Uses of Package
Packages that use
Top-level data structures, modelling different score formats, combining the
entities defined in lower level packages.
Classes in used by as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into a
, etc.This class realizes a first simple example instantiation of a tscore TimeScape for representing "common western notation" / "CWN" musical scores. -
Classes in used by a simple lilypond output for one or more
object/s.Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into aCwnSequencerDouble
, etc.Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into aCwnSequencerDouble
, etc.Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into aCwnSequencerFloat
, etc.Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into aCwnSequencerFloat
, etc.Auxiliary class, combining theme number ("I" to "IV") and theme form ("D" or "C").Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.Generated source for command line processing.Source generated from a command line options specification.Generated source for command line processing.Realizes the parsing of a "Haiku" score in MWs accordeon project.Prototypes to generate a CWN Event (with text and markup).Prints a list of segments in a three-dimensional (3d) block diagram style, mostly for visualizing temporal distribution of themes/counterpoints in a multi-voice work of music.Data item realizing the graphic segments to render.This class realizes a first simple example instantiation of a tscore TimeScape for representing "common western notation" / "CWN" musical scores.Common base class for several tscore instantiations creating SVG output.