Package eu.bandm.sighkn

package eu.bandm.sighkn
  • Class
    "p" = "peak" is optional, if == null it defaults to 1.0f, modeling the conventional "Adsr".
    Gate is true if input !=0.
    Trigger is modelled by any change in the event number = the int source in "trigger".
    Execution is re-triggerable, i.e.
    PROVIS FIXME find all sound and midi input and output connections
    PROVIS stimmt noch nicht! Zählt "run()" aufrufe, die SONST keine Semantik haben sollten!"
    A small device which derives a gate from a trigger, which holds the given duration.
    Assume input is encoded as 1.0/msec.
    The pan position select value is 0.0f for totally left and 1.0f for totally right.
    Pitch calculation:
    With "increment==1.0", this code plays one array position in one run-step.
    FIXME Implementierung als MIDI CONTROL fehlt noch! STATT oder ZUSÄTZLICH ZUR JSlider eingabe !?!? FIXME TICKS (user coordinates) fehlen noch FIXME horizontale version fehlt noch FIXME inc/dec buttons (einschaltbar)
    A small device which derives a gate from a trigger, which holds the given duration.
    PROVIS stimmt noch nicht! Zählt "run()" aufrufe, die SONST keine Semantik haben sollten!"
    A "look-ahead" player knows the duration of a sound event when it starts.
    Spaeter umbauen auf "FloatTwoTablesOscillator"
    Lift some of the samples in the "SoundFont" file to our SampleRegister data structure, manually.
    Swing Control for displaying and manipulating the position of one or more SequencerPanel.AbstractSequencer, which shall play synchronuously.
    Sequencer for sig data.
    A wrapper around Apdsr, which generates the gate impuls for the given duration.
    Play "HAKEN"-generatred sig voice via sequencer and sig/adlib synthesizer
    make target "make test"
    Adapted from bt adlataus/src/java/adlatus/audio/Test
    IDEEN: FloatOscillatorClockedModulation(float sampleFreq, S osciFreqSource, ---> S osciFreq float phase) { STATT getModulator() --> runOsciFreq() ClockedFloatSignalSource.suppliedBy() is Popular as "FloatLatch" or "FloatSAH" = "FloatSampleAndHold" ClockedFloatSignalSource etc.
    Demo for KennLine and Automation.
    make target "make test"
    Adapted from bt adlataus/src/java/adlatus/audio/Test Plays a set of sig data files.
    Reverse Egineering for Sample Player.
    There is a spec for "Soundfont2", but not clear what the hundreds of fields really MEAN.
    So here first attempts to DISPLAY them.
    For background details see sig/doc/internal/recherche_java_linux_sound.d2d
    Assume "gervil" being the default synthesizer and accessible.
    HACK use "gervil" classes directly.
    A small device which derives a gate from a trigger, which holds the given duration.
    Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.