Class Gui.Handles

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible
Enclosing class:

public abstract class Gui.Handles extends JPanel
Specialized by generated code, mainly because doplus(Component) and makeModelInstance(), the generation of a new group in the gui/the model, delivers different types.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • isStar

      protected boolean isStar
      Whether the represented repeting group may become empty.
    • insert

      protected Gui.TTHandle insert
    • delete

      protected Gui.TTHandle delete
    • swap

      protected Gui.TTHandle swap
  • Constructor Details

    • Handles

      public Handles()
  • Method Details

    • isStar

      public boolean isStar()
      Whether the represented repeting group may become empty.
    • initHandle

      protected void initHandle(Gui.TTHandle handle, int x, int y, ActionListener al)
      Aux method to initialize the three Handles
    • doplus

      protected abstract Gui.Collection doplus(@Opt @Opt Component prototype)
      Specialized by Generated Code to create one new GUI view for this repeting group.
    • getClone

      protected abstract Gui.Handles getClone()
      Specialized by Generated Code to create a fresh copy of this. Is wrapper around constructor call to the subclass of Gui.Handles.
    • makeModelInstance

      protected abstract Object makeModelInstance()
      Specialized by Generated Code to create a Model instance of this repeting group.
    • setFirst

      protected void setFirst(boolean maydelete)
      Make the handles appear/disappear for the very first handle group
    • setMiddle

      protected void setMiddle()
      Make the handles appear/disappear for handle group in the middle
    • setLast

      protected void setLast()
      Make the handles appear/disappear for the very last handle group