Uses of Class
Packages that use Data
Uses of Data in
Subclasses of Data in in that return DataModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOption.get()
final Data
abstract Data
Methods in that return types with arguments of type DataModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSequence.asList()
static <M> Action.BiContinuation
<Data, Data, Data, M, State> Update.collectOp
(BiFunction<? super Data, ? super Data, ? extends M> error) static <M> Action.BiContinuation
<Data, Data, Data, M, State> Update.collectOp
(BiFunction<? super Data, ? super Data, ? extends M> error) static <M> Action.BiContinuation
<Data, Data, Data, M, State> Update.collectOp
(BiFunction<? super Data, ? super Data, ? extends M> error) State.getTable()
(int index, int total) Tagged.tag
(int index, int total) Methods in with parameters of type DataModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <D,
T> Parser <D, T> Returns a parser that succeeds and sets the result to the given value, consuming no tokens.static Option
static <M> Update
<M> void
static <M> Update
<M> void
static <M> Update
<M> Wraps the behavior of this parser in a local scope for a semantic variable.Method parameters in with type arguments of type DataModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionParser.andThenCombining
(Parser<D, T> other, Action.BiContinuation<Data, Data, Data, SimpleMessage<D>, State> combiner) Follows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another, combining the result values.Parser.andThenCombining
(Parser<D, T> other, Action.BiContinuation<Data, Data, Data, SimpleMessage<D>, State> combiner) Follows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another, combining the result values.Parser.andThenCombining
(Parser<D, T> other, Action.BiContinuation<Data, Data, Data, SimpleMessage<D>, State> combiner) Follows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another, combining the result values.static <M> Action.BiContinuation
<Data, Data, Data, M, State> Update.collectOp
(BiFunction<? super Data, ? super Data, ? extends M> error) static <M> Action.BiContinuation
<Data, Data, Data, M, State> Update.collectOp
(BiFunction<? super Data, ? super Data, ? extends M> error) abstract Data
Adds a final transformation of the result value to the behavior of this parser.Adds a final transformation of the result value to the behavior of this parser.<A> List
<A> static <M> Update
<M> static <M> Update
<M> static <M> Update
<M> static <M> Update
<M> static <M> Update
<M> State.pushEntries
(Map<Object, ? extends Data> entries) static <M> Update
<M> Update.pushEntries
(Map<Object, ? extends Data> entries) static <M> Update
<M> Update.setEntries
(Map<Object, ? extends Data> entries) State.withEntries
(Map<Object, ? extends Data> entries) Expression
<D, T, A> Deprecated.Match the same syntax as this expression, but perform semantic interpretation in a local scope.Wraps the behavior of this parser in a local scope for a set of semantic variables.Match the same syntax as this expression, but perform semantic interpretation in a local scope.Constructors in with parameters of type Data