Uses of Class
Umod main model class: This is a model for the
results of d2d text parsing.
Model for w3c XML DTDs, with preserved syntax.
Uses of CheckedMultimap_RD in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CheckedMultimap_RD
<Definition, ResultingStructure> ResultingStructure.assoc
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Function
<ResultingStructure, CheckedMultimap_RD<Definition, ResultingStructure>> ResultingStructure.get_assoc
Deprecated.Use new '::' method reference instead.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionResultingStructure.get_assoc()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CheckedMultimap_RD<Definition, ResultingStructure> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Pattern
<ResultingStructure> ResultingStructure.get_assoc
(Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<Definition, ResultingStructure>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object. -
Uses of CheckedMultimap_RD in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CheckedMultimap_RD
<String, String> DTD.Dtd.entityUsage
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected CheckedMultimap_RD
<String, String> TunedDTDParser.entityUsage
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDTD.Dtd.get_entityUsage()
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.protected CheckedMultimap_RD
<String, String> DTD.__SAX_Parser.parse_4()
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CheckedMultimap_RD<String, String> val) Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDTD.Dtd.get_entityUsage
(Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<String, String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.