Uses of Class

Packages that use Expr
eu.bandm.sig.absy created on 2012-06-22_17h11m15
by program umod, version 0.17
command line =
umod --getterfunctions true --setterfunctions true --monolithic false --swingtree true -x 0 /home/lepper/sig//src eu.bandm.sig.absy sig2.umod  

Uses of Expr in eu.bandm.sig.absy

Subclasses of Expr in eu.bandm.sig.absy
 class Application
 class CaseExpr
 class CastExpr
 class ExprReference
 class ExprVariable
 class Instantiation
 class LambdaExpr
 class LetExpr
 class PackExpr
 class PolyExpr
 class Selection
 class Tuple
 class VariantExpr

Fields in eu.bandm.sig.absy declared as Expr
protected  Expr Application.argument
protected  Expr TypeOf.argument
protected  Expr PolyExpr.body
protected  Expr VariantExpr.body
protected  Expr Selection.body
protected  Expr LetExpr.body
protected  Expr Application.function
protected  Expr Instantiation.function
protected  Expr CaseExpr.head
protected  Expr Equation.right
protected  Expr PackExpr.value
protected  Expr CastExpr.value

Fields in eu.bandm.sig.absy with type parameters of type Expr
protected  CheckedMap_RD<Label,Expr> Tuple.elements
static Function<Application,Expr> Application.get_argument
static Function<TypeOf,Expr> TypeOf.get_argument
static Function<PolyExpr,Expr> PolyExpr.get_body
static Function<VariantExpr,Expr> VariantExpr.get_body
static Function<Selection,Expr> Selection.get_body
static Function<LetExpr,Expr> LetExpr.get_body
static Function<Tuple,CheckedMap_RD<Label,Expr>> Tuple.get_elements
static Function<Application,Expr> Application.get_function
static Function<Instantiation,Expr> Instantiation.get_function
static Function<CaseExpr,Expr> CaseExpr.get_head
static Function<Expr,Locator> Expr.get_locator
static Function<Equation,Expr> Equation.get_right
static Function<Expr,Type> Expr.get_type
static Function<PackExpr,Expr> PackExpr.get_value
static Function<CastExpr,Expr> CastExpr.get_value

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.absy that return Expr
 Expr Expr.doclone()
 Expr Application.get_argument()
 Expr TypeOf.get_argument()
 Expr PolyExpr.get_body()
 Expr VariantExpr.get_body()
 Expr Selection.get_body()
 Expr LetExpr.get_body()
 Expr Application.get_function()
 Expr Instantiation.get_function()
 Expr CaseExpr.get_head()
 Expr Equation.get_right()
 Expr PackExpr.get_value()
 Expr CastExpr.get_value()
 Expr Expr.initFrom(Object o0)
 Expr SAX_Parser.matchSAX_Expr( pos)
 Expr SAX_Parser.XMLPARSER_Expr.parseSAX()

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.absy that return types with arguments of type Expr
 CheckedMap_RD<Label,Expr> Tuple.get_elements()
protected  CheckedMap_RD<Label,Expr> SAX_Parser.parse_4()

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.absy with parameters of type Expr
 void SAX_Writer.action(Expr e0)
 void SAX_Writer.dumpfields(Expr e0)
 void SAX_Parser.XMLPARSER_Expr.parsefields(Expr newobj, pos)
 void Tuple.put_elements(Label key0, Expr value)
 void Application.set_argument(Expr val)
 void TypeOf.set_argument(Expr val)
 void PolyExpr.set_body(Expr val)
 void VariantExpr.set_body(Expr val)
 void Selection.set_body(Expr val)
 void LetExpr.set_body(Expr val)
 void Application.set_function(Expr val)
 void Instantiation.set_function(Expr val)
 void CaseExpr.set_head(Expr val)
 void Equation.set_right(Expr val)
 void PackExpr.set_value(Expr val)
 void CastExpr.set_value(Expr val)

Method parameters in eu.bandm.sig.absy with type arguments of type Expr
 void Tuple.set_elements(CheckedMap_RD<Label,Expr> val)

Constructors in eu.bandm.sig.absy with parameters of type Expr
Application(Expr function, Expr argument)
CaseExpr(Expr head)
CastExpr(Expr value, Type target)
Equation(Pattern left, Expr right)
Instantiation(Expr function, Type argument)
LetExpr(Expr body)
PackExpr(Expr value, Type function, Type argument)
PolyExpr(TypeBinding head, Expr body)
Selection(Expr body, Label selector)
TypeOf(Expr argument)
VariantExpr(boolean open, Label label, Expr body)

Uses of Expr in eu.bandm.sig.semantics

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.semantics that return Expr
 Expr Reducer.reduceExpr(eu.bandm.sig.tdom.Element element)
 Expr Typer.typecheck(Expr x)

Methods in eu.bandm.sig.semantics with parameters of type Expr
 Expr Typer.typecheck(Expr x)