[all pages:] introduction message / location / muli format dtd xantlr tdom ops paisley metajava umod option auxiliaries d2d downloads & licenses people bibliography APPENDICES:: white papers white papers 2 white papers 3 project struct proposal cygwin tips SOURCE:option.dtd SOURCE:dtd.umod DOC:deliverables.ddf DOC-DE:deliverables.ddf DOC:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-DE:mtdocpage.ddf SOURCE:basic.dd2 SOURCE:xslt.dd2

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d2d bandm meta_tools people

Getting meta_tools and Using Them

1          Licenses
1.1          Own Licenses
1.2          Third Party Licenses
2          Sample Applications
2.1          Paisley Pattern Matching Demonstration
2.2          DTD Tool
2.3          "Moving Forms"
2.4          XSLT Checker
2.5          BandM Booking
2.6          The Gongmachine
2.7          Midi-In Monitor
2.8          D2d Wiki
3          Download the meta_tools binaries

^ToC 1 Licenses

^ToC 1.1 Own Licenses

The following applications are intended as demonstrations only. They all are presented as binaries. Some of them come with the source texts and/or extensive documentation.

"Information purpose only" includes, that we do not guarantee that the software presented here fits any particular purpose. Every use is on your own risk.

All binaries and texts are
under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.

The license text can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0

In cases of doubt, the German wording at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de prevails.

Informally spoken, this license means that (1) everyone can use the material presented here for non-commercial purposes, and can do (2) own further development, as long as the result is shared under the same license.

In any case, the license must be clarified by referring to one of the links listed above, and the original authors must be mentioned be referring to http:// bandm.eu/metatools

Other kinds of licenses may be available from the authors.

Most of the follwing applicattions are given as "JNLP files" (see "Java Web Start"), which can "install themselves" on your computer without further efforts.

^ToC 1.2 Third Party Licenses

Currently meta_tools require antlrC [antlr] as a parsing front-end.

Since it is re-configured to Xantlr, the exact version "antlr 2.7.4" is required, which is not longer available on the net. Since it is called directly from the code in metatools.jar file, a signed copy must be included in the meta_tools distribution, which is not forbidden by the original license. The license you are using w.r.t. antlrC when using meta_tools is that original license, anyhow.

^ToC 2 Sample Applications

^ToC 2.1 Paisley Pattern Matching Demonstration

Paisley is a light-weight pattern matching library for Java. As a user's guide there are currently the extensive Paisley API DOC , the scientific papers [tl_paisley] , [paisleyAtps] , (more to come !-) , and the slides of our talk on the ICMT 2012 conference.

Furthermore, you can download a zip archive, which contains the compiled library, the commented and instructive sources of the examples and the runnable code of the examples illustrated on these slides.

The md5sum fingerprint of the paisley.jar contained therein must be 0b978401d2111f02b08bb82ddfbe941f

^ToC 2.2 DTD Tool

Our Dtd renderer and analyser tool is described in some detail on the DTD page. You can start the application by this bandmDtdTool.jnlp file.

^ToC 2.3 "Moving Forms"

This is a demontstration instantiation of the "tscore" generic time denotation framework. It will be explained in detail in nearest future (inschallah!-) on our website about music modeling.

But anyone who knows can download the software already by this jnlp file.(And here is the an example file "simple.moving" .)

^ToC 2.4 XSLT Checker

(Still to come FIXME)

^ToC 2.5 BandM Booking

BandM booking is a very simple, but efficient book keeping software, suited for small enterprises. It comes with all source texts, with a tutorial in "double booking" (WE needed one, so we wrote one !-) and with extensive documentation in the German language. All this is accessible by the BandM booking jnlp file. The installed software points to documentation, examples and sources.

^ToC 2.6 The Gongmachine

This project uses only smaller, but very convenient parts of metatools, namely muli MU-lti LI-ngual support and the command line option compiler .
Since a third party has been involved in development, the download and a short description can be found on Markus' home page in the German and in the English language.

^ToC 2.7 Midi-In Monitor

(Still to come FIXME)

^ToC 2.8 D2d Wiki

(Still to come FIXME)

^ToC 3 Download the meta_tools binaries

Where is a download program which copies jar file of the the most recent meta_tools distribution onto some place on your file system.

It is realized by "java web start / jnlp", and can be activated by simply clicking this installer link.
(Most browsers should be configured correctly to execute this kind of file.)

But problems may still arise, and then you can alternatively initiate the execution explicitly by issuing

  javaws http://bandm.eu/metatools/download/installer.jnlp

(Then, of course, "<javadistrib>/bin" must be in your $PATH !-)

When it is run for the very first time, this program asks for an arbitrary file system location, presumably an empty directory, where to put the .jar files.

On all subsequent clicks, the "HTTP update mechanism" is employed to repeat this download only if anything changed with the distribution.

A pop-up window will remind you where you placed the .jar files.

[all pages:] introduction message / location / muli format dtd xantlr tdom ops paisley metajava umod option auxiliaries d2d downloads & licenses people bibliography APPENDICES:: white papers white papers 2 white papers 3 project struct proposal cygwin tips SOURCE:option.dtd SOURCE:dtd.umod DOC:deliverables.ddf DOC-DE:deliverables.ddf DOC:mtdocpage.ddf DOC-DE:mtdocpage.ddf SOURCE:basic.dd2 SOURCE:xslt.dd2

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