Uses of Class

Packages that use Name
eu.bandm.sig.absy created on 2012-06-22_17h11m15
by program umod, version 0.17
command line =
umod --getterfunctions true --setterfunctions true --monolithic false --swingtree true -x 0 /home/lepper/sig//src eu.bandm.sig.absy sig2.umod  

Uses of Name in eu.bandm.sig.absy

Fields in eu.bandm.sig.absy declared as Name
protected  Name SAX_Parser.XMLPARSER_Name.newobj

Fields in eu.bandm.sig.absy with type parameters of type Name
static Function<Name,String> Name.get_text

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.absy that return Name
 Name Name.doclone()
 Name Name.initFrom(Object o0)
 Name SAX_Parser.matchSAX_Name( pos)
 Name SAX_Parser.XMLPARSER_Name.parseSAX()
 Name Name.with_text(String val)

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.absy with parameters of type Name
 void SAX_Writer.action(Name e0)
 void SAX_Writer.dumpfields(Name e0)
 void SAX_Parser.XMLPARSER_Name.parsefields(Name newobj, pos)
 boolean Name.x_equals(Name e0)