Uses of Class
Packages that use Parser
Uses of Parser in
Methods in that return ParserModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static Parser
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType> Parser2.terminal
(D2dLexer.TokenType t) protected static Parser
<XMLDocumentIdentifier, D2dLexer.TokenType> -
Uses of Parser in
Fields in declared as ParserModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final Parser
<SourceId, LLJavaLexer.TokenType> LLJavaGrammar.classDeclarator
Uses of Parser in
Subclasses of Parser in in declared as ParserMethods in that return ParserModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFollows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another.Parser.andThenCombining
(Parser<D, T> other, Action.BiContinuation<Data, Data, Data, SimpleMessage<D>, State> combiner) Follows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another, combining the result values.Adds the assignment of the result value to a semantic variable to the behavior of this parser.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Alternates the behavior of several parsers in nondeterministic choice.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.collecting()
Adds the collecting of the result value in a sequence to the behavior of this parser.Parser.compile()
(package private) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Returns a parser that succeeds and sets the result to the given value, consuming no tokens.Parser.diagnose
(SimpleMessage<D>... msgs) Add diagnostic messages to the behavior of this parser.Parser.diagnose
(Function<? super Parser.Input<D, T>, ? extends SimpleMessage<D>>... msgs) (package private) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.dummy()
static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.endInterval()
Returns a parser that sets the result value to the token location before the current input state.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T>
Returns a parser that fails immediately.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.fix
(UnaryOperator<Parser<D, T>> loop) Computes the fixpoint of a recursive parser definition.AbstractExpression.getSyntax()
static <D,
T> Parser <D, T>
Returns a parser that succeeds with no effect, consuming no tokens.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.ifThenElse
(Predicate<Token<D, T>> condition, Parser<D, T> thenBranch, Parser<D, T> elseBranch) Alternates the behavior of two parsers in deterministic choice, depending on the next input token.Parser.ignoringResult()
Removes the setting of the result value from the semantic effect of this parser.(package private) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.lift
(Function<? super Parser.Input<D, T>, ? extends Action<Parser.Output<D, T>, SimpleMessage<D>, Parser.Input<D, T>>> fun) (package private) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.locate
(Function<Parser.Input<D, T>, Token<D, T>> where) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.lookbehind
(Predicate<Token<D, T>> match) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.lookbehind
(Set<T> types) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.lookbehind
(T... types) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Alternates the behavior of several parsers in deterministic choice, depending on the next input token.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Alternates the behavior of several parsers in deterministic choice, depending on the next input token.Adds a final transformation of the result value to the behavior of this parser.Parser.negate()
Returns a parser that succeeds if this parser fails, and vice versa.Parser.optional
(Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves like this parser, or alternatively does nothing.Parser.optionalTagged
(Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves like this parser, or alternatively does nothing, setting a corresponding result value.Parser.optionalTagged
(Parser<D, T> defaultBranch, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Alternates the behavior of this parser with another in nondeterministic choice.Reducer.Constructor3.parse
(Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3) Reducer.Constructor4.parse
(Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4) Reducer.Constructor5.parse
(Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A5> arg5) Reducer.Constructor6.parse
(AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A5> arg5, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A6> arg6) Reducer.Constructor7.parse
(AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A5> arg5, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A6> arg6, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A7> arg7)
(Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, one or more times.Parser.plusSequence
(Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, one or more times, and collects the result values in a sequence.Parser.plusSequence
(Parser<D, T> separator, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, one or more times, interspersed with a separator parser, and collects the result values in a sequence.Parser.postprocess
(Action.Continuation<State, State, SimpleMessage<D>, State> cont) Appends an ad-hoc continuation to the semantic effect of this parser.Parser.postprocess
(Action.Continuation<State, State, SimpleMessage<D>, State> cont, int complexity) Appends an ad-hoc continuation to the semantic effect of this parser.Parser.postprocess
(Update<SimpleMessage<D>> effect) Appends to the semantic effect of this parser.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Combines the behavior of several parsers sequentially.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.sideEffect
(Runnable effect) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.sideEffect
(Consumer<Parser.Input<D, T>> effect)
(Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, zero or more times.Parser.starSequence
(Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, zero or more times, and collects the result values in a sequence.Parser.starSequence
(Parser<D, T> separator, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, zero or more times, interspersed with a separator parser, and collects the result values in a sequence.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.startCollection()
Returns a parser that succeeds and sets the result to the empty sequence, consuming no tokens.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.startInterval()
Returns a parser that sets the result value to the token location at the current input state.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.succeed
(Update<SimpleMessage<D>> effect) Returns a parser that succeeds with the given effect, consuming no tokens.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.succeed
(Function<? super Parser.Input<D, T>, ? extends Update<SimpleMessage<D>>> effect) Returns a parser that succeeds with the given state-dependent effect, consuming no tokens.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Returns a parser that consumes a single token matching a given predicate.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Returns a parser that consumes a single token matching a given predicate.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.terminal
(T type) Returns a parser that consumes a single token of a given type.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Returns a parser that consumes a single token of a given type and text.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.withOtherTokenSource
(LookaheadTokenMultiplexer<K, D, T, L> multi, K newKey) Wraps the behavior of this parser in a local scope for a set of semantic variables bound by grammar fragments.Wraps the behavior of this parser in a local scope for a semantic variable.Wraps the behavior of this parser in a local scope for a set of semantic variables.Parser.withSideEffects
(Runnable before, Runnable after) Parser.withSideEffects
(Consumer<Parser.Input<D, T>> before, Consumer<Parser.Input<D, T>> after) Methods in with parameters of type ParserModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFollows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another.Parser.andThenCombining
(Parser<D, T> other, Action.BiContinuation<Data, Data, Data, SimpleMessage<D>, State> combiner) Follows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another, combining the result values.Expression
<D, T, A> Deprecated.Match the syntax of this token with a suffix, with the same semantic interpretation.Match the syntax of this token with a suffix, with the same semantic interpretation.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Alternates the behavior of several parsers in nondeterministic choice.protected <D,
T> void (package private) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> static <D,
T, A> Expression <D, T, A> Deprecated.Match the given syntax with a constant semantic interpretation.static <D,
T, A> Reading <D, T, A> Match the given syntax with a constant semantic interpretation.static <D,
T> Expression <D, T, Content<D, T>> Deprecated.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.ifThenElse
(Predicate<Token<D, T>> condition, Parser<D, T> thenBranch, Parser<D, T> elseBranch) Alternates the behavior of two parsers in deterministic choice, depending on the next input token.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Alternates the behavior of several parsers in deterministic choice, depending on the next input token.Parser.optionalTagged
(Parser<D, T> defaultBranch, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Alternates the behavior of this parser with another in nondeterministic choice.Expression
<D, T, List<A>>
(Parser<D, T> sep, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Deprecated.Match one or more repetitions of this expression with intervening separator
(Parser<D, T> sep, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Match one or more repetitions of this expression with intervening separator syntax.Parser.plusSequence
(Parser<D, T> separator, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, one or more times, interspersed with a separator parser, and collects the result values in a sequence.Expression
<D, T, A> Deprecated.Match the syntax of this token with a prefix, with the same semantic interpretation.Match the syntax of this token with a prefix, with the same semantic interpretation.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Combines the behavior of several parsers sequentially.Expression
<D, T, List<A>>
(Parser<D, T> sep, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Deprecated.Match zero or more repetitions of this expression with intervening separator
(Parser<D, T> sep, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Match zero or more repetitions of this expression with intervening separator syntax.Parser.starSequence
(Parser<D, T> separator, Parser.Pragma... pragmas) Returns a parser that behaves as the sequential iteration of this parser, zero or more times, interspersed with a separator parser, and collects the result values in a sequence.(package private) static <D,
T> void (package private) static Action
<Parser.Output<Void, Parser.Test.TokenType>, SimpleMessage<Void>, Parser.Input<Void, Parser.Test.TokenType>> Parser.Test.test
(Parser<Void, Parser.Test.TokenType> parser, Parser.Test.TokenType... input) static <D,
T> Expression <D, T, Void> Deprecated.Match the given syntax with no semantic interpretation.Match the given syntax with no semantic interpretation.Expression
<D, T, A> Deprecated.Match the syntax of this token with a prefix and a suffix, with the same semantic interpretation.Match the syntax of this token with a prefix and a suffix, with the same semantic interpretation.Method parameters in with type arguments of type ParserModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <D,
T> Parser <D, T> static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Parser.fix
(UnaryOperator<Parser<D, T>> loop) Computes the fixpoint of a recursive parser definition.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Alternates the behavior of several parsers in deterministic choice, depending on the next input token.static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Alternates the behavior of several parsers in deterministic choice, depending on the next input token.static <D,
T, A1, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor1<D, A1, ? extends R> cons, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) Creates a compound expression for AST nodes with one parsed argument.static <D,
T, A1, A2, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor2<D, A1, A2, R> cons, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, AbstractExpression<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) static <D,
T, A1, A2, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor2<D, A1, A2, R> cons, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) static <D,
T, A1, A2, A3, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor3<D, A1, A2, A3, R> cons, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) static <D,
T, A1, A2, A3, A4, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor4<D, A1, A2, A3, A4, R> cons, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) static <D,
T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor5<D, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R> cons, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A5> arg5, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) static <D,
T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor6<D, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, R> cons, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A5> arg5, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A6> arg6, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) static <D,
T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, R, E>
(@Opt Class<R> type, Reducer.Constructor7<D, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, R> cons, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A1> arg1, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A2> arg2, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A3> arg3, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A4> arg4, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A5> arg5, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A6> arg6, Fragment<D, T, ? extends A7> arg7, BiFunction<Parser<D, T>, Data.View<R>, E> wrap) static <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Constructors in with parameters of type ParserModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(Parser<D, T> syntax, Data.View<A> semantics, State.Projection projection) Deprecated.(package private)