Class XsltSpecialized


public final class XsltSpecialized extends Object
NOT YET USED! This class prepares the d2d definitions of xslt code for one certain back-end/targetmodule.
The insertion of the target language classes into the content-containing xslt elements is done by once modifying the (copy of the) xslt declaration.
Each reference to "xslt_generic_tag_for_backend_elements" = "RESULT_ELEMENTS" ; is hard rewritten to "(#chars|A|B|C)*", with "A", "B", etc. being the reachable target model element tags.
The other side, i.e. the callability of ubiquituous content-producing xslt elements out of user content is done DYNAMICALLY, by special look-up code. Cf. the local "boolean inxslt" in function Text2Udom.process_open_tag(String, boolean).