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D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring, with minimum typographic noise.

See: Description

Package Description

D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring, with minimum typographic noise. This is the main package of the d2d version 2.0 implementation, as described in the dedicated user documentation. Its prerequisites are the packages ../infra, which contains hand coded low level auxiliary routines, and the packages ../parser, ../absy, ../model and ../rt, which contain sources generated from one xantlr grammar file and two umod model definition files.
../postproc contains some standard post processing code, activated by explicit reflection.

The user entry class is Main, which implements the command line interface. The entry class for programmatic usage is Tasks. See there for more documentation about the use cases.
A new user entry class (NOT YET READY) is in Batch for more efficient processing of more than one input file and output format, without module caching.
Approximatly, the calling graphs are these:
           |  Batch.main()                 |  |  |     |   
           V  |     |                      V  |  V     |
         Tasks.text2texts()           Def2Doc V Def2Dtd|
           |  |  |  |                /     | Def2Xslt  |
           |  |  V  V        Callgraph     |  |  |     |
           |  | Udom2Sax     DocTexts      |  |  |     |
           V  V              SyntaxGraph   |  | /      |
       Text2Udom.fromFile()                |  /        |
        |  |  |  |   V      |              |/          |
        |  |  |  V  PostProcessor          |           |
        |  |  | CharacterParser.parse()    |           |
        |  |  V  V          V              |           |
        |  |  MemScanner  StackPrinter     |           |
        |  |   V                           |           |
        |  |  MemString                   /|           |
        |  V                            /  |           |
        |  rt.ResultingStructure      /    |           |
        V                           V      |           |
       ModuleReg.loadInstantiated()        |           |
         | |  |       V                    V           |
         | |  V       ModuleReg.loadUnInstantiated()   / 
         | V  Dtd2Def <------ | ---------------------/
         V UMod2Def           |
       Resolver,Navigate      V
       (,TypeCheck)         Reducer
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see also the complete user documentation .