTree.Parameters.BeamletDirection short_against_short
      Whether to set a beamlet in both directions if the complement relation is ambiguous. See e.g. in a 5*1/16 meter the beamlet "==" in the constellation
             |  ---==   |
             |    |     |
             |    |     |
            x    x     x
    • beamlets_without_same_side_beam

      public boolean beamlets_without_same_side_beam
      Avoids the conventional but un-orthogonal technique to shift beamlets only to the long-beam-side. This is often the (akward) case with pauses:
        allows      _______  instead of              _____
                    --|   |     the convential       |--  |
               ps     |   |                      ps  |    |
                     x   x                           x    x
    • mix_flags_and_beams

      public boolean mix_flags_and_beams
      Replace beamlets by flags, even together with beams. As in
             |\         |
             | \        |
             | /        |
            x          x .
    • modifications

      public List<MTree.GenuineBeamsModification> modifications
  • Constructor Details

    • Parameters

      public Parameters()
  • Method Details