Uses of Class
Packages that use SAT.Literal
Uses of SAT.Literal in
Methods in that return SAT.LiteralModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected SAT.Literal
<? extends P> Choose a literal to resolve from a formula.abstract @Opt SAT.Literal
<? extends P> SAT.Clause.getUnit()
Extract unit literal.SAT.Literal.negate()
Return the negation of this literal.Methods in that return types with arguments of type SAT.LiteralModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract Iterable
<SAT.Literal<? extends P>> SAT.Form.literals()
View literals occurring in this formula.(package private) abstract Set
<SAT.Literal<? extends P>> SAT.Form.pure()
@Opt Set
<SAT.Literal<? extends P>> SAT.solve
(Collection<? extends Collection<? extends SAT.Literal<? extends P>>> cnf) Solve a formula.Methods in with parameters of type SAT.LiteralModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) static <P> SAT.Form
<P> SAT.Form.and
(SAT.Literal<? extends P> first, SAT.Form<P> rest) (package private) static <P> SAT.Clause
<P> SAT.Clause.or
(SAT.Literal<? extends P>... lits) (package private) static <P> SAT.Clause
<P> SAT.Clause.or
(SAT.Literal<? extends P> first, SAT.Clause<P> rest) (package private) abstract SAT.Clause
<P> SAT.Clause.propagate
(SAT.Literal<? extends P> lit) SAT.Form.propagate
(SAT.Literal<? extends P> lit) Method parameters in with type arguments of type SAT.LiteralModifier and TypeMethodDescription@Opt Set
<SAT.Literal<? extends P>> SAT.solve
(Collection<? extends Collection<? extends SAT.Literal<? extends P>>> cnf) Solve a formula.