Uses of Class
Contains base and auxiliary classes for code generated by tdom.
Uses of CheckedListPlus in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static <T> CheckedListPlus
<T> TypedNode.checkPlus
(String name, CheckedListPlus<T> arg) static <C extends TypedContent,
E extends TypedExtension, Y extends Exception>
CheckedListPlus<C> TypedElement.decodePlusList
(TypedContent.DecodingConstructor<? extends C, E, Y> constructor, DecodingInputStream in, E ext, Class<C> contentClass) static <C extends TypedContent,
E extends TypedElement<E, X>, X extends TypedExtension, Y extends Exception>
CheckedListPlus<C> TypedElement.parsePlusList
(TypedContent.ParsingConstructor<? extends C, E, X, Y> constructor, ContentMapping content, X ext, TypedNode.ParseListener<E> listener, Class<C> contentClass) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static <T> CheckedListPlus
<T> TypedNode.checkPlus
(String name, CheckedListPlus<T> arg) protected static <E extends TypedExtension>
(boolean asAbstract, CheckedListPlus<? extends TypedNode<E>> nodes, EncodingOutputStream out, E ext)