Class SourceHabitats.SourceHabitat_resource

Enclosing class:

protected class SourceHabitats.SourceHabitat_resource extends SourceHabitats.SourceHabitat
Represents a source habitat which points to a directory, relative to the position of a loaded java class. So the name must be like a.b.c or a.b.c/d/e. All resources searched for must be files existing relative to the point where the class has been loaded from (e.g. file system, or a ".jar" file) and this accessible by Class.getResourceAsStream(String) or sim.
  • Field Details

    • cls

      @Opt @Opt Class<?> cls
      ==null only in case of error.
    • reldir

      protected final String reldir
  • Constructor Details

    • SourceHabitat_resource

      public SourceHabitat_resource(String name)
  • Method Details