Uses of Package

Packages that use
Toolkit for the dynamic construction of lexical analyzers.
  • Class
    Base class of finite automata.
    State of an automaton.
    Iterator-like mutable API for tracking the consumption of an input sequence of code points by an automaton.
    Behavior of an automaton in a particular state.
    Immutable map of Unicode code point keys encoded as int values to arbitrary values.
    A specialized supplier of unicode code points.
    Deterministic finite-state labeled automaton.
    Iterator-like mutable API for tracking the consumption of an input sequence of code points by an automaton.
    Lexical analyzer that maps code point sources to token sources.
    Nondeterministic finite-state labeled automaton.
    Simple immutable token implementation.
    Abstract interface of parser tokens.
    Abstract base class for token processors that filter out certain tokens.
    Syntactic fragment as building block for a token rule.
    Singleton type indicating successful matching.
    Abstract base class for secondary token sources that feed on other token sources.
    Associates a token type with a syntax fragment.
    A set of token rules together with a precendence relation between token types.
    A specialized supplier of tokens.
    Indicates that the implementor can process code point sequences like an automaton.
    Zero-overhead automaton that is identical to the behavior of its own initial state.
    Iterator-like mutable API for tracking the consumption of an input sequence of code points by an automaton.