D2d "xslt", User's Manual

This is an automatically generated documentation page. It is part of the d2d user documentation of the BandM metatools meta programming and compiler construction toolkit.

List of Public Top-Level Tags (= Document Types)

Containement Graph between Elements

graph of definition occurences

List of All Tags

List of Tag Homonyms


Module xslt

XSLT, read as "Extensible Style Sheet Lanugage - Transformation", is the central means for defining transformations on xml documents. In co-operation with a special input mode of the d2d compiler, this module allows a less verbose denotation of xslt programs for a certain back-end.

This ddf-version is based on
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0
W3C Consortium, 1999

That html file includes a partial DTD, which is declared as NON-normative:
This dtd has been extracted by us and checked into the metatoosl source directory for information purpose only, with the filename xslt_1_0_nonNorm.dtd.

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.NaN

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}NaN

TAGS parser xslt: apply

Syntax Graph of .apply chars xslt:covers tags xslt:arg tags xslt:xp tags xslt:sort tags xslt:mode

(xp? & mode?), (arg | sort)* , covers?

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":225:3 -> 226:26. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:apply-templates

TAGS parser xslt: apply-imports

Contents are defined as empty.

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":231:3 -> 231:24. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:apply-imports

TAGS parser xslt: arg

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .arg tags xslt:choose tags xslt:comment tags xslt:var tags xslt:xp tags xslt:call tags xslt:message chars xslt:name tags xslt:copy tags xslt:element tags xslt:pi tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:text tags xslt:number tags xslt:if tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:apply tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:attribute

#implicit name, (xp? | (#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | 
                                 foreach | valueof | 
                                 copy-of | number | 
                                 choose | if | text | 
                                 copy | pi | comment | 
                                        element | 
                                        attribute | 
                                 var | message | 
                                 fallback)* )

Used in : apply -- call

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":228:3 -> 229:36. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:with-param

TAGS parser xslt: attribute

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .attribute enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:message tags xslt:apply tags xslt:number tags xslt:if tags xslt:text tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:call tags xslt:choose tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:element.name tags xslt:namespace tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:copy tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:var

#implicit element.name, (namespace? & X.space?), (#chars | 
                                                  apply | 
                                                  call | 
                                                  apply-imports | 
                                                  foreach | 
                                                  valueof | 
                                                  copy-of | 
                                                  number | 
                                                  choose | 
                                                  if | 
                                                  text | 
                                                  copy | 
                                                  var | 
                                                  message | 

Used in : arg -- attribute-set -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":289:3 -> 290:44. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:attribute

TAGS parser xslt: attribute-set

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .attribute-set chars xslt:use-attribute-sets chars xslt:name tags xslt:attribute

#implicit name, (attribute*  & use-attribute-sets?)

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":252:3 -> 252:73. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:attribute-set

TAGS parser xslt: call

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .call chars xslt:covers chars xslt:name tags xslt:arg

#implicit name, arg* , covers?

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":254:3 -> 255:25. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:call-template

TAGS parser xslt: sort.case-order

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : sort

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":239:5 -> 239:66. Xml tagging is {}case-order

CHAR parser xslt: output.cdata-section-elements

Syntax Graph of .output.cdata-section-elements chars basic.xmlInfra:nameStartChar via X chars basic.xmlInfra:nameStartChar via X

((':'U'_' U 'A' .. 'Z' U 'a' .. 'z' U (('À' .. 0x02ff - '×') - '÷') U (0x0370 .. 0x1fff - 0x027e) U 0x200c..0x200d U 0x200d U 0x2070 .. 0x218f U 0x2c00 .. 0x2fef U 0x3001 .. 0xd7ff U 0xf900 .. 0xfdcf U 0xfdf0 .. 0xfffd ~ 
  (X.nameStartChar U '-'..'.' U '0' .. '9' U '·' U 0x0300 .. 0x036f U 0x203f .. 0x2040)~*  ~ 
  ":")? ~ ':'U'_' U 'A' .. 'Z' U 'a' .. 'z' U (('À' .. 0x02ff - '×') - '÷') U (0x0370 .. 0x1fff - 0x027e) U 0x200c..0x200d U 0x200d U 0x2070 .. 0x218f U 0x2c00 .. 0x2fef U 0x3001 .. 0xd7ff U 0xf900 .. 0xfdcf U 0xfdf0 .. 0xfffd ~ 
          (X.nameStartChar U '-'..'.' U '0' .. '9' U '·' U 0x0300 .. 0x036f U 0x203f .. 0x2040)~* )* 

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":147:14 -> 148:31. Xml tagging is {}cdata-section-elements

TAGS parser xslt: choose

Syntax Graph of .choose tags xslt:when chars xslt:covers enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:other

X.space?, when+ , other?, covers?

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":246:3 -> 246:49. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:choose

TAGS parser xslt: comment

Syntax Graph of .comment tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:choose tags xslt:var tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:text tags xslt:if tags xslt:copy tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:copy-of enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:number tags xslt:apply tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:call tags xslt:message

X.space?, (#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | 
                    foreach | valueof | copy-of | number | 
                    choose | if | text | copy | var | 
                                                message | 

Used in : arg -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":304:3 -> 304:30. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:comment

TAGS parser xslt: copy

Syntax Graph of .copy tags xslt:copy tags xslt:element tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:var tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:valueof chars xslt:use-attribute-sets enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:comment tags xslt:pi tags xslt:call tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:if chars xslt:covers tags xslt:apply tags xslt:choose tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:message tags xslt:number tags xslt:text

(X.space? & use-attribute-sets?), (#chars | apply | 
                                            call | 
                                            apply-imports | 
                                            foreach | 
                                            valueof | 
                                            copy-of | 
                                            number | 
                                            choose | 
                                            if | text | 
                                            copy | 
                                            pi | comment | 
                                            element | 
                                            attribute | 
                                            var | message | 
                                            fallback)* , 

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- ITSELF recursively! -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":306:3 -> 306:69. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:copy

TAGS parser xslt: copy-of

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .copy-of tags xslt:xp

#implicit xp

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":211:3 -> 211:29. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:copy-of

TAGS parser xslt: number.count

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}count

CHAR parser xslt: covers

meta element to declare explicitly the minimal output of an xslt instruction.

Syntax Graph of .covers chars basic.sets:ascii_lower via S chars basic.sets:alpha via S chars basic.sets:alpha via S chars basic.sets:ascii_upper via S chars basic.sets:ascii_upper via S chars basic.sets:decimalDigit via S chars basic.sets:ascii_lower via S chars basic.sets:alpha via S chars basic.sets:ascii_lower via S chars basic.sets:decimalDigit via S chars basic.sets:decimalDigit via S chars basic.sets:ascii_upper via S

[ tag (S.ascii_lower U S.ascii_upper ~ (S.alpha U '_' U '-' U S.decimalDigit)~*  | 
       "#chars" | S.ascii_lower U S.ascii_upper ~ (S.alpha U '_' U '-' U S.decimalDigit)~*  | 
                  "#chars")], (",", [ tag (S.ascii_lower U S.ascii_upper ~ 
                                           (S.alpha U '_' U '-' U S.decimalDigit)~*  | 

Used in : apply -- call -- choose -- copy -- foreach -- if -- other -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":88:3 -> 88:73. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:covers

TAGS parser xslt: sort.data-type

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : sort

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":239:5 -> 239:66. Xml tagging is {}data-type

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format tags xslt:decimal-format.NaN tags xslt:decimal-format.digit tags xslt:decimal-format.per-mille chars xslt:name tags xslt:decimal-format.decimal-separator tags xslt:decimal-format.infinity tags xslt:decimal-format.grouping-separator tags xslt:decimal-format.zero-digit tags xslt:decimal-format.minus-sign tags xslt:decimal-format.pattern-separator tags xslt:decimal-format.percent

name? & decimal-format.decimal-separator? & decimal-format.grouping-separator? & 
decimal-format.infinity? & decimal-format.minus-sign? & 
decimal-format.NaN? & decimal-format.percent? & decimal-format.per-mille? & 
decimal-format.zero-digit? & decimal-format.digit? & 

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":164:3 -> 186:9. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:decimal-format

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.decimal-separator

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}decimal-separator

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.digit

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}digit

TAGS parser xslt: output.doctype-public

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":144:14 -> 146:31. Xml tagging is {}doctype-public

TAGS parser xslt: output.doctype-system

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":144:14 -> 146:31. Xml tagging is {}doctype-system

TAGS parser xslt: element

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .element enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:pi tags xslt:number tags xslt:message tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:choose tags xslt:copy tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:if tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:var tags xslt:apply tags xslt:element.name chars xslt:use-attribute-sets tags xslt:text tags xslt:call tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:namespace tags xslt:element tags xslt:comment tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:copy-of

#implicit element.name, (namespace? & X.space? & use-attribute-sets?), 
(#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | foreach | 
          valueof | copy-of | number | choose | if | 
          text | copy | pi | comment | element | 
                        attribute | var | message | 

Used in : arg -- copy -- ITSELF recursively! -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":281:3 -> 285:7. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:element

TAGS parser xslt: strip-space.elements

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : preserve-space -- strip-space

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":131:20 -> 131:55. Xml tagging is {}elements

TAGS parser xslt: output.encoding

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":144:14 -> 146:31. Xml tagging is {}encoding

TAGS parser xslt: stylesheet.exclude-result-prefixes

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":74:5 -> 74:83. Xml tagging is {}exclude-result-prefixes

TAGS parser xslt: stylesheet.extension-element-prefixes

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":74:5 -> 74:83. Xml tagging is {}extension-element-prefixes

TAGS parser xslt: fallback

Syntax Graph of .fallback enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:apply tags xslt:var tags xslt:copy tags xslt:pi tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:number tags xslt:element tags xslt:comment tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:message tags xslt:text tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:if tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:call tags xslt:choose tags xslt:fallback

X.space?, (#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | 
                    foreach | valueof | copy-of | number | 
                    choose | if | text | copy | pi | 
                                                comment | 
                                                element | 
                                                attribute | 
                    var | message | fallback)* 

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- ITSELF recursively! -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":312:3 -> 312:33. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:fallback

TAGS parser xslt: foreach

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .foreach tags xslt:choose tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:xp tags xslt:if tags xslt:apply tags xslt:call tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:copy tags xslt:number tags xslt:pi tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:message tags xslt:var tags xslt:fallback chars xslt:covers tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:element tags xslt:sort enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:text tags xslt:comment tags xslt:attribute

#implicit xp, sort* , X.space?, (#chars | apply | call | 
                                          apply-imports | 
                                          foreach | 
                                          valueof | 
                                          copy-of | 
                                          number | 
                                          choose | 
                                          if | text | 
                                          copy | pi | 
                                                 comment | 
                                                 element | 
                                                 attribute | 
                                          var | message | 
                                          fallback)* , 

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- ITSELF recursively! -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":233:3 -> 235:43. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:for-each

TAGS parser xslt: number.format

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}format

TAGS parser xslt: number.from

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}from

TAGS parser xslt: namespace-alias.from

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : namespace-alias


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":190:5 -> 190:42. Xml tagging is {}stylesheet-prefix

TAGS parser xslt: number.grouping-separator

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}grouping-separator

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.grouping-separator

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}grouping-separator

TAGS parser xslt: number.grouping-size

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}grouping-size

TAGS parser xslt: href

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : import -- include

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":126:3 -> 126:34. Xml tagging is {}href

TAGS parser xslt: if

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .if tags xslt:choose tags xslt:var tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:element tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:copy tags xslt:comment tags xslt:test tags xslt:call tags xslt:message tags xslt:pi tags xslt:apply enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:valueof chars xslt:covers tags xslt:if tags xslt:number tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:text tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:copy-of

#implicit test, X.space?, (#chars | apply | call | 
                                    apply-imports | 
                                    foreach | valueof | 
                                    copy-of | number | 
                                    choose | if | text | 
                                    copy | pi | comment | 
                                           element | 
                                           attribute | 
                                    var | message | 
                                    fallback)* , covers?

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- ITSELF recursively! -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":242:3 -> 242:61. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:if

TAGS parser xslt: import

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .import tags xslt:href

#implicit href

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":125:3 -> 125:36. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:import

TAGS parser xslt: include

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .include tags xslt:href

#implicit href

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":125:3 -> 125:36. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:include

CHAR parser xslt: output.indent

Syntax Graph of .output.indent

"yes" | "no"

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":150:14 -> 156:31. Xml tagging is {}indent

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.infinity

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}infinity

TAGS parser xslt: key

Syntax Graph of .key chars xslt:name tags xslt:key.use tags xslt:key.match

name, key.match, key.use

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":160:3 -> 162:9. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:key

TAGS parser xslt: number.lang

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}lang

TAGS parser xslt: sort.lang

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : sort


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":239:5 -> 239:66. Xml tagging is {}lang

TAGS parser xslt: number.letter-value

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}letter-value

ENUMERATION xslt: level

0 single
1 multiple
2 any

Used in : number

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":219:5 -> 219:52. Xml tagging is {}level

TAGS parser xslt: template.match

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : template


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":203:5 -> 203:48. Xml tagging is {}match

TAGS parser xslt: key.match

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : key


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":161:16 -> 161:53. Xml tagging is {}match

TAGS parser xslt: output.media-type

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":144:14 -> 146:31. Xml tagging is {}media-type

TAGS parser xslt: message

Syntax Graph of .message enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:message.terminate tags xslt:var tags xslt:number tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:text tags xslt:pi tags xslt:choose tags xslt:comment tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:call tags xslt:apply tags xslt:message tags xslt:if tags xslt:element tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:copy tags xslt:foreach

(X.space? & message.terminate?), (#chars | apply | 
                                           call | apply-imports | 
                                           foreach | 
                                           valueof | 
                                           copy-of | 
                                           number | 
                                           choose | 
                                           if | text | 
                                           copy | pi | 
                                                  comment | 
                                                  element | 
                                                  attribute | 
                                           var | message | 

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- ITSELF recursively! -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":308:3 -> 310:9. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:message

TAGS parser xslt: output.method

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":144:14 -> 146:31. Xml tagging is {}method

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.minus-sign

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}minus-sign

TAGS parser xslt: mode

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : apply -- template

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":206:3 -> 206:34. Xml tagging is {}mode

CHAR parser xslt: name

Syntax Graph of .name chars basic.xmlInfra:nameStartChar via X

':'U'_' U 'A' .. 'Z' U 'a' .. 'z' U (('À' .. 0x02ff - '×') - '÷') U (0x0370 .. 0x1fff - 0x027e) U 0x200c..0x200d U 0x200d U 0x2070 .. 0x218f U 0x2c00 .. 0x2fef U 0x3001 .. 0xd7ff U 0xf900 .. 0xfdcf U 0xfdf0 .. 0xfffd ~ 
(X.nameStartChar U '-'..'.' U '0' .. '9' U '·' U 0x0300 .. 0x036f U 0x203f .. 0x2040)~* 

Used in : arg -- attribute-set -- call -- decimal-format -- key -- param -- pi -- template -- var


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":55:3 -> 55:36. Xml tagging is {}name

TAGS parser xslt: element.name

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : attribute -- element


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":284:10 -> 284:41. Xml tagging is {}name

TAGS parser xslt: namespace

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : attribute -- element

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":316:3 -> 316:49. Xml tagging is {}namespace

TAGS parser xslt: namespace-alias

Syntax Graph of .namespace-alias tags xslt:namespace-alias.to tags xslt:namespace-alias.from

namespace-alias.from, namespace-alias.to

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":188:3 -> 192:7. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:namespace-alias

TAGS parser xslt: noescape

Contents are defined as empty.

Used in : text -- valueof

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":213:3 -> 213:70. Xml tagging is {}disable-output-escaping

TAGS parser xslt: number

Syntax Graph of .number tags xslt:number.grouping-size tags xslt:number.format tags xslt:number.letter-value tags xslt:number.grouping-separator tags xslt:number.lang tags xslt:number.from enum xslt:level tags xslt:number.count tags xslt:number.value

level? & number.count? & number.from? & number.value? & 
number.format? & number.lang? & number.letter-value? & 
number.grouping-separator? & number.grouping-size?

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":215:3 -> 223:7. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:number

CHAR parser xslt: output.omit-xml-declaration

Syntax Graph of .output.omit-xml-declaration

"yes" | "no"

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":150:14 -> 156:31. Xml tagging is {}omit-xml-declaration

TAGS parser xslt: sort.order

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : sort

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":239:5 -> 239:66. Xml tagging is {}order

TAGS parser xslt: other

Syntax Graph of .other chars xslt:covers tags xslt:call tags xslt:message enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:choose tags xslt:comment tags xslt:apply tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:number tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:var tags xslt:copy tags xslt:text tags xslt:if tags xslt:pi tags xslt:element tags xslt:fallback

X.space?, (#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | 
                    foreach | valueof | copy-of | number | 
                    choose | if | text | copy | pi | 
                                                comment | 
                                                element | 
                                                attribute | 
                    var | message | fallback)* , covers?

Used in : choose

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":249:3 -> 250:43. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:otherwise

TAGS parser xslt: output

Syntax Graph of .output tags xslt:output.encoding chars xslt:output.standalone tags xslt:output.doctype-system tags xslt:output.version tags xslt:output.method chars xslt:output.omit-xml-declaration chars xslt:output.cdata-section-elements chars xslt:output.indent tags xslt:output.doctype-public tags xslt:output.media-type

output.method? & output.version? & output.encoding? & 
output.omit-xml-declaration? & output.standalone? & 
output.doctype-public? & output.doctype-system? & output.cdata-section-elements? & 
output.indent? & output.media-type?

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":141:3 -> 157:7. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:output

TAGS parser xslt: param

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .param tags xslt:xp tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:call tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:comment tags xslt:choose chars xslt:name tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:message tags xslt:apply tags xslt:number tags xslt:if tags xslt:text tags xslt:var tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:copy tags xslt:pi tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:element tags xslt:valueof

#implicit name, (xp? | (#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | 
                                 foreach | valueof | 
                                 copy-of | number | 
                                 choose | if | text | 
                                 copy | pi | comment | 
                                        element | 
                                        attribute | 
                                 var | message | 
                                 fallback)* )

Used in : stylesheet -- template -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":269:3 -> 270:30. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:param

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.pattern-separator

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}pattern-separator

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.per-mille

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}per-mille

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.percent

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}percent

TAGS parser xslt: pi

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .pi tags xslt:apply tags xslt:number enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:choose tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:message tags xslt:call tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:copy tags xslt:if tags xslt:var tags xslt:text chars xslt:name tags xslt:valueof

#implicit name, X.space?, (#chars | apply | call | 
                                    apply-imports | 
                                    foreach | valueof | 
                                    copy-of | number | 
                                    choose | if | text | 
                                    copy | var | message | 

Used in : arg -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":276:3 -> 277:30. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:processing-instruction

TAGS parser xslt: preserve-space

Lists all tags the corresponding back-end elements shall have untrimmed character contents, ie. shall preserve leading and trailin whitespace.

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .preserve-space tags xslt:strip-space.elements

#implicit strip-space.elements

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":133:3 -> 133:27. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:preserve-space

TAGS parser xslt: template.priority

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : template

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":203:5 -> 203:48. Xml tagging is {}priority

TAGS parser xslt: sort

Syntax Graph of .sort tags xslt:sort.case-order tags xslt:xp tags xslt:sort.lang tags xslt:sort.data-type tags xslt:sort.order

xp? & sort.lang? & sort.data-type? & sort.order? & 

Used in : apply -- foreach

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":237:3 -> 240:7. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:sort

CHAR parser xslt: output.standalone

Syntax Graph of .output.standalone

"yes" | "no"

Used in : output

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":150:14 -> 156:31. Xml tagging is {}standalone

TAGS parser xslt: strip-space

Lists all tags the corresponding back-end elements shall have trimmed character contents

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .strip-space tags xslt:strip-space.elements

#implicit strip-space.elements

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":129:3 -> 132:13. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:strip-space

TAGS parser xslt: stylesheet

The top-level grammar of each xslt file.

Syntax Graph of .stylesheet tags xslt:attribute-set tags xslt:var tags xslt:param tags xslt:template enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:strip-space chars basic.xmlInfra:id via X tags xslt:key tags xslt:decimal-format tags xslt:output tags xslt:toplevel tags xslt:stylesheet.exclude-result-prefixes tags xslt:import tags xslt:include chars xslt:stylesheet.version tags xslt:namespace-alias tags xslt:stylesheet.extension-element-prefixes tags xslt:preserve-space

(stylesheet.version & stylesheet.extension-element-prefixes? & 
 stylesheet.exclude-result-prefixes? & X.id? & X.space?), 
import* , (include | strip-space | preserve-space | 
           output | key | decimal-format | attribute-set | 
           var | param | template | namespace-alias | 

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":64:3 -> 75:7. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:stylesheet

TAGS parser xslt: template

Syntax Graph of .template tags xslt:template.match tags xslt:var tags xslt:text chars xslt:name tags xslt:param tags xslt:message tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:pi tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:number tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:copy tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:mode tags xslt:apply tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:call tags xslt:template.match tags xslt:if chars xslt:name tags xslt:template.priority tags xslt:element tags xslt:comment enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:choose

(template.match, name? | name, template.match?), (mode? & 
                                                  template.priority? & 
                                                  X.space? & 
                                                  param* ), 
(#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | foreach | 
          valueof | copy-of | number | choose | if | 
          text | copy | pi | comment | element | 
                        attribute | var | message | 

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":194:3 -> 204:7. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:template

TAGS parser xslt: message.terminate

Contents are defined as empty.

Used in : message

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":309:16 -> 309:70. Xml tagging is {}terminate

TAGS parser xslt: test

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : if -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":244:3 -> 244:37. Xml tagging is {}test

TAGS parser xslt: text

Syntax Graph of .text tags xslt:noescape

noescape?, #chars* 

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":274:3 -> 274:63. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:text

TAGS parser xslt: namespace-alias.to

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : namespace-alias

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":191:5 -> 191:40. Xml tagging is {}result-prefix

TAGS parser xslt: toplevel

artificial element, not known in the xslt standard. It is used to force the d2d parser back to toplevel (= content model of xslt:stylsheet). For this purpose preprocessing programs can insert it when extracting and concatentaing fragments of xslt source.

Contents are defined as empty.

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":104:3 -> 105:27. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:output

TAGS parser xslt: transform

Syntax Graph of .transform tags xslt:key tags xslt:param tags xslt:template tags xslt:stylesheet.extension-element-prefixes tags xslt:stylesheet.exclude-result-prefixes tags xslt:preserve-space tags xslt:strip-space chars xslt:stylesheet.version tags xslt:namespace-alias tags xslt:import tags xslt:toplevel chars basic.xmlInfra:id via X tags xslt:output tags xslt:attribute-set enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:decimal-format tags xslt:include tags xslt:var

(stylesheet.version & stylesheet.extension-element-prefixes? & 
 stylesheet.exclude-result-prefixes? & X.id? & X.space?), 
import* , (include | strip-space | preserve-space | 
           output | key | decimal-format | attribute-set | 
           var | param | template | namespace-alias | 

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":77:3 -> 77:28. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:transform

TAGS parser xslt: key.use

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : key

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":161:16 -> 161:53. Xml tagging is {}use

CHAR parser xslt: use-attribute-sets

Syntax Graph of .use-attribute-sets chars basic.xmlInfra:nameStartChar via X chars basic.xmlInfra:nameStartChar via X

((':'U'_' U 'A' .. 'Z' U 'a' .. 'z' U (('À' .. 0x02ff - '×') - '÷') U (0x0370 .. 0x1fff - 0x027e) U 0x200c..0x200d U 0x200d U 0x2070 .. 0x218f U 0x2c00 .. 0x2fef U 0x3001 .. 0xd7ff U 0xf900 .. 0xfdcf U 0xfdf0 .. 0xfffd ~ 
  (X.nameStartChar U '-'..'.' U '0' .. '9' U '·' U 0x0300 .. 0x036f U 0x203f .. 0x2040)~*  ~ 
  ":")? ~ ':'U'_' U 'A' .. 'Z' U 'a' .. 'z' U (('À' .. 0x02ff - '×') - '÷') U (0x0370 .. 0x1fff - 0x027e) U 0x200c..0x200d U 0x200d U 0x2070 .. 0x218f U 0x2c00 .. 0x2fef U 0x3001 .. 0xd7ff U 0xf900 .. 0xfdcf U 0xfdf0 .. 0xfffd ~ 
          (X.nameStartChar U '-'..'.' U '0' .. '9' U '·' U 0x0300 .. 0x036f U 0x203f .. 0x2040)~* )* 

Used in : attribute-set -- copy -- element

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":287:3 -> 287:51. Xml tagging is {}use-attribute-sets

TAGS parser xslt: number.value

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : number

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":220:5 -> 222:31. Xml tagging is {}value

TAGS parser xslt: valueof

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .valueof tags xslt:xp tags xslt:noescape

#implicit xp, noescape?

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- template -- var -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":208:3 -> 209:40. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:value-of

TAGS parser xslt: var

This structure defines a variable in the sense of "functional programming languages", i.e. it is assignable only once, on creation.
Please note that e.g. for an xhtml back-end a prefixed version of the tag ("x-var") must be used, because of shadowing.

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .var tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:text tags xslt:copy tags xslt:call tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:apply chars xslt:name tags xslt:if tags xslt:number tags xslt:choose tags xslt:message tags xslt:element tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:comment tags xslt:var tags xslt:xp tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:pi

#implicit name, (xp? | (#chars | apply | call | apply-imports | 
                                 foreach | valueof | 
                                 copy-of | number | 
                                 choose | if | text | 
                                 copy | pi | comment | 
                                        element | 
                                        attribute | 
                                 var | message | 
                                 fallback)* )

Used in : arg -- attribute -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- param -- pi -- stylesheet -- template -- transform -- ITSELF recursively! -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":257:3 -> 258:30. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:variable

TAGS parser xslt: output.version

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : output


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":144:14 -> 146:31. Xml tagging is {}version

CHAR parser xslt: stylesheet.version

Syntax Graph of .stylesheet.version

'0' .. '9' ~ "." ~ '0' .. '9'

Used in : stylesheet -- transform


Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":73:5 -> 73:73. Xml tagging is {}version

TAGS parser xslt: when

Attention: The first tag is implicit, ie. may not appear in source text.

Syntax Graph of .when tags xslt:foreach tags xslt:test tags xslt:choose tags xslt:apply-imports tags xslt:comment enum basic.xmlInfra:space via X tags xslt:apply tags xslt:copy-of tags xslt:if tags xslt:valueof tags xslt:copy tags xslt:call tags xslt:message chars xslt:covers tags xslt:fallback tags xslt:number tags xslt:var tags xslt:attribute tags xslt:element tags xslt:text tags xslt:pi

#implicit test, X.space?, (#chars | apply | call | 
                                    apply-imports | 
                                    foreach | valueof | 
                                    copy-of | number | 
                                    choose | if | text | 
                                    copy | pi | comment | 
                                           element | 
                                           attribute | 
                                    var | message | 
                                    fallback)* , covers?

Used in : choose

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":248:3 -> 248:19. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}xsl:when

TAGS parser xslt: xp

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : apply -- arg -- copy-of -- foreach -- param -- sort -- valueof -- var

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":272:3 -> 272:38. Xml tagging is {}select

TAGS parser xslt: decimal-format.zero-digit

Syntax Graph of .decimal-format.NaN

Used in : decimal-format

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/xslt.dd2":175:15 -> 184:64. Xml tagging is {}zero-digit


Module basic

This module is the central starting point for all our current applications of d2d, and a convenient starting point for any user. It contains (a) sub-modules and (b) functional libraries.

The sub-modules are listed the beginning of this file. Their sequential order in the source file is bottom-up in complexity: the very first sub-modules define infra-structure (like set); the middle ones model different organizations of text (starting with inlineElements); at the end these are combined to a complete text corpus architecture (starting with structure).

The modules are in very different state of development: Some of them are fully operative (like citation); others are operative, but utmost simple (like simpleLists); few are currently not employed at all, but only for demonstrative purpose (like personal_names_de);

Xslt code is currently (20150423) only given into xhtml_1_0, and into source files for different processors, allowing to embed the graphical output of lilypond, musixtex and LaTeX source directly. This is supported by the module interDocuments together with a dedicated Makefile system.

The xslt code in the following modules assumes some procedures (for string and file name manipulation, etc.) to be provided by the basic library "libbasic.xslt".
On the other side of the scale it assumes that the top-level module, which finally plugs all the sub-modules together, provides also some global services like a template with name "muliDefault", to find the translation into the selected language, and some parameter definitions, which have default values depending on the top-level intentions ($user.p_kind_filter, GEHT ABER DOCHNICHT ZURZEITetc.)

((FIXME The basic lib could be moved HERE, as an inline code.))
((FIXME The muliDefault could be moved from top-level to lowest level (REALLY?) ))


Module basic.sets

CHAR parser basic.sets: alpha via S

Syntax Graph of S.alpha chars basic.sets:ascii_lower via S chars basic.sets:ascii_upper via S

S.ascii_lower U S.ascii_upper

Used in : covers

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic.dd2":107:5 -> 107:20. Xml tagging is {http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic}a:alpha

CHAR parser basic.sets: ascii_lower via S

Syntax Graph of S.ascii_lower

'a' .. 'z'

Used in : alpha -- covers

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic.dd2":103:5 -> 103:30. Xml tagging is {http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic}a:ascii_lower

CHAR parser basic.sets: ascii_upper via S

Syntax Graph of S.ascii_upper

'A' .. 'Z'

Used in : alpha -- covers

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic.dd2":104:5 -> 104:30. Xml tagging is {http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic}a:ascii_upper

CHAR parser basic.sets: decimalDigit via S

Syntax Graph of S.decimalDigit

'0' .. '9'

Used in : covers

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic.dd2":96:5 -> 96:34. Xml tagging is {http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic}a:decimalDigit


Module basic.xmlInfra

Xml infrastructure, definition of ubiquituous attributes and their data type. Corresponds mostly to the xml namespace and the definitions in http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace, namely w.r.t "xml:lang", "xml.space", "xml:base" and "xml:id"

CHAR parser basic.xmlInfra: id via X

Syntax Graph of X.id chars basic.xmlInfra:nameStartChar via X

':'U'_' U 'A' .. 'Z' U 'a' .. 'z' U (('À' .. 0x02ff - '×') - '÷') U (0x0370 .. 0x1fff - 0x027e) U 0x200c..0x200d U 0x200d U 0x2070 .. 0x218f U 0x2c00 .. 0x2fef U 0x3001 .. 0xd7ff U 0xf900 .. 0xfdcf U 0xfdf0 .. 0xfffd ~ 
(X.nameStartChar U '-'..'.' U '0' .. '9' U '·' U 0x0300 .. 0x036f U 0x203f .. 0x2040)~* 

Used in : stylesheet -- transform

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic.dd2":162:5 -> 163:25. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}xml:id

CHAR parser basic.xmlInfra: nameStartChar via X

Syntax Graph of X.nameStartChar

':'U'_' U 'A' .. 'Z' U 'a' .. 'z' U (('À' .. 0x02ff - '×') - '÷') U (0x0370 .. 0x1fff - 0x027e) U 0x200c..0x200d U 0x200d U 0x2070 .. 0x218f U 0x2c00 .. 0x2fef U 0x3001 .. 0xd7ff U 0xf900 .. 0xfdcf U 0xfdf0 .. 0xfffd

Used in : output.cdata-section-elements -- id -- .name -- use-attribute-sets

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic.dd2":137:5 -> 142:52. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}xml:nameStartChar

ENUMERATION basic.xmlInfra: space via X

0 default
1 preserve

Used in : attribute -- choose -- comment -- copy -- element -- fallback -- foreach -- if -- message -- other -- pi -- stylesheet -- template -- transform -- when

Source is at SYSTEM "http://bandm.eu/doctypes/d2d_gp/basic.dd2":208:5 -> 209:28. Xml tagging is {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}xml:space


Survey on all Module Import Statements

S basic.sets
X basic.xmlInfra
S basic.sets


Survey on all "docu" entries

to_xhtml_1_0 user_en
Module xslt user_en
covers user_en
preserve-space user_en
strip-space user_en
stylesheet user_en
toplevel user_en
var user_en
Module basic to_xhtml_1_0 user_en
Module basic.sets
Module basic.xmlInfra user_en


D2d "xslt", User's Manual

created on 2017-04-17_10h03m33
by program d2d, version 2.0.0 - built 130602
command line =
d2d --path LIB_GP RES_eu.bandm.tools.doctypes.DocTypes/xhtml --mode ddf2doc --key user_en --source xslt --outputfile . --lineWidth 50 --stylesheetParams user.iconUrl http://bandm.eu/metatools/docs/usage/mtlogo_16x16.png {}user.cssUrls !../ddfDoc.css! {}user.preambleFile ./doc_preamble_en.html