Uses of Class

Packages that use Operation
eu.bandm.sig.absy created on 2012-06-22_17h11m15
by program umod, version 0.17
command line =
umod --getterfunctions true --setterfunctions true --monolithic false --swingtree true -x 0 /home/lepper/sig//src eu.bandm.sig.absy sig2.umod  

Uses of Operation in eu.bandm.sig.absy

Subclasses of Operation in eu.bandm.sig.absy
 class AggregateOperation
 class CounaryOperation
 class OAccept
 class OApply
 class OBox
 class OCast
 class OClose
 class OCommit
 class OCoselect
 class OCotuple
 class OId
 class OOpen
 class OSelect
 class OTuple
 class VoidOperation

Fields in eu.bandm.sig.absy declared as Operation
protected  Operation NCall.op
protected  Operation CCall.op

Fields in eu.bandm.sig.absy with type parameters of type Operation
static Function<NCall,Operation> NCall.get_op
static Function<CCall,Operation> CCall.get_op
static Function<Operation,Variable> Operation.get_out
static Consumer<Operation,NCall> NCall.set_op
static Consumer<Operation,CCall> CCall.set_op
static Consumer<Variable,Operation> Operation.set_out

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.absy that return Operation
 Operation Operation.doclone()
 Operation NCall.get_op()
 Operation CCall.get_op()
 Operation Operation.initFrom(Object o0)

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.absy with parameters of type Operation
protected  void __TREEGEN__.Inner1.Inner2.action(Operation e0)
protected  void __Formatter.action(Operation el)
protected  void Visitor.action(Operation e0)
protected  void Rewriter.action(Operation e0)
protected  void MATCH_ONLY_00.action(Operation e0)
 void MATCH_ONLY_00.match(Operation e0)
protected  void Rewriter.rewriteFields(Operation clone)
 boolean NCall.set_op(Operation val)
 boolean CCall.set_op(Operation val)
protected  Format __Formatter.toFormat(Operation el)

Constructors in eu.bandm.sig.absy with parameters of type Operation
CCall(Operation op)
NCall(Operation op)