Collection of mostly unrelated, tiny, ubiquitously needed
auxiliary classes for many different purposes.
There are some classes which cannot reside here because they need the
Then there are classes which need even the the
There are some classes which cannot reside here because they need the
package, or just the
type therefrom.
These are found in
Then there are classes which need even the the
compiler. These are found in
ClassDescriptionFacade which adds standard behaviour to the SAX attributes implementation.Intput Stream which allows to read single bits sequentially.Output Stream which allows to write single bits sequentially.Main method accessing the xalan tool as included in the java runtime environment.Checks.Check<A>Defines static methods for finding recursive static references to classes via breadth-first search.Combines more than one
s in the style of a lexical ordering.A class loader that mimics the-classpath
behavior ofjava
which propagates all SAX events (api calls) identically to the receiver inContentProxy.out
.ASAX ContentHandler
which discards all [__] ??????bt [__] ??Serializes a document given as aw3c dom
(in some local implementation) into a sequence of Sax events.DynamicEnum<T>An enumeration type which comprises all items from a set of underlying enumeration types.Wrapper for one single data item added to the enumeration.The product of multiple DynamicEnum realized as one DynamicEnum of tuples.An abstract base class for reflection-based type case distinctions.An abstract base class for reflection-based type case distinctions.An abstract base class for reflection-based type case distinctions.Models the four regular-expression operators which are frequently used in extended Bakus-Naur-forms.Static methods for file name analysis and manipulation.Creates a javax swing JTree object which represents the structure of a given sub-tree in a file system.Applies visitor style pattern to file system trees.Consumes input from an Inputstream and stores it in key/value pairs, as long as no empty line is found.An iterator which allows arbitrary deep look-ahead for an underlying iterator.Creates a skeleton Makefile for a user project which employs meta-tools.Models the special "equals()" behaviour of xml identifiers with namespace prefix semantics.Maintains a map from toString
, and reads different file formats.Deprecated.Operators.AllRel<X,Y> Represents binary relations on a single type.Operators.ComposedFun<X,Y, Z> Operators.Cons<X,S> Represents consuming automata with input typeX
and state typeS
.Operators.EmptyRel<X,Y> Operators.Fun<X,Y> Represents functions with input typeX
and output typeY
.Operators.ICons<X,S> Operators.LiftedFold<T,S> Operators.LiftedFun<X,Y> Operators.LiftedMap<X,Y> Operators.LiftedMapMap<X,Y, Z> Operators.MCons<X,S> Operators.MProd<X,S> Operators.MultiFun<X,Y> Represents multi-valued functions with domainX
and codomainY
.Operators.Rel<X,Y> Deprecated.Deprecated.Processor for parameter substitution in character streams.Represents one transformation of one particular word appearing marked in the input by some text in the output.Decodes key/value pairs, as they occur in http connections, and stores them to a map.Print writer which flushes the unerlying output stream after each print.Prints only the n first characters and igores the rest.Realizing Rational numbers, internally based onBigInteger
.A cache for a given comparator, probably expensive to execute.Auxiliary methods and auxiliary application for dealing with "resources" in the Java sense = non-class files in a class-file tree.SAT<P>Solver for propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form.SAT.Clause<P>Disjunction of literals.SAT.Form<P>Conjunction of clauses.SAT.Literal<P>Optionally negated propositional variable.De-Serializes a document given by a sequence of SAX calls into a staticw3c dom
representation (in some local implementation, accessed via the JAXP architecture).Facade for conveniently creating sequences of SAX events, more likely to be well-formed.AContentHandler
which dumps all sax events for debugging purpose.Deprecated.Reads simple "key blank value linefeed" lines and decodes them to configuration parameters.Maps an input file name to an output file name according to a very simple pattern rule inspired by "patsubst" from "make".Embedded domain-specific language for matching of stack frames.Embedded domain-specific language for matching of stack trace elements.Deprecated.useJarLinker
instead, which supports command line options.Collection of static convenience methods for frequently needed operations on stream/reades/writers etc.Converts all characters read to lower or to upper.Utility class for string manipulation.Worker for transparently executing code which accesses swing resources.Makes a swing "tree" gui representation for a graph of Java objects.Delivers SAX events and SAX error messages to multiple [__] ????Implementation of optimized prefix retrieval data structures.Trie.Automaton<K,V> Realizes alebraic operation on Tries.Trie.Functor<K extends Comparable<? super K>>Immutable data, each instance represents one cell (inner node or leaf) of the whole Trie.Supplies escape codes for modifying the appearance of subsequent text on a "VT-100" terminal, which is a widely used standard.*