Uses of Class

Packages that use Reducer.Reaction
eu.bandm.tscore.base Generic and low level data types and transformation algorithms, to be used by very different applications of the tscore framework. 

Uses of Reducer.Reaction in eu.bandm.tscore.base

Fields in eu.bandm.tscore.base declared as Reducer.Reaction
 Reducer.Reaction Reducer.Reactions.beatNotBeaten
          When an event appears after a time line beat column, but no event ON this column, --- defaults to reject.
 Reducer.Reaction Reducer.Reactions.closingParenthesisBeyondRightTp
          When the closing parenthesis is found right of the right-most column in the ruling time-line, --- defaults to warn.
 Reducer.Reaction Reducer.Reactions.moreVoiceEventsPerColumn
          When more than one main parameter appears as event defining in a voice line, --- defaults to warn.

Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.base that return Reducer.Reaction
static Reducer.Reaction Reducer.Reaction.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Reducer.Reaction[] Reducer.Reaction.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.base with parameters of type Reducer.Reaction
protected  void Reducer.react(Reducer.Reaction react, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, String txt, Object... args)