Class IncludingCharBuf.CharBuf

Enclosing class:

protected class IncludingCharBuf.CharBuf extends Object
Auxiliary class for IncludingCharBuf, representing exactly one source of character data, ie the original file or inserted expansions.
  • Field Details

    • location

      Location<D> location
      Position of the last bufferConsume(). (May be one position beyond the exisiting data, but this will be detected by the caller bufferConsume() immediately.)
    • startLocation

      Location<D> startLocation
      Position of the first IncludingCharBuf.consume().
    • data

      protected char[] data
      The complete data, read in when constructing the object.
    • len

      protected int len
      The length of the complete data, in characters.

      protected static final int CHUNKSIZE
      How many characters to read when filling from file.
      See Also:
    • pos

      protected int pos
      Current read position.
    • host

      protected IncludingCharBuf<D>.CharBuf host
      Chaining to calling CharBuf object.
  • Constructor Details

    • CharBuf

      public CharBuf(Reader r, IncludingCharBuf<D>.CharBuf buf, Location<D> loc) throws IOException
      Create a new buffer, link it via host to the calling text, and fill it with all character data from r.
      r - source
      buf - calling predecessor
      loc - location of the start of the data
    • CharBuf

      public CharBuf(char[] s, IncludingCharBuf<D>.CharBuf buf, Location<D> loc)
      Create a new buffer, link it via host to the calling text, and take the array s as its character data.
      s - a character store, directly used by the new buffer.
      buf - calling predecessor
      loc - location of the start of the data
  • Method Details

    • fill

      protected void fill(Reader fr) throws IOException
      Fill the data from all contents of the reader, until its "eof".
    • bufferLA

      public char bufferLA(int k)
      Look ahead to the next k-th character, either in its own data, or in the caller. The next-to-consume character is looked at with k=0(zero).
    • bufferConsume

      void bufferConsume()
      Advance position counter and line number, if linefeed is detected. The switch-back to the including buffer, if this has reached its end, is made by the caller IncludingCharBuf.consume().

      Assume that all input is normalized to "\n" = "^J" = linefeed. (windows cr and apple cr-lf have been replaced.)

    • isNewline

      boolean isNewline(char c)
      Decide if the next character is a newline. Assume that the input is normalized to "\n" = "^J" = linefeed. (windows cr and apple cr-lf have been replaced.)