Uses of Class

Packages that use ULex "u-lex" stands for "micro lexer" and supports small-scale text analysis by a fully typed combinator library. 
eu.bandm.tscore.base Generic and low level data types and transformation algorithms, to be used by very different applications of the tscore framework. 

Uses of ULex in

Methods in that return ULex
static ULex<ClefUsage> ClefUsage.getClefUsageLexer(ULex<String> prefix, String lang)
static ULex<ClefUsage> ClefUsage.getLexer_adHoc(String lang)
static ULex<ClefUsage> ClefUsage.getLexer_noOctave(String lang)
static ULex<RationalMetrum> AdditiveMetrum.getLexer()
static ULex<RationalDuration> RationalDuration.getLexer()
static ULex<RationalMetrum> RationalMetrum.getLexer()
static ULex<RationalMetrum> AdditiveMetrum.getLexer(String lang)
static ULex<RationalDuration> RationalDuration.getLexer(String lang)
static ULex<RationalMetrum> RationalMetrum.getLexer(String lang)

Methods in with parameters of type ULex
static ULex<ClefUsage> ClefUsage.getClefUsageLexer(ULex<String> prefix, String lang)

Uses of ULex in

Fields in declared as ULex
static ULex<?> Score_cwn.lexer_durationLeadIn
static ULex<?> Score_cwn.lexer_durationLeadOut

Uses of ULex in

Constructors in with parameters of type ULex
BarDurationCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, ULex<M> metricParser, ULex<D> durationParser)
BarDurationCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, ULex<M> metricParser, ULex<D> durationParser)
BarDurationCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, ULex<M> metricParser, ULex<D> durationParser, ULex<?> openSign_duration, ULex<?> closeSign_duration)
BarDurationCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, ULex<M> metricParser, ULex<D> durationParser, ULex<?> openSign_duration, ULex<?> closeSign_duration)
BarDurationCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, ULex<M> metricParser, ULex<D> durationParser, ULex<?> openSign_duration, ULex<?> closeSign_duration)
BarDurationCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, ULex<M> metricParser, ULex<D> durationParser, ULex<?> openSign_duration, ULex<?> closeSign_duration)
RunningOctaveCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<P> pitchLexer, ULex<OctaveRegister> absOctave_lexer, ULex<String> octDown, ULex<String> octUp, Function<P,WhiteKeyModOctave> stripAlterations, Map<Event,AbsolutePitch<OctaveRegister,P>> result)
RunningOctaveCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<P> pitchLexer, ULex<OctaveRegister> absOctave_lexer, ULex<String> octDown, ULex<String> octUp, Function<P,WhiteKeyModOctave> stripAlterations, Map<Event,AbsolutePitch<OctaveRegister,P>> result)
RunningOctaveCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<P> pitchLexer, ULex<OctaveRegister> absOctave_lexer, ULex<String> octDown, ULex<String> octUp, Function<P,WhiteKeyModOctave> stripAlterations, Map<Event,AbsolutePitch<OctaveRegister,P>> result)
RunningOctaveCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<P> pitchLexer, ULex<OctaveRegister> absOctave_lexer, ULex<String> octDown, ULex<String> octUp, Function<P,WhiteKeyModOctave> stripAlterations, Map<Event,AbsolutePitch<OctaveRegister,P>> result)

Uses of ULex in

Subclasses of ULex in
static class ULex.Alt<A>
          Parser which accepts one of two sub-parsers.
static class ULex.CharSet
          Accepts the next character iff it is contained/not contained n the given character Set (encoded as a String).
static class ULex.Concatenate
          Convenience sub-class of ULex.Seq to concatenate two string results.
static class ULex.Const
          Accepts given constant String value and returns it, or throws ULex.ExceptionFail.
static class ULex.ConstMap<T>
          Accepts a longest prefix match from a set of constant String values and returns the values defined by the map argument; or throws ULex.ExceptionFail.
static class ULex.DecimalDigit
          Returns a parsed decimal digit 0..9
static class ULex.End
          Parser which accepts the end of the input string.
static class ULex.Fail<T>
          Parser which accepts nothing
static class ULex.Int
          Returns a parsed integer
static class ULex.Length<T>
          Parser which delivers the length of items accepted by its sub-parser
static class ULex.Natural
          Returns a parsed natural number > 0, iff possible
static class ULex.Natural_0
          Returns a parsed natural number >= 0, iff possible
static class ULex.Negate
          Returns the integer "0-r" whenever it sub-parser returns the integer "r".
static class ULex.Opt<S>
          Parser which returns null in case the sub-parser throws ULex.ExceptionFail
static class ULex.Pattern
          Convenience sub-class of ULex.SemanticPattern in which the accepted string itself is the result returned from parsing.
protected static class ULex.PatternInteger
          Returns a parsed integer
static class ULex.PatternLength
          Convenience sub-class of ULex.SemanticPattern in which the character count of the accepted string is the result returned from parsing.
static class ULex.Plus<S>
          Parser which accepts one or more instances of its sub-parser and returns them in one List<S> datum.
static class ULex.SemanticPattern<R>
          Accepts a regular expression pattern as defined by Pattern and returns what the user-defined method ULex.SemanticPattern.semantics(String) calculates from it.
static class ULex.Seq<A,B,R>
          Parser which accepts a sequence of two sub-parsers and returns, what is calculated by the user-defined method ULex.Seq.combine(A, B).
static class ULex.Seq_1<A,B>
          A predefined subclass of ULex.Seq which discards the result of the second sub-parser and returns the result of the first sub-parser.
static class ULex.Seq_2<A,B>
          A predefined subclass of ULex.Seq which discards the result of the first sub-parser and returns the result of the second sub-parser.
static class ULex.SkipWhitespace<S>
          Skips whitespace and the executes the sub-parser.
static class ULex.Star<S>
          Parser which accepts zero or more instances of its sub-parser and returns them in one List<S> datum.
static class ULex.ToLower<S>
          Executes the sub-parser on a lower-case version of the input string.

Fields in declared as ULex
protected  ULex<S> ULex.Opt.sub
protected  ULex<S> ULex.Star.sub
protected  ULex<S> ULex.Plus.sub
protected  ULex<List<T>> ULex.Length.sub
protected  ULex<S> ULex.SkipWhitespace.sub
protected  ULex<S> ULex.ToLower.sub

Methods in that return ULex
<T> ULex<T>
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
 ULex Lexable.getLexer()
 ULex Lexable.getLexer(String language)

Methods in with parameters of type ULex
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d, ULex<S> e)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d, ULex<S> e)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d, ULex<S> e)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d, ULex<S> e)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Alt<S>
ULex.alt(ULex<S> a, ULex<S> b, ULex<S> c, ULex<S> d, ULex<S> e)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b, ULex<String> c)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b, ULex<String> c)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b, ULex<String> c)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b, ULex<String> c, ULex<String> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b, ULex<String> c, ULex<String> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b, ULex<String> c, ULex<String> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
static ULex.Concatenate ULex.concatenate(ULex<String> a, ULex<String> b, ULex<String> c, ULex<String> d)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
<S> ULex.Length<S>
ULex.length(ULex<List<S>> sub)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
static ULex.Negate ULex.negate(ULex<Integer> sub)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call.
<S> ULex.Opt<S>
ULex.opt(ULex<S> sub)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Plus<S><S> sub)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<A,B> ULex.Seq_1<A,B>
ULex.seq_1(ULex<A> a, ULex<B> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<A,B> ULex.Seq_1<A,B>
ULex.seq_1(ULex<A> a, ULex<B> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<A,B> ULex.Seq_2<A,B>
ULex.seq_2(ULex<A> a, ULex<B> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<A,B> ULex.Seq_2<A,B>
ULex.seq_2(ULex<A> a, ULex<B> b)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.SkipWhitespace<S>
ULex.skipWhitespace(ULex<S> sub)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.Star<S><S> sub)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.
<S> ULex.ToLower<S>
ULex.toLower(ULex<S> sub)
          Convenience wrapper around constructor call; esp.

Constructors in with parameters of type ULex
ULex.Alt(ULex<A> first, ULex<A> second)
ULex.Alt(ULex<A> first, ULex<A> second)
ULex.Concatenate(ULex<String> first, ULex<String> second)
ULex.Concatenate(ULex<String> first, ULex<String> second)
ULex.Length(ULex<List<T>> sub)
ULex.Negate(ULex<Integer> sub)
ULex.Opt(ULex<S> sub)
ULex.Plus(ULex<S> sub)
ULex.Seq_1(ULex<A> first, ULex<B> second)
ULex.Seq_1(ULex<A> first, ULex<B> second)
ULex.Seq_2(ULex<A> first, ULex<B> second)
ULex.Seq_2(ULex<A> first, ULex<B> second)
ULex.Seq(ULex<A> first, ULex<B> second)
ULex.Seq(ULex<A> first, ULex<B> second)
ULex.SkipWhitespace(ULex<S> sub)
ULex.Star(ULex<S> sub)
ULex.ToLower(ULex<S> sub)

Uses of ULex in eu.bandm.tscore.base

Fields in eu.bandm.tscore.base declared as ULex
static ULex<String> ParameterCollector.parser_text_separator

Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.base that return ULex
 ULex Entity.getLexer()
          Gets the default lexer for this entity, which accepts the name in the default language, as specified by EntityCatalog.getDefaultLanguage()
 ULex<E> EntityCatalog.getLexer()
          Get a lexer which accepts the names of the entities in the default language.
 ULex Entity.getLexer(String language)
          Gets the default lexer for this entity, which accepts the name in the given language.
 ULex<E> EntityCatalog.getLexer(String lang)
          Get a lexer which accepts the names of the entities in the given language and returns the possibly found Entity as its value.

Constructors in eu.bandm.tscore.base with parameters of type ULex
GroupCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<String> pointLeadIn, Map<String,String> open2close, ULex<String> identParser, ULex<String> numberParser, ULex<String> additionalText, Multimap<String,EventSet> result)
GroupCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<String> pointLeadIn, Map<String,String> open2close, ULex<String> identParser, ULex<String> numberParser, ULex<String> additionalText, Multimap<String,EventSet> result)
GroupCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<String> pointLeadIn, Map<String,String> open2close, ULex<String> identParser, ULex<String> numberParser, ULex<String> additionalText, Multimap<String,EventSet> result)
GroupCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<String> pointLeadIn, Map<String,String> open2close, ULex<String> identParser, ULex<String> numberParser, ULex<String> additionalText, Multimap<String,EventSet> result)
MultipleAttributeCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<E> entity_lexer, Multimap<Event,E> entity_result)
SingleAttributeCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<E> entity_lexer, ULex<String> additionalText_lexer, Map<Event,E> entity_result, Map<Event,String> additionalText_result)
SingleAttributeCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String paramName, ULex<E> entity_lexer, ULex<String> additionalText_lexer, Map<Event,E> entity_result, Map<Event,String> additionalText_result)
TendencyCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String pname, String incrementSymbol, String decrementSymbol, String endSymbol, ULex<E> domainParser, ULex<String> additionalTextParser, Set<EventSet> allIncrements, Set<EventSet> allDecrements, Map<EventSet,E> startValues, Map<EventSet,E> endValues, Map<EventSet,String> startTexts, Map<EventSet,String> endTexts, Map<Event,E> singleton_explict, Map<Event,E> singleton_inplict, Map<Event,String> singleton_text)
TendencyCollector(MuLiMessageReceiver<XMLDocumentIdentifier> msg, String pname, String incrementSymbol, String decrementSymbol, String endSymbol, ULex<E> domainParser, ULex<String> additionalTextParser, Set<EventSet> allIncrements, Set<EventSet> allDecrements, Map<EventSet,E> startValues, Map<EventSet,E> endValues, Map<EventSet,String> startTexts, Map<EventSet,String> endTexts, Map<Event,E> singleton_explict, Map<Event,E> singleton_inplict, Map<Event,String> singleton_text)