Uses of Interface
Packages that use Action.BiContinuation
Uses of Action.BiContinuation in
Methods in that return Action.BiContinuationModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <M> Action.BiContinuation
<Data, Data, Data, M, State> Update.collectOp
(BiFunction<? super Data, ? super Data, ? extends M> error) static <R,
S, T, M, O>
Action.BiContinuation<R, S, T, M, O> Action.BiContinuation.forget
(BiFunction<? super R, ? super S, ? extends Action<T, M, O>> fun) Lifts a monadic function on parsing results to a continuation.Methods in with parameters of type Action.BiContinuationModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionParser.andThenCombining
(Parser<D, T> other, Action.BiContinuation<Data, Data, Data, SimpleMessage<D>, State> combiner) Follows the behavior of this parser sequentially with another, combining the result values.static <M> Update