Uses of Class
Packages that use FunctionLibrary
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring,
with minimum typographic noise.
Infrastructure for evaluating tpath expressions.
txsl = typed xslt 1.0 interpreter with "fragmented validation".
Uses of FunctionLibrary in
Fields in declared as FunctionLibraryModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final @Opt FunctionLibrary
<Node> BatchProcessor.Job.functionLibrary
Library of additinal functions to be usable in tpath exprs.(package private) FunctionLibrary
<Node> Userdoc.functionLibrary
Needed for Transfomation (once) and Application (multiple times).Methods in with parameters of type FunctionLibraryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Transformation
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, Trace xsltTrace, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, ResolvedModule mod, String key, ResultContext resultContext, String topElementName, TransformationCache transformationsCache, Transformation.Modifiers txsl_modifiers, FunctionLibrary<?> functionLibrary, LocationMap<XMLDocumentIdentifier, XMLDocumentIdentifier> stringpos2filepos, boolean writeIntermediateXsltCodeToFile, @Opt String dateNow, @Opt String fileBasis, int lineWidth) Service point: Deliver the xslt Transformation object for given source and target formats.static Templates
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, int tracelevel, Trace xsltTrace, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, Text2Udom.ErrorStrategy errorStrategy, ResolvedModule mod, String key, ResultContext resultContext, String topElementName, TransformationCache transformationsCache, Transformation.Modifiers txsl_modifiers, FunctionLibrary<?> functionLibrary, LocationMap<XMLDocumentIdentifier, XMLDocumentIdentifier> stringpos2filepos, boolean writeIntermediateXsltCodeToFile, @Opt String dateNow, @Opt String fileBasis, int lineWidth) Constructors in with parameters of type FunctionLibraryModifierConstructorDescriptionJob
(String targetName, @Opt ResultContext resultContext, @Opt String topElementName, FunctionLibrary<Node> functionLibrary, @Opt NamespaceName2String stylesheetParams, boolean noTxsl, SimpleFilePattern outFilePattern) Only constructor. -
Uses of FunctionLibrary in
Fields in declared as FunctionLibraryModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final FunctionLibrary
<Node> Application.functionLibrary
Uses of FunctionLibrary in
Subclasses of FunctionLibrary in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The built-in functions for xpath are defined by the "core XPath function library" in [XPath 1.0:4] The following list is in that sequential order! [Xpath 1.0:4.1] Function: number last() Function: number position() Function: number count(node-set) Function: node-set id(object) Function: string local-name(node-set?) Function: string namespace-uri(node-set?) Function: string name(node-set?) [Xpath 1.0:4.2] Function: string string(object?) Function: string concat(string, string, string*) Function: boolean starts-with(string, string) Function: boolean contains(string, string) Function: string substring-before(string, string) Function: string substring-after(string, string) Function: string substring(string, number, number?) Function: number string-length(string?) Function: string normalize-space(string?) Function: string translate(string, string, string) [Xpath 1.0:4.3] Function: boolean boolean(object) Function: boolean not(boolean) Function: boolean true() Function: boolean false() Function: boolean lang(string) [Xpath 1.0:4.4] Function: number number(object?) Function: number sum(node-set) Function: number floor(number) Function: number ceiling(number) Function: number round(number) Y ASSUME xpath expressions are type-checked, so do NOT ALWAYS check parameter structure when executing, but crash.Methods in with parameters of type FunctionLibraryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(FunctionLibrary<N> others, boolean override) -
Uses of FunctionLibrary in
Subclasses of FunctionLibrary in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Realizes all built-in functions for xslt, including those already defined for xpath.Constructors in with parameters of type FunctionLibraryModifierConstructorDescriptionApplication
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, DocumentClient<N> documentClient, @Opt FunctionLibrary<N> allFuncs, Trace trace, Transformation transformation, N input, @Opt Map<NamespaceName, Value<N>> externalParameterValues)