Uses of Package
Packages that use
Prototypical realization of the "TabStaff+" design for
notating Tactie User Interfaces (TUIs) like the "Ableton Push",
as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.
Classes in used by and configuration data for the "grid" view of tabstaff, for static and animated SVG renderings.The roles of a key in the grid, when assigned to MIDI note on/off event.Generates a tabulature-like rendering.How to distribute the necessary shift among upper and lower stem.Which of the two four-line systems shall be painted as lines and not realized by ledger lines.When to apply shifts.Tscore parsing and model creation of a subset of "TabStaff+", as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.TUI configuration parameter: distance of adjacent rows/columns: diatonic third, diatonic fourth, or half-tone.Which hand is specified, if any.TUI configuration parameter: HAB ICH NOCH NICHT VERSTANDEN FIXMETUI configuration parameter: direction of increasing pitches left to right or low to high.TUI areas, divided into two, horizonally and vertically.TUI configuration parameter: selected subset which is mapped to keys: either diatonics only or all chromatic steps.