Uses of Class

Packages that use Reducer.Reactions
eu.bandm.tscore.base Generic and low level data types and transformation algorithms, to be used by very different applications of the tscore framework. 

Uses of Reducer.Reactions in eu.bandm.tscore.base

Fields in eu.bandm.tscore.base declared as Reducer.Reactions
static Reducer.Reactions Reducer.defaultReactions
          Contains an instance with default values, as described with the fields of Reducer.Reactions.
protected  Reducer.Reactions Reducer.reactions

Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.base with parameters of type Reducer.Reactions
 void Reducer.reduce(eu.bandm.tscore.tdom.Document_file file, Reducer.Reactions reactions)
          The result of the parsing process are zero or more instances of Part, Vox and Tp..