Uses of Interface
Uses of RootedGraphModel in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Computes Dominator Forest.class
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V> RootedGraphModel
<V> GraphModels.adjacentAllRoots
(Multimap<V, ? extends V> m) SCC.localGraphModel()
static <V,
W> RootedGraphModel <W>
(Function<? super V, ? extends W> fun, RootedGraphModel<V> parent) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <V> Multimap
<V, V> GraphModels.adjacency
(RootedGraphModel<V> model) <V> void
(Consumer<? super V> sink, boolean multiply, RootedGraphModel<V> graph) static <V,
W> RootedGraphModel <W>
(Function<? super V, ? extends W> fun, RootedGraphModel<V> parent) static <V> TopologicalSorter
<V> GraphModels.postorder
(RootedGraphModel<V> model) static <V> TopologicalSorter
<V> GraphModels.preorder
(RootedGraphModel<V> model) static <V> TopologicalSorter
<V> GraphModels.reachable
(RootedGraphModel<V> model) static <V> SCCGraphModel
<V> GraphModels.sccs
(RootedGraphModel<V> parent) static <V> SCCGraphModel
<V> GraphModels.sccs
(RootedGraphModel<V> parent, boolean retainCycles) static <V> TopologicalSorter
<V> GraphModels.topsort
(RootedGraphModel<V> model, TraversalOrder order, boolean weak) ModifierConstructorDescriptionDominatorTree
(RootedGraphModel<V> graph) SCCGraphModel
(RootedGraphModel<V> parent) SCCGraphModel
(RootedGraphModel<V> parent, boolean retainCycles) TopologicalSorter
(RootedGraphModel<V> model, TraversalOrder order, boolean weak) Create an object that imposes an order on the nodes of a graph.